Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2458

At this moment, the ninth son himself seems to be the first kind of killing array in the world. In addition, he re depicts the first blood killing array, which makes his array more powerful.

The ninth son also directly entered a state of bloody madness.

However, because of his cultivation and killing, his crazy killing state can be said to be a real extreme fighting state.

"You're going to die!" The ninth son roared again.

"I'm going to die? It seems that from the beginning to the end, Nanfeng has never provoked you to kill assassins. It's just that you keep chasing me in order to get paid by your employers! " Said Nanfeng.

"So, you should be ready to be killed before you go after people!"

Nanfeng's right hand moves again, and then a world destroying thunder punishment falls under the colorful thunder array. Moreover, the power of this world destroying thunder punishment is more concentrated and converges into a light, just to destroy the ninth son.

"The blood battle will kill you all!" The ninth son is undaunted, condenses the killing power of the array and merges with the light of his spirit mark to form a bloody light, which severely collides with the thunder punishment of the south wind.

In this collision, Nanfeng and his colorful thunder array of heaven and earth were shaken back, and some cracks appeared on the colorful thunder array of heaven and earth.

Nanfeng was shocked.

The ninth son is much more powerful than he imagined. He has a broad sense of his original self. He feels the strength of the ninth son and is surprised to find that the strength of the ninth son is not much weaker than himself.

The strength of the ninth son is absolutely close to the peak of the middle God's early days. It can even be said that with the strength of his array, he has really reached the peak.

This battle is much more difficult than Nanfeng imagined.

"It's true that there are some talents and strength to be the successor of the slayer." South wind said with emotion.

The spirit body of zulei God urges Nanfeng to repair the colorful thunder array of heaven and earth with the power of the spirit body of God, and then confronts the ninth son. In the midair formed by destruction, the power of the two arrays is equal, one is bloody, the other is destroyed.

In the ferocity of the ninth son, some of his bloody array patterns evolved into a virtual shadow of swallowing animals. In the moment of opening his mouth, he swallowed the bodies of the killers.

The next moment, the bloody killing on the ninth son is more intense. There is no doubt that he has absorbed the blood from those killers' corpses to guide his own array and become the root of its power.

"It's really cold and heartless. Even if they are only your men, you should think about how to protect their bodies in this battle so as to bury them." Seeing this, Nanfeng said coldly.

The ninth son didn't pay attention to Nanfeng at all and got blood. His blood killing battle was more powerful. In his eyes, there was only the scene of Nanfeng's death.

In the moment of strong blood light, the ninth son developed ten blood killing arrays.

These ten formations all burst out in a flash of blood and burst into the south wind without any regularity.

"What's the matter with this guy? He can develop so many arrays in an instant. Does it mean that his mental ability of the array allows him to store the portrayed array in his body in advance or in his own small world?" Nanfeng thought.

However, Nanfeng's counterattack didn't stop. Under his seal method, the colorful thunder array of heaven and earth became small, condensed into a thunder blade, fused with the talisman of zulei, and cut a circle in the air.

This horizontal cut, the power did not enter all the space, and all the blood array lights were scattered.

But the next moment, Nanfeng is a little silly.

Because at this moment, the light of the blood array that was cut off by Nanfeng Leiguang blade didn't break up. Instead, the place that was cut off quickly extended to form a new light of the blood array. In this way, Nanfeng's counterattack helped the ninth son.

What's more surprising to Nanfeng is that with the increase of the light of the blood formation, the ninth son's blood killing formation also increases.

Nanfeng can clearly see that the increase of blood killing array is not due to the continued portrayal of the ninth son, but separated from the cause of the array.

Yes, it is division, just like his shadow division and flesh division. As long as the strength is enough, it can be separated continuously.

"Is his array spirit the kind of power with constant division?" Nanfeng guessed.

Shua Shua! When the south wind conjectures, the light of the blood array attacks again, spreads and evolves, just like an endless net shrouded in the south wind.

Nanfeng didn't kill him with strength, but directly urged him to avoid!

In a few breaths, Nanfeng broke away from the ninth son's attack range. In this escape, Nanfeng also felt the ninth son's spirit power with the primitive self extreme power.

It is found that it is really an array spirit body with splitting energy. As long as you depict an array, the ninth son can continuously split new arrays through this array.

Of course, the power contained in the split array is almost the same as that of the original array. That is to say, all the arrays around the ninth son are blood killing power.

At this moment, Nanfeng understood why the ninth son could recover the array in an instant when he first broke through the blood killing array. The recovery speed was faster than that of him, and it didn't seem that he had any powerful power.In fact, it was not recovery, but the ninth son inadvertently split another array in the south wind.

"So it is, split array spirit body!" The south wind blows slightly.

At this moment, Nanfeng also found the weakness of this split array spirit body, that is, the more split arrays, the smaller the relative strength of the array, and the load on the ninth son will continue to increase.

Therefore, as long as the south wind dodges in an instant or defends with chaos gold body, it won't take long for the ninth son to withdraw all the arrays because he can't bear the load.

"But it's not my usual practice to avoid fighting." Nanfeng thought.

"It's no use your pace is extra fast!" Growled the ninth son.

The ninth son naturally knows that his powerful outburst will not last long, so he will definitely take the last shot.

The spirit body of his array was stimulated to the extreme, and the powerful blood killing arrays were constantly split out, and the final number of them reached 99, and the light of blood array was countless.

In this way, the instant of the south wind seems to be a little difficult to use.

But Nanfeng didn't want to continue to avoid, he retreated the power of the heavy soil under his feet.

"Hundred kill array - ten thousand blood array light!"

Boom! Under the strong blood power, all the arrays and the light of blood array pour out to the south wind, and all the space around, including the deepest space, is occupied by the power of blood killing.

"Thunder roars!" Seeing the attack coming from all around, the south wind stirred his thunder power completely. The colorful thunder array of heaven and earth rises again, and the jiuxiao God thunder turns into the shadow of jiuxiao God thunder beast. The rules of zulei created by himself and the talisman of zulei permeate together.