Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2459

Roar! The roaring sound is loud, and the power of thunder roaring magical power instantly impacts all around. This is not a simple thunder roaring. You can clearly feel the destructive power of the colorful thunder array in the sky and the earth, as well as the rule power of zulei rule.

At the same time, there is the endless primitive thunder power absorbed by the south wind from space.

Boom! The next moment, the light and thunder collided, a crazy impact burst of air burst, two shadows suddenly like a broken ship, drifting in the storm without direction.

Boom! I don't know which moment to hear two dull collision sound, two floating figures is fading.

As everything returned to calm, the outcome of the battle emerged.

In a pile of bones, the whole body of the ninth son is inlaid. His body is no longer the same. Almost every part of his body is scarred by the destruction of thunder.

Again, it's just a corpse.

The soul, the spirit, has long been destroyed.

The ninth son completely fell. Soon, the white toxin around began to corrode the ninth son's body. In a few hours, the ninth son will become a part of this bone source.

At this time, a gold body came out of another bone, which was chaos gold body.

In their encounter, Nanfeng summoned chaos Jinshen. There was no way. The ninth son's strength exceeded his expectation. If he didn't summon chaos Jinshen, he would be badly hurt.

"Even if I can cross two levels and challenge, I need to be more careful when I meet any opponent in the future. They are all gods. I have accumulated for countless years. How can I not have my strongest cards and means?" Slowly retreat chaos gold body, South breeze says to oneself.

Take another look at the body of the ninth son. Nanfeng left the bone source and returned to the ground.

He went on, looking for veins.

In the depth, the atmosphere of the undead bones forest is more gloomy. Every bone that Nanfeng sees seems to be very aggressive.

Some bone corpses I met are more powerful and difficult to deal with.

After just two months of searching, Nanfeng met several bone corpses in the later period of the median God. Fortunately, Nanfeng had flesh and blood separation and the world. He first avoided entering the world. For a certain period of time, the bone corpse still could not enter his world. He then lured the bone corpse away with flesh and blood separation.

"If it were any other warrior, I don't know how many times he'd died. It's really hard to enter the depths of the immortal ancient forest without a powerful middle God." Nanfeng thought.

Ah ~

all of a sudden, Nanfeng hears some crazy screams. He immediately looks at them and finds two crazy warriors coming in his direction.

These two warriors are the gods at the top.

At the moment, they look scared, and really crazy, keep running, even passing by the south wind, did not pay attention to the south wind, just roaring.

"What's in front of me makes the gods at the top of the mountain crazy." Nanfeng is very puzzled.

Along the way, he saw a lot of really crazy warriors. Among them, there were some median gods, but they were just the most common ones.

Another discovery of Southwind is that the skeletons in this area, whether on the ground or on the tree of skeletons, no longer attack.

Half a day later, the south wind suddenly felt the atmosphere change.

All of a sudden, his heart seemed to fall into an infinite gloomy state. All of a sudden, he saw his most miserable past, even many tragic past that he had never seen before. Everything was so real.

At this moment, the fear in his heart was growing, swallowing all his courage. When Nanfeng turned around and looked, he found that he was no longer in his previous place, but in another undead bone forest, or a small undead bone forest that existed independently.

But Nanfeng didn't care much. Keep going!

"A terrifying place!" South breeze in the heart tiny say, "this deep place, what can have to exist?"

Every time Nanfeng walked a certain distance, his heart would be filled with scenes that made him fear, including his relatives, friends he cared about, blood, killing, all the things that could make him fear.

Everything is so real, so Nanfeng seems to be on the scene, his mind and body are constantly being tortured.

And the deeper you go, the deeper the fear and the torture.

"It seems that those warriors are crazy because of the constant fear and torture." Nanfeng thought, "I'm not a very firm warrior in my heart. It's really easy to be crazy here!"

"Because the will is not firm, slowly will not distinguish between reality and illusion!"

"Those warriors must have entered here and separated from the powerful median god they followed, otherwise they would not have come to such an end!"

"And here, I'm afraid, no ordinary middle God can come in alone!"

However, Nanfeng is not afraid. He has the world of cloud and wind, primitive self perfection, ancestral blood, golden spirit eyes, and his willpower can be compared with that of some top talents.

Going deeper, Nanfeng finds that some bone trees are moving and running wildly. These bone trees emit infinite fear. At a certain moment, Nanfeng can't hold on to them.Dare not hesitate, the south wind directly into the original from the pole, and in the original from the pole, he is to see, it is not the real skeleton of the tree, but the shadow!

The shadows of trees are constantly emitting fear, killing and negative mood!

However, these shadows do have great power, and the south wind can also feel them.

Moreover, these shadows can also mobilize the bone trees in the surrounding area to fight. These shadows are controlling these bone trees.

I'm afraid that's why these bone trees didn't attack him when he got here.

Looking at these shadows, and then associating with the fear and negative mood here, Nanfeng can't help but get excited, because there is only one thing that can develop such shadows in this undead bone forest, which is the undead bone tree!

The trees of bones in front of us are just trees of bones. They have no vitality. They are just the condensation of the bones of undead bones under the will of heaven.

The tree of undead bones has real life. It can even be said that it has intelligence. It is born by gathering pure undead aura in the forest of undead bones, and grows by absorbing undead aura.

The undead bone tree can develop the shadow of the tree, create fear from the bones of the living beings, and fear the living beings with negative artistic conception, so as to protect itself!

There will be a lot of yellow undead bone marrow in the undead tree, which is the dream of these creatures.

What's more exciting to the living beings is that the undead tree will bear the undead fruit.

An undead bone fruit can definitely make a living creature reach the level of 50% undead bone. Of course, it's the gray undead bone fruit. If it's the Yellow undead bone fruit and the higher undead bone fruit, it's another matter! The two gray undead bones can make the bones of living beings infinitely close to the real undead bones.