Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2448

The world of wind and ice was completely broken, and the four of them once again entered the endless skeleton. Once the world of wind and ice was broken, they could clearly feel that the power of wind and ice on Feng Xuan was reduced a lot.

Bang! The dull voice also rings out, see is just the breeze Xuan is mercilessly fallen out. Fengxuan, who owns the world of wind and ice, is not the opponent of Nanfeng yet. What's more, after his world of wind and ice is broken!

"That's all you do!" South breeze light a, "but so of you, have what qualifications to capture my world instantaneous step!"

At this moment, fear appeared in Fengxuan's eyes.

At this moment, he really understood the horror of Nanfeng, who was a super challenge genius. The same is the ordinary fighting power of the middle God in the early days. He can easily respect the hero in the war, and the south wind can easily fight him. The gap is too big.

Moreover, he also clearly knows that this is not all the strength of the south wind. It is said that the south wind is fierce, but the flame, and there is chaos gold body. Now, these have not broken out!

"Run away!" At this moment, Fengxuan had only this word in his heart.

He didn't think that the name of Fengshen country behind him could frighten Nanfeng.

Feeling Fengxuan's fear, Nanfeng naturally thought that Fengxuan wanted to run away, and the corner of his mouth was even more disdainful. He said coldly, "now you want to go, don't you think it's too late?"

Between the words, three golden awns have emerged around Nanfeng. It is the three golden body inscriptions. The golden light of the inscriptions is diffuse, and also directly evolves from the world of golden light in this region.

At this moment, it becomes the golden world of the south wind. The power of the chaotic golden body is combined with the golden rune, and it is also the power of the seal, which seals all the space here. It is no doubt a dream for those who are less powerful than the south wind to get out of the seal of the south wind!

"Roar! I'll fight with you! " Feel the blockade power around, Fengxuan roars, want to choose to explode!

Seeing the self explosion of Fengxuan, Nanfeng doesn't stop him. He just calls out the chaotic golden body, and even Jingjie comes in at the same time.

Boom! A strong explosive force suddenly hit the bone area. Many bones were directly smashed and Fengxuan fell. As for Fengwen, he is dying in this self explosion.

Nanfeng will not be merciful, he directly killed Fengwen!

Some enemies, will change, but some enemies, will not change, no matter how many opportunities you give him!

Brother Fengxuan, as soon as he met, he wanted to kill Nanfeng and take everything from Nanfeng. If such a man let go, he would not dare to say that he would let the tiger go back to the mountain, but it would definitely cause him a lot of trouble!

But seeing the killing, Jingjie felt a little cruel!

Shi Jingjie is not the kind of person who experiences a lot of life and death. His heart should also be born kind. Although the martial arts world is cruel, there are still some creatures who are really born kind!

"Brother Shi, in this world, sometimes you can't have too much kindness, because for now, the essence of the martial arts world is cruel!" Said Nanfeng.

"We need kindness in our hearts, but it's for the weak, for those who can change!"

"Brother Nanfeng, I know the truth after being taught, but sometimes it is..." Shi Jingjie said.

"Don't worry, take your time!" Nanfeng laughs.

"Well!" Shi Jingjie nodded.

"Brother Nanfeng, if you don't mind, next I'd like to work with you to experience together and see how you, a genius of leapfrog challenge, practice martial arts!" Then, Shi Jingjie said with a little supplication.

"Ha ha, if you're not afraid to be disappointed with my experience in cultivating martial arts, then let's go together!" Nanfeng laughs.

Shi Jingjie is a person who can meet each other. Naturally, Nanfeng will not refuse. Moreover, on this day, when the kingdom of God, and when the family genius, even if there is no benefit, but it will not be wrong!

At this time, the transmission artifact on Shi Jingjie's body glowed and some news came out. Open the transmission artifact, and a beautiful image emerges.

"Elder sister, I'm just about to contact you!" When Jingjie said to Qianying.

"What's the matter?" Qianying said.

When Jingjie side of the south wind, Qianying is also attention, and did not say anything, just as a friend of her brother!

"Fengyi of Fengshen kingdom will also come here, elder sister, you should be careful!" Shi Jingjie said.

"Feng Yi!" Qianying's look immediately became heavy and said, "how do you know?"

"From brother Fengxuan!" Shi Jingjie said.

"You met those two brothers again. Are you ok?" Hearing this, Qianying immediately worried.

"Elder sister, don't worry. I'm fine. Just be careful. Fengyi is not only for that bone vein, but also for our brothers and sisters!" When Jingjie light language.

"I know. Now don't run around. Come to me as soon as possible. Moreover, I have found the core of the bone source. The bone vein is probably in it!" Qianying said.

"Sister, you don't have to wait for me. You go in first, and my friends and I will come later." Hearing this, Jing Jie's eyes were shocked and said excitedly."Nonsense, you think I want to wait for you!" Qianying is not very angry and said, "if it's not that high-level poison avoiding Pill on you, I will find you."

"Sister, you are really my own sister!" Hearing this, Jingjie said helplessly.

The South breeze in the heart tiny way, "these two elder siblings have a little interest!"

"Hurry up, don't let me rush you for the second time, or you'll get whipped!" With a slight sound, the shadow receded.

"Brother Nanfeng, see? This is my elder sister, Shi Jinglu!" Then, shijingjie is also helpless to Nanfeng said.

"Ha ha!" Nanfeng laughs.

Later, they went to the area where Shi Jinglu was. On the way, they met a lot of martial artists. They were moving in the same direction as them. It was obvious that more and more martial artists knew the core of bone source!

There are some warriors who still want to find Nanfeng's trouble. After all, they all want to get Nanfeng's instant steps. However, when they see Jingjie around Nanfeng, they all retreat!

They saw the strong water, and soon they became the dead force!

If you feel it again, you can find that the white fog in the white fog area contains undead bone marrow. If you have enough time, you can extract a lot of undead bone marrow!

A figure landed directly next to Nanfeng and Shi Jingjie. It was a woman, dressed in combat armor, with short hair and a heroic manner. It made Nanfeng feel like another Shi Jiayan!

"It seems that Jinglu came from Shi Jiayan's style at this time. The relationship between the two women should be good!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

"Sister, are there many warriors in now?" Shijingjie said, also directly take out the pill, to Nanfeng and shijinglu! "It shouldn't be too late. Let's go in as soon as possible. We've already entered many warriors!" Shi Jinglu nods.