Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2450

"It's not only the bone marrow of a thousand veins, but also the bone of a dragon's hand." Shi Jingjie said excitedly.

"Ha ha, you're right!" When Jingjie words fall, a rough crazy voice rings out, only two figures appear from the other direction.

Under the cover of the white strange poison and the invisible suppression of the bone source, Nanfeng can't feel far away even if it has all kinds of poisons and is not eroded by the toxin. Therefore, Nanfeng really doesn't feel the arrival of these two people.

Two young people, one of them is rich and handsome, with a strong body, wearing a white Dragon Robe and a smile on his mouth. What he said just now should be what he said.

The other, ordinary, looks swarthy, a pair of black eyes, giving people a dark and frightening feeling.

Seeing the young man in black, the 3000 weak water toxins in Nanfeng's body immediately resonated.

At this moment, Nanfeng understood why these two people were able to get here. The young man in black has ten strange poisons in his body. He who has ten strange poisons can naturally get here!

Nanfeng has a resonance, the young man in black has a resonance, his eyes immediately look at Nanfeng, and his mouth starts to smile, as if to say to Nanfeng, "so it is!"

"Fengyi, you are here as expected!" Looking at the white robed youth, Shi Jinglu said coldly.

"It's said that you are here. Ben Shao will come naturally. You know, every time you kill a top genius in your family, you can get a year's personal guidance from the God's grandfather!" Feng Yi sneers.

"Besides, your sister and brother are the grandchildren of the heavenly king's lineage!"

"It seems that the hatred between the Heavenly God King and the wind God King is not small!" Hearing the words of Fengyi, Nanfeng thought. The two great divine kingdoms are constantly fighting, and the divine kings sometimes fight. It is most likely that there is a festival between the two great divine kings, and it is a very deep Festival.

Nanfeng conjectured that if the power between the Heavenly God King and the wind God King was broken, one of the two great gods would be destroyed.

"You people in Fengshen kingdom are abominable!" Shi Jingjie said coldly.

At this moment, he knew why, in this immortal forest, the genius of Fengshen Kingdom seemed to be a special person to pursue and kill their Fengjia family. It turned out that he was instructed by the Fengjia family's high level!

"Damn it? Don't you think that's naive? " Feng Yi sneers.

"Brother Yi, don't talk nonsense with them. I'll give these two brothers and sisters to you. I'll take that boy." The young man in Black opened his mouth. He just looked at the south wind and licked his tongue. The young man in black's tongue was a little scarlet.

Also like his eyes, it gives people a frightening feeling!

"What strange poison is in this guy's body? Is it the darkest of the ten strange poisons?" Feel this awe again, thought Nanfeng.

"Oh? Are you interested in this boy Hearing what the young man in Black said, Feng Yi was very surprised and said.

"Brother Yi, don't underestimate this boy. These two brothers and sisters can enter here without any poison. It's all up to this boy!" Said the young man in black.

"It's so!" Fengyi is very shocking!

When they heard that the young man in front of them was a poison God, Nanfeng, Shi Jinglu and Shi Jingjie were also shocked, and the two brothers and sisters looked more dignified.

The name of Gu Du Shen Zi is like thunder in the ears!

In this region, there is a kingdom called Gu Du kingdom. In this vast region, almost all the practitioners of Gu and Du martial arts are in Gu Du kingdom.

The kingdom of poisonous insects is also one of the powerful kingdoms in this region. There are three gods in the kingdom. It is said that the strongest king of poisonous insects is close to the later stage of the kingdom!

It's the poison family that controls the poison kingdom! There used to be a god son in the poisonous and poisonous Kingdom, but this God son was not very lucky because he had just become a god son. Now the poisonous and poisonous God son in front of Nanfeng has grown up. This poisonous and poisonous God son's talent is so outstanding that the poisonous and poisonous God King likes him very much, so he directly let the poisonous and poisonous God son sit in the position of God son!

In just a few decades, he has defeated other geniuses of the nearby God Kingdom, and is known as one of the three geniuses in more than ten God Kingdom regions nearby!

"The God son of Gu Du, the way to cultivate Gu Du. On the continent and land, I remember that I met a genius to cultivate Gu Du, Gu Du Jun, and what I cultivated was Tian Gu and di Du, the strongest Gu and di Du!" Nanfeng said to himself!

"Brother Nanfeng, this poisonous God is very powerful. He is one of the three great geniuses in this vast area!" Shi Jingjie speaks to the south wind!

"It's not easy for me to meet such a genius in this region. I'm ready to fight!" Nanfeng responded.

When he heard Nanfeng's words, Jingjie was a little at a loss.

He told the south wind poison God son is not simple, not to let south wind fight, but to let south wind retreat!

With the strength of the south wind, in front of these two people's hands to leave, or can do.

"Ha ha, don't worry. I'm the one. It's not too late to escape when I can't fight!" Nanfeng said with a smile.Immediately, Nanfeng forced the two brothers and sisters into the world. Next, he wanted to open the first World War. When he came to the kingdom of God, he didn't really open the first World War!

Meet the opponent is not enough strength, strength is far more than him!

This Fengyi, together with this poisonous God, he has intuition, and his strength is just the opponent he needs.

"You two don't have to choose. Let's go together, son of the wind god and son of the poison God! You're just right for me, too! " Then, the south wind looked at the two men with a look of war.

In the world, the two brothers and sisters didn't say anything, because it was really a burden for them to go out.

Of course, the two brothers and sisters are extremely worried!

In their hearts, the south wind is really strong, but they don't think the south wind can be strong enough to fight against them alone. What's more, Nanfeng is still a challenge!

Hearing Nanfeng's words, Fengyi and Gu Du Shenzi laughed, but they didn't know where a lower God had the courage to talk to them like this!

But both of them were experienced in many battles. They immediately calmed down and wondered if Nanfeng had any cards! In other words, what is the strong behind the south wind!

People who can get here are not fools!

Feng Yi takes the lead. He blows out a wind fist. This wind fist is the power of the middle God level. However, he controls the propriety and won't directly kill Nan Feng!

Nanfeng so performance, two people still intend to test some, a test is always good! This test, they also try to find something, because the wind Yi of this fist, south wind hide did not hide, directly with momentum down, just like facing a breeze!