Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2460

As for the real grey undead bone, it needs to be combined with the understanding of the physical strength of the living beings, which can not be achieved only by swallowing the undead bone.

"Originally, I was looking for bone veins, but I didn't expect to enter the birthplace of an undead bone tree!" Nanfeng said excitedly, "if there are undead bone fruits in the undead bone trees here, this trip to the undead bone forest will be really lucky!"

without demur, the south wind directly shone against one of the trees, a fiery fists, and broke the shadow, and the shadow of the tree broke away, and a yellow emulsion came from it.

"It's the Yellow undead bone marrow!" The south wind was surprised.

To maintain the shadow and release the fear, the power of negative mood is contained in his brother's yellow undead bone marrow. The Yellow undead bone marrow looks like a drop, but it's not. In the south wind of

, an eye shot out and went straight to the drop of yellow grade lotion. Immediately, the force on the upper part broke up, and the drop of yellow bone was directly turned into a small yellow scale undead bone marrow.

Stop the south wind!

In this way, the south wind collects the Yellow undead bone marrow in the shadow of the tree, and goes deep along the place with several shadows.

"Shijiayan, the granddaughter of Shijia God King, why do you want to escape here?" At this time, Nanfeng suddenly heard a voice of evil smile and a familiar name.

"Tenth son!" Then, Shi Jiayan's angry voice echoed in Nanfeng's ears.

"Tenth son! Kill the assassin. It seems that God has arranged for me to kill a future successor of the assassin. " There was a sense of killing in his eyes, and the south wind laughed.

Then the south wind entered the world.

Following the direction of the voice, Nanfeng soon saw a woman with short hair and a pretty valiant manner surrounded by a young man in blood and some armed men in black.

The woman with short hair is naturally the best one, and the young man in blood should be the so-called tenth son.

In fact, the existence of such fear, killing and negative mood poses no threat to those who are greedy of killing assassins, because they have lived in killing and blood since childhood. They are not afraid of these, but like them very much.

Therefore, if the assassins are found here, there will be many killers.

"I don't know that the greedy assassin sent several successors to kill me this time. I hope there will be more!" Nanfeng thought.

The greedy assassin was entrusted to kill him by Tianlan Shenzi. Now it's time for them to pay some real price.

I'm afraid that these heirs are more precious than a superior God, because which one was not chosen by them and cultivated with countless cultivation resources.

In fact, when the greedy assassin came to him for the first time, Nanfeng still thought whether he could bribe the greedy assassin and let the greedy assassin help him to kill Tianlan Shenzi.

Nanfeng has the reward for killing a son of God.

But in the end, Nanfeng gave up, because he also wanted to let the assassin become his own sharpening stone in the kingdom of God.

And everything is also slowly, from beginning to end, to pursue his greedy assassins, none of them has become his grindstone.

"Shi Jiayan said that you have a strong character, but Ben Shao has always liked a woman with a strong character like you!" The voice of the tenth son's evil smile rang out again.

The tenth son also signals those killers in black who surround Shi Jiayan to step down, and he wants to capture Shi Jiayan himself.

Shi Jiayan has absolutely no power to fight back in front of the tenth son, because she is only the lower God now, and the tenth son is already the middle God.

Nanfeng didn't hesitate. He came out of the world, incarnated in thunder, and directly broke out the thunder punishment.

This moment of destruction thunder landing, let here all people can't react, scream also followed, but all quickly stopped.

Because in addition to the tenth son, no killer can resist the south wind.

Shi Jiayan naturally didn't get the attack from the south wind, but she was a little silly.

When the south wind comes down and pats her on the shoulder, shijiayan reacts.

"Shijiayan!" There was a slight south wind.

"You... You are the south wind!" Shi Jiayan said.

"Yes, you remember me!" Nanfeng laughs.

"I can't remember. Now your name moves the whole kingdom of God!" Shi Jiayan said. At this time, we can hear that Shi Jiayan has a sense of admiration for Nanfeng, rather than a sense of preparedness when we met earlier.

However, this is normal. Shi Jiayan, a woman who pursues the power of justice, has a deep admiration for Nanfeng.

"South wind!" At this time, the tenth son roared.

At the moment, the tenth son was already in a mess. He was punished by the sudden killing thunder of the south wind, and suffered a heavy blow.

"Not dead yet." South breeze light a, an instant body arrived tenth son side.

At this moment, the tenth son suddenly filled with fear, not because of the artistic conception here, but because of the fear of the south. At this moment, he felt the strong killing intention of the south wind."You can't kill me. I'm the tenth son of a greedy assassin!" The tenth son roared at once.

Nanfeng light response, "you seem to be worse than the ninth son too much."

"The ninth son is The tenth son roared even more.

However, he had not finished roaring, and a mixture of fire anger drowned him. The tenth son, who was badly injured, could not resist the south wind's mixed fire power.

"Now, among the greedy assassins, only the top five assassins can be my opponents!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

"Nanfeng, what kind of strength are you now?" Seeing that the tenth son was killed easily, Shi Jiayan was shocked again and asked curiously.

"I don't know!" Nanfeng grins.

"Not to mention here, why are you here alone? You didn't come here alone, and you met the tenth son. If I didn't arrive at the right time, you would be...

" Nanfeng, you saved my life again. I won't say any more words of thanks. If you need help in the future, I will ask Shijia to help you. " Shijiayan also thanks for the southerly wind.

"I'm here because I'm with a cousin." Shi Jiayan continued.

"As for the tenth son, I met him a few days ago. At that time, my cousin was around. Even if he had the fourth son, he didn't dare to do it."

"A day ago, there was a big shock in the center of this area. Many of the warriors who came in suspected that it was related to the undead bone tree, so they all went deep into it. My cousin couldn't know the danger inside, so he asked me to stay here."

"I didn't expect that the tenth son didn't go deep, and seemed to be looking for me!" "There's something wrong with it." The South breeze says slightly, the vision also directly looked to the depth!