Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2455

"For some time in the future, Fengyi will become my number one enemy. His threat to me is bigger than Tianlan Shenzi!" Nanfeng felt the same way.

However, Nanfeng didn't care much. He just sighed, because in his heart, he was still looking forward to such an opponent. After all, a Tianlan Shenzi was not enough to force him to make progress!

After that, Nanfeng put his eyes on the suppressed bone vein, and also released the two brothers and sisters from the world, saying, "next, let's absorb the undead bone marrow here!"

"It's much better to absorb undead bone marrow on bone veins than we can get resorption!"

"It's all up to you, brother Nanfeng!" When Jingjie a little careful said.

The impact of Nanfeng's strength on their two brothers and sisters is even greater. Virtually, they have some awe. Awe generally does not exist in the same level, the relationship between friends, but a lower respect for the upper!

"I say you two, if you look up to my Nanfeng, you can do whatever you want. I don't make friends by strength." The South breeze is a little bit helpless to say.

"Take your time!" Shi Jinglu smiles.

Although Nanfeng said so, they were still a little awed!

"All right!" South wind nods!

Then, three people together into the bone vein, absorb undead bone marrow. There are a lot of undead bone marrow in this bone vein, which is enough for three people to absorb and refine for a long time!

"The more than ten large undead bone marrow that we had previously obtained were left to huoyerong and Ji Xiaolu." Nanfeng thought in his heart that he had not absorbed and refined the immortal bone marrow in those large Wangtan.

This absorption refining is a whole two months.

Because Nanfeng absorbs and refines faster, half of the undead bone marrow in this bone vein is absorbed by Nanfeng, which is because Nanfeng deliberately reduces the absorption.

After absorbing and refining, Nanfeng can obviously feel that his physical strength has greatly improved, and the sign of his physical strength greatly improved is that he feels that the fourth inscription on his chaotic gold body is half solid.

His bones are changing from white to gray, which is a sign of the condensation of the undead bone. Nanfeng has an intuition that if he absorbs the undead bone marrow in a bone vein, he can absolutely condense into the embryonic form of the undead bone.

"Immortal bone marrow is really the best thing of heaven and earth to cultivate the body!" Feel the change of the body, south wind heavily.

At this time, the two brothers and sisters of Shi Jinglu also woke up from the refining state. Seeing their excited appearance, they naturally made progress in the physical body!

"When I enter the immortal bones forest, I think I've got some immortal bones, and I'm thankful to get some martial arts experience from them. Now it seems that I still have a chance to refine the rudiment of immortal bones!" Shi Jingjie said excitedly.

"Ha ha, if you get another bone vein, it will be OK!" Nanfeng laughs.

Roar! At this moment, the strong roar of Nanqi was about to break free.

"What's the matter? Without undead bone marrow, shouldn't this bone vein turn into a skeleton? How can there be power, and the outbreak of white strange poison power is not weak! Don't we absorb and refine clean? " When Jing Lu doubts to say.

"Even if we don't absorb and refine it thoroughly, it's time for this bone vein to turn into a skeleton!" Nanfeng said, "without the support of huge undead bone marrow energy, how can there be the formation of bone veins?"

Buzz! Under the discussion of the three people, the power of the strange poison of white in this bone vein is stronger and stronger, and the strange poison of white in four weeks is still converging on the bone vein!

Nanfeng did not dare to hesitate, burst out the power of the rules, with the power of the rules to suppress this bone vein! And 3000 weak water magic power outbreak, with 3000 weak water poison, suppress white strange poison!

However, it seems that it can't, because at this moment, the dragon shaped head of the bone vein bursts out a strong yellow light. Under the yellow light, the dragon shaped bone seems to be solid, with flesh and blood, such as the real dragon head.

At this moment, Nanfeng felt the more intense undead bone marrow power.

"Is there more rich undead bone marrow in the skeleton of this bone vein?" There was a heavy south wind.

Jin spirit eyes urged, the south wind looked at the head of the bony veins. Immediately he saw a bone in the center of the dragon shaped bone, and had an invisible space. In that space, there was a yellow emulsion.

the lotion is permeated with more intense, pure and immortal power. Without doubt, this is undead bone marrow.

and this emulsion shows yellow, which indicates that it is higher than that of the unburned bone marrow.

"It's yellow undead bone marrow, no wonder!" There was a heavy south wind.

"What? Yellow grade immortal bone marrow Shi Jinglu's two brothers and sisters were also shocked.

Nanfeng immediately broke out the magical power, turned into a big hand, and directly grabbed the bone. With Nanfeng grabbing it out, the whole huge Bone Vein disintegrated in an instant and turned into a pile of bones!

As soon as he pinched his hand, Nanfeng crushed the bone. Immediately, a large yellow undead bone marrow appeared. The scattered yellow light was shining with the eyes of the three people."It's really yellow undead bone marrow!" Shi Jingjie gave a heavy voice.

"If that Feng Yi knows that this bone vein has yellow undead bone marrow, he will not leave so easily. He will fight against death!" The south wind also sighed again.

"And with this Wang Huang level immortal bone marrow, it's easy to gather the embryonic form of immortal bone."

After that, Nanfeng gave one third of Wang Huang's immortal bone marrow to Shi Jinglu's two brothers and sisters.

Originally, Nanfeng intended to give half to the two brothers and sisters. Nanfeng was not mean, but the two brothers and sisters insisted that they only needed a small part, because they could absorb the gray undead veins in the refining bone veins.

In the end, Nanfeng insisted on giving them a third.

"Next, I will continue to shut up here, you two?" Then Nanfeng asked.

"Brother Nanfeng, we have been closed here for two months. Now we have to go out and unite with other members of our time family to deal with the people of Fengjia." Shi Jingjie said.

Shi Jingjie and his younger brother are absolutely unwilling to leave Nanfeng so early, because they are lucky to follow Nanfeng.

Unfortunately, there is no way. They have received the news that the killing of their family members is more intense.

"I see. Don't worry, you two. I will try my best to help you when I go out." Said Nanfeng.

"Thank you, brother Nanfeng!" The two brothers and sisters expressed their thanks.

Later, Nanfeng poured some life resources into the two brothers and sisters. After all, they could not bear the erosion of baizhiqi poison and helped them leave here. Then, the south wind entered the Wanshi world and continued to shut down.