Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2454

Air is a kind of breath of heaven and earth, which contains the way of the Supreme God.

When you come to Shenyu, Nanfeng has a certain understanding of the spirit from ancient books. There are some warriors in Shenyu. Their birth is accompanied by the spirit. As long as they are accompanied by the spirit, they will not die prematurely on the road of martial arts. In the end, they will be able to become the strong men of Mingdong!

Because having air is equivalent to having many feelings about the divine realm.

With an air, the living beings can easily reach the half step divine king level as long as they practice martial arts. If they get the divine king level, it's easy to enter the divine king level!

If you work hard again, you can achieve God King!

And the air has a perfect promotion effect on the blood of living beings! As long as the air is in the body, the body of the living beings, the flesh and blood will constantly absorb the energy of heaven and earth, carry out blood transformation, and constantly improve their own blood!

It's self-directed, and it doesn't take the initiative of any living creature to do it.

If the living beings have two spirits, then as long as they practice, they will be able to become the king of God. If they have three spirits, they will become the emperor of God.

However, there are few geniuses with three spirits in the whole endless realm!

"It's really a magic power derived from the power of the world. Under benshao's such a blow, he just vomited a mouthful of blood, without any serious trauma!" Looking at the south wind unimpeded, Feng Yi said heavily.

"The invisible breath behind you, is that the air?" Standing upright, the south wind asked in a deep voice.

"Oh! But forget you have heaven and earth God eye, not only can see through a lot of false things, but also can see a lot of invisible things The breeze Yi light a, and he says like this, I can be regarded as to admit that the invisible air behind oneself is the air.

In the world, Shi Jinglu's two brothers and sisters are shocked and speechless. They find that people in the whole area despise Feng Yi. This is actually a genius with air.

At this moment, they suddenly realized why Gu Du Shen Zi, one of the three geniuses in this area, would work with Feng Yi and listen to the tone of his conversation, as if he respected Feng Yi.

The most powerful genius in this area is to use the air of Fengyi.

Of course, the south wind is the exception.

"That's a great look!" Hear breeze Yi admit, South breeze heavy emotion.

"It's not wrong for you to die under Ben Shao's power. You can take over Ben Shao's power once, but can you take over ten times?" Fengyi doesn't plan to waste time with Nanfeng any more. With a chill, his strength increases again.

At this moment, he solidified his air. It was a transparent breath that filled the scene of heaven and earth. It was like a shadow behind Fengyi, just standing up.

"Divine power!" Fengyi roared, and the air behind him was powerful, shaking this area. It seemed that there was a God King releasing his power here!

A true warrior is an all-round promotion of his spirit.

People with air are really the favorite of heaven and earth.

In this magnificent power, Fengyi blows out another blow, which also evolves into fengbingyinchuan. This is his ultimate strength under the air, although he says that Nanfeng can take his ten attacks? But he decided to end the south wind this time.

Nanfeng calm down, but at this time, his body is the real blood boiling, such adversaries, such powers, such forces, he wants to really collide.

In this blood boiling, the south wind's state under the four primitive self poles is changing constantly.

His body, filled with the shadow of the three rules, it is he created the three rules!

If the most powerful power of Nanfeng is the hand of heaven and earth, he will not go forward.

A warrior, a real warrior, is to make his own cards, and never satisfy his own cards. Only in this way can he make continuous progress in strength!

Nanfeng is like this. He understands the world hand. Nanfeng doesn't just regard the world hand as his strongest magic power. He needs to continue to understand!

Under the original self pole and self-made rules, he realized something new and another limit of his magic power!

He integrated the original self pole into the three rules he created and formed the original rules.

This kind of original rule is still unclear, but he has strong directness. His original rule is superior to his hands of the universe and the power of the ten worlds in his body!

Boom boom! At this moment, the momentum of Nanfeng is also increasing. The three power rules of Nanfeng go towards the original self extreme state, and then merge to form a chain of three color original rules!

This chain of three color primitive rules is solid, just like the inscriptions on gold body!

"Come on! Let me see the genius with air, what the ultimate power is The south wind roared, and the chain of the three color original rules swung, directly toward the wind and ice Yinchuan!

Boom! Under the strong and turbulent impact, the two magic powers shake together!

Under the shock, the chain of original rules began to change, the change of intangible, original, moment, the chain of original rules disappeared.Gu Du Shen Zi, the two brothers and sisters in the world, all think that the magic power of Nanfeng is frozen by fengbingyinchuan!

The poison god gets excited, and the two brothers and sisters in the world become dignified.

However, the real situation is known only by Nanfeng and Fengyi.

"How could it be?" Feng Yi suddenly roared, and his expression was extremely unwilling, but he immediately gave up his wind ice Yinchuan, and his body retreated heavily!

However, it seems that it's still a little late. At the moment of retreating, an invisible primitive anti shock force came back to Fengyi. A big mouthful of blood spewed out without sign, and the whole face turned pale!

At this moment, the wind ice Yinchuan disappeared in the invisible! Instead, the chain of original rules disappeared before. In fact, the chain of original rules did not disappear, but merged into the fengbingyinchuan and assimilated the fengbingyinchuan.

This is the power of the original rules, under the rules, let all forces become their own!

"Genius with air is nothing more than that!" A faint south wind. Of course, it's just Nanfeng's disdainful tone. How dare Nanfeng really belittle the talent with air in his heart!

"South wind, you have seed!" Feng Yi roared.

But Fengyi didn't attack. He just took the poisonous spirit to break out the pace of his own wind and left at the fastest speed!

Looking at Fengyi leaving, Nanfeng didn't catch up, not because he couldn't catch up, nor because Nanfeng didn't want to kill Fengyi and gudu Shenzi, but because he caught up, he couldn't kill them.

This battle, he really won, but it was just barely won, his limit now, that is, to beat Fengyi, or even to make it hard to do! "It's a genius with air!" Nanfeng sighed again.