Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2456

This time, he closed the door for the first time to condense the undead skeleton, and the second is to let his own 3000 weak water absorb the white strange poison power here, so as to enhance the 3000 weak water toxin.

With the passage of time, Nanfeng began to refine the immortal bone marrow of yellow level. Nanfeng did not refine all of it, and he only refined one third, because one third was enough.

The rest, when he condenses and refines into the undead skeleton, is used for consolidation.

His zulei soul is divided into three parts. He uses three thousand weak water to absorb Bai Zhiqi poison.

The process of solidifying undead bones is very painful, because it is similar to remodeling bones. However, Nanfeng has experienced too much pain. In the thunder mantra world, he is immune to pain, so the pain of changing bones is nothing to him.

It took three years for the south wind to close this time.

Because in the process of refining undead bones, he broke through to the perfection of the lower God.

This is a natural breakthrough!

This really made Nanfeng not think of it, because the last breakthrough was not long ago, and the last breakthrough was not a normal breakthrough. Even if he refined some undead bone marrow to eliminate the sequelae, it would take some time to precipitate.

"It seems that it's because I refined the immortal bone marrow of yellow level, and learned too much martial arts experience from it, as well as the result of the battle with that Fengyi!" Nanfeng thought.

Fighting is always the best way to break through the realm. In the divine realm, the battle with Fengyi is definitely the hottest battle when Nanfeng comes to the divine realm.

Fighting with shangtianlang, because it's a duel, they don't have the sense of life and death. Fighting with Tianlan, magic sand and blood prince, they don't force Nanfeng to do their best.

Therefore, the battle between Nanfeng and Fengyi is the most heated one. It's the blood boiling with a lot of accumulation, which stimulates the potential of Tianzu's blood in his body. In addition to the martial arts experience he has learned from the bone marrow of immortality these days, he has made a breakthrough.

"A quick breakthrough always requires a heated battle!" Nanfeng said with emotion, "now I finally have the strength to compete with the top talents of China!"

Nanfeng has a strong premonition that in the next period of time, his realm will usher in a big explosion!

This is his inner intuition, and also the intuition of his ancestral blood!

At this time, Nanfeng naturally condensed the undead skeleton. He looked at his bones and found that all his bones had begun to show pure gray, and he had begun to release the real undead power.

The condensation of the rudiment of the undead bone also led to the further progress of his chaotic gold body. His fourth gold body inscription has been completely condensed.

"If I can get some yellow undead bone marrow in this undead bone forest, maybe I can reach 50% of the undead bone. In that way, combined with my life and death world, I will have a deeper understanding of the undead power, and maybe I can also understand my own way of undead!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

The more you realize the power of the undead bone marrow, the more Nanfeng expects the undead bone marrow.

Of course, in the past two years, his other big harvest is that the 3000 weak water toxin is more powerful. Nanfeng feels that now his 3000 weak water toxin can support his leapfrog challenge to a certain extent.

A little familiar with the strength here, after using the remaining yellow undead bone marrow to consolidate, Nanfeng also left here. Next, he will continue to go deep into the undead bone forest, looking for more undead bone marrow, especially the Yellow undead bone marrow!

However, as soon as he stepped out of the baizhiqi poison area, he directly smelled the danger, and his original self extreme perception burst out, directly feeling dozens of warriors.

These dozens of warriors are full of killing power, and there are several chaotic snakes. There is no doubt that they are the warriors who are greedy to kill assassins!

"Come at last, the assassin!" Nanfeng said slightly.

Shua Shua! At once, a warrior in black emerged from the skeleton, his killing eyes all looked to the south wind, and then a young man in blood appeared.

"Blood clothes!" Seeing the young man in blood, Nanfeng was surprised.

Nanfeng has some knowledge about the greedy assassins. In addition to the top and the secret assassins, the other assassins have only two kinds of clothes, black and blood!

However, there is a big difference between black clothes and blood clothes. Blood clothes killers are the core people.

"It seems that a decent warrior has finally been sent this time!" Nanfeng said softly.

"Your life, among our greedy assassins, has been listed as the first-class level. Naturally, we should treat you personally." The youth responded faintly.

"First class, thank you for killing assassins. You look up to me so much." Nanfeng said, "but I think you should look up to me a little bit more, and you should list my life as a super class."

"Ha ha, you really look up to yourself!" Hearing Nanfeng's words, the young man in blood laughed with disdain.

Among the greedy assassins, there are five classes for the people to be killed.

Ordinary level, third level, second level, first level, super level!

"Naturally, you should look up to yourself." Nanfeng laughs."Next, let's talk about your name. After all, I still want to know who the bloody killer I killed is."

"Remember, the killer who killed you is the ninth son, so that your soul will not go to hell and think that it is unjust to die." The young man in blood said coldly.

"Ninth son, then you are the inheritor of the ninth assassin." Said Nanfeng.

Among the greedy assassins, the strongest one is naturally their king, the powerful God King. Then there are their thirteen assassins. The first of these three assassins should be the real God King.

Every Slayer has his own heirs, but their heirs are not necessarily the continuation of their blood, but they are definitely gifted warriors.

The ninth son is naturally the successor of the ninth Slayer.

"Exactly! Therefore, you are not wronged to die at Ben Shao's hands! " The ninth son said coldly.

"All the geniuses who said that to me are dead!" Nanfeng grinned and said, "release your long prepared array!"

"You see that." Hearing the words of the south wind, the ninth son said lightly.

Immediately, he motioned to the warrior around him.

Boom! Those warriors directly release their power, and then the space in this area begins to be filled with array patterns, which are integrated with the power of those warriors.

Fast, a powerful bloody killing array sprang up!

At the first moment here, the south wind knows the array hidden in the space.

"This is the first killing array specially prepared for you - the blood killing array of heaven and earth, which is refined by blood sacrifice!" The ninth son gave a slight sound.

"The first blood killing array." The south wind blows slightly.

"Kill The ninth son doesn't do too much nonsense, he orders directly. All of a sudden, this area from white bones into a bloody hell!