Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2449

Three people swallow to avoid poison Dan directly into the bones that diffuse white fog.

Shi Jinglu just gave a sign to Nanfeng and didn't say much. In fact, in Shi Jinglu's mind, she doesn't want Nanfeng to follow her. It's not that she looks down on Nanfeng, but that the core of the bone source is very threatening. She doesn't see that the middle God needs to swallow the advanced poison avoiding pill to go deep.

Shi Jingjie didn't introduce Nanfeng to Shi Jinglu. Instead, he voiced Nanfeng, "brother Nanfeng, I won't introduce you first. When it's dangerous, you can shock my elder sister!"

"Whatever you want!" Nanfeng responds with a smile.

At this time, Nanfeng also began to feel the white fog in this area, and found that the toxicity was really strong, which was more severe than the venom spewed by the bony corpse he had met before. The poison here was very close to the strange poison!

The most powerful poison of heaven and earth is naturally three thousand weak water toxins. Under three thousand weak water toxins, there are ten strange poisons!

Just a few hours later, Nanfeng three people saw a lot of corpses, and the flesh and blood on these corpses were fading away, which was corroded by the toxin contained in the white fog!

If you look at these corpses carefully, there is no trauma. The symptoms of death are black eyes, white foam at the mouth, rough and yellow spirit pulse, and their death is also very tragic. This is the symptom of poisoning!

Nanfeng three people also began to feel the toxin getting stronger here.

"It seems that they were poisoned and fell down because the effect of the pill was exhausted, or the pill couldn't work!" Shi Jingjie said.

"Here, we have to have a high-level poison avoiding pill. These toxins are very close to the real strange poison. If we consume half of the high-level poison avoiding pill and still can't find the bone vein, we have to go back the same way!" Shi Jinglu said.

"I see, sister!" Shi Jingjie nodded.

As they went deeper, they saw more and more corpses. Shi Jingjie said with a pity, "I don't know how many warriors can enter here and go out!"

They also saw many fighters fighting for life and death, not for the immortality of bone marrow, nor for the natural resources and local treasures of bone and toxin, but for the pill of avoiding poison.

I'm afraid many martial arts practitioners will not think that one day, these gods will fight each other to avoid poison pills. Naturally someone came to rob them, but Shi Jinglu dared to run away.

Although Shi Jinglu is a woman, she is not as kind as Shi Jingjie!

Boom! At a certain moment, the shield of the three people's body was broken. It was not that their strength of the pill was exhausted, but that the toxin here was instantly enhanced!

Three people dare not hesitate, immediately urge strength fusion to avoid poison power, is barely resist!

A closer look shows that there are almost no corpses in front of us, which shows that few of those who come in have reached this deep place.

Then feel the instant enhanced toxin, and find that it is enhanced in essence. You can clearly feel that there is some spirituality in the white fog toxin at this time!

With the poison of spirit, Nanfeng has seen that the poison of three thousand weak water in his body has certain spirit. In addition to the three thousand weak water poison, the spiritual poison is also the top ten strange poison!

There is no doubt that now they go deep into the area, the toxin is really strange poison!

"One of the real top ten strange poisons -- baizhiqi poison!" When you feel the spirituality in the toxin, Jingjie gives a heavy voice!

"How many of our advanced anti poison pills are still available?" Shi Jinglu asked immediately, with a heavy tone.

"Two thirds!"

"That can go further!" Shi Jinglu nods.

"If this forest of undead bones is bigger, and its power is stronger, the baizhiqi poison here will not be able to be borne by the middle martial arts, even if you swallow a very high-level pill to avoid poison!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

"However, such a place is a perfect place for me. My 3000 weak water toxins can only be enhanced in essence if they are combined with the real top ten strange poisons!"

In this region of white strange poison, the 3000 weak water toxins of Nanfeng body have been in Pan resonance. Resonance tells Nanfeng to swallow this white strange poison, and can't wait to swallow it!

Nanfeng doesn't resist either. All the pores on the body open and let baizhiqi poison erode into the body autonomously.

Of course, he did it secretly!

At this time, they can occasionally hear some screams. It's obvious that many of the powerful warriors who go deep into the area where Baizhi strange poison is located have no place to live in the erosion of Baizhi strange poison!

Shi Jinglu's two brothers and sisters look more dignified.

In this dignified, they see a large undead bone marrow, and they can feel that every once in a while, there will be large undead bone marrow!

Roar! There was no excitement at all. In front of them, a huge white shadow rushed out of the Wang's large undead bone marrow. It was the bone corpse. As soon as it vomited, the white venom fell like rain.

"This bone corpse spews the real white strange poison. Be careful!" When Jinglu reminds. Shi Jinglu swallows another pill to avoid poison, and combines her strength to form a shield to resist the Baiqi poison!As the heat of corrosion spread, shijinglu's defense was eroded by the toxin.

At this time, the south wind did not dare to support the big, broke out a hundred poisons inviolable, the source of life of detoxification light up, is to resist! A torrent of flame under the south wind fire destroyed the bony corpse!

This scene shocked the two brothers and sisters.

Shi Jingjie knows the strength of Nanfeng, but he doesn't know that Nanfeng can easily resist Baiqi poison without the help of high-grade pills!

At this moment, Shi Jinglu knew that her brother's friend was not simple!

"Yes Shi Jinglu speaks to Shi Jingjie directly!

"Hey, elder sister, how is my friend?" When Jingjie reaction, immediately grin.

"It's downwind!" At this time, Nanfeng also turned around and introduced himself to Shi Jinglu...

under Nanfeng's invincible body, the three men just gained more than ten large undead marrow in one day, and the harvest was very rich. They were also fearless in this place of Baiqi poison and continued to deepen.

Finally, they found the previous bone vein!

In front of them, there is a huge bone tree, and the bone vein is circling on the bone tree, constantly breathing the undead bone marrow contained in the space here!

"I found it at last!" When Jingjie excited.

Roar! Feel the south wind three people, that bone vein immediately a roar, a moment, there are dozens of bone corpses from all directions, around the bone vein body, guardian Bone Vein!

Give me the bones Shi Jinglu said.

"Yes!" Nanfeng nods and pours some life sources into shijinglu's body, so that she won't be invaded by Baiqi poison for a period of time! Shijinglu was much stronger than Fengxuan. In only half an hour, he sent all the bones to another time and space.