Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2447

It was Shi Jingjie who was shaken out. His time division and Fengxuan's fengbingshenmai were slightly inferior, which directly determined his failure.

Once again, he was defeated by Fengxuan. These days, he is making progress, and Fengxuan is also making progress, and Fengxuan's progress seems to be bigger than him.

Click! Shi Jingjie flies backward. Fengxuan's attack is not over. The silk of Fengxuan's spirit is solidified to form hard ice, which is attached to Shi Jingjie like armor.

The next moment, Shi Jingjie was suppressed.

"Shi Jingjie, I see who will save you this time!" Fengxuan came to shijingjie's side in the instant when he and Fengbing transformed each other, and said with a sneer.

Roar! Shi Jingjie roars and plans to explode himself.

However, at this time, Fengxuan's wind and ice veins had already locked all his power channels. He couldn't improve any of his power. How could he talk about self explosion.

"Self explosion? You are ridiculous Feng Xuan is disdain to sneer even more, "this little also tells you by the way, your elder sister, after a period of time, also can go with you."

"My sister will kill you for me!" Shi Jingjie said.

"Ha ha, I'm not your sister's rival, but Master Yi, the son of the God son of Fengshen Kingdom, has come here. Your sister is not worth mentioning in front of Master Yi." There was a faint wind.

At this moment, a blade of ice appeared in Fengxuan's hand, and he cut it to shijingjie with a ferocious look.

Hum! But at this moment, a strong buzz, in the white wind and ice breath, a golden blade appeared, surrounded by golden lines, shooting directly at Fengxuan.

"This time, someone can really save him!" A faint voice also sounded.

The ice sculpture in the world of wind and ice has been broken. The south wind slowly steps out, and the body has turned into gold. The blade of the golden light is the inscription on the body of gold. Without chaos, the south wind can also call out the inscription on the body of gold.

See the south wind, wind Xuan, wind text, when Jingjie is a heavy shock.

Feng Xuan didn't dare to be shocked, because the inscriptions on the gold body were aimed at him, and he could clearly feel the powerful power of the inscriptions on the gold body.

"What's the matter? Why does an inferior warrior have such a strong power? " Feng Xuan said in his heart.

A shield of wind and ice condenses to resist the inscription on the gold body.

But the shield of wind and ice broke up directly, and the inscriptions on the gold body continued to move towards the center of Fengxuan's eyebrows. At this moment, Fengxuan really realized the power of Nanfeng's gold body inscription, and his body shape quickly regressed to resist with the magic power of wind and ice.

"How could it be?" Fengwen was shocked again.

Taking advantage of this moment, the south wind urges a group of mixed fire, and helps Shi Jingjie to relieve the suppression of Fengxuan's Fengbing Shenmai Shentong.

"You are..." Stand up, when Jingjie a little can't believe that said, "you are not that can leap the level challenge genius - south wind!"

"Just now I was interrupted before I finished my self introduction. Now I'll introduce myself again. My name is Nanfeng and I come from Tianlan kingdom." Nanfeng laughs.

"Really, it turns out that the person I want to help is the real strong one. Now, it's a little ridiculous!" It was determined to be the south wind, and Shi Jingjie laughed at himself.

"Ha ha!" Nanfeng laughs.

"South wind!" Feng Xuan resisted the attack of the inscriptions on the gold body with his magical power of wind and ice.

Nanfeng, the name of Nanfeng, is the name of the first genius in these nearby divine regions.

"Brother, what shall we do now?" Fengwen asked. From the gold inscription, Fengwen had no reason to believe that the young man in front of him was not Nanfeng, and his white hair also showed the problem.

Although I don't really know the strength of Nanfeng, it's not a reputation.

In the face of such a genius, Feng Wen has an invisible heart. He only thinks that he can't do it and that he has no chance to defeat Nanfeng.

"Will he let us go?" Feng Xuan responded.

"Brother, I know!" Hearing Feng Xuan's words, the inexplicable fear in Feng Wen's heart was eliminated.

"Besides, we have always wanted to find Nanfeng. Everything about him is worth more than the undead bone marrow and all kinds of opportunities in the undead bone forest." The wind Xuan is again a, this one in contain more rich greed.

Hearing this, Fengwen had no fear in his heart, and some of them were greedy.

Seeing the change of Fengxuan's look from shock to greed, Nanfeng understands that the two brothers are greedy for themselves.

"Well, let's use our strength to frighten them!" Nanfeng said in his heart, and his fighting spirit also rose.

Nanfeng will never refuse to fight.

In the buzzing of Tianjin's power, Nanfeng takes the lead. He steps by, and the golden light channel has been formed. He also comes to Fengxuan in an instant. A round of Tianjin Tianyang rises from his chest and falls down as a golden palm.

"Storm The wind Xuan suddenly drinks, countless small storms appear, instantly attach to the golden sun palm, direct explosion.The two shock waves burst in an instant, pounding the world of wind and ice.

At this time, the south wind took another step, which was an instant. It was easy to avoid the impact and anti shock of the waves. At this moment, the south wind had gathered its magic power again.

Huge gold fingers, filled with heaven and earth, appeared all over him.

But this time, shafajin didn't attack Fengxuan, but scattered and shot at the world of wind and ice.

The world of wind and ice gives the blessing of Feng Xuan's power and the suppression of other people's power, breaking the world of wind and ice. Feng Xuan is really not worth mentioning in front of Nanfeng.

"No way!" Seeing that Nanfeng wants to break his own wind ice world, Fengxuan roars.

Shi Jingjie can't break his own world, but the south wind is not necessarily, because he has already felt the power of the south wind, which is very powerful.

"Hum!" The south wind is cold and hum, and the Tianjin spirit directly urges it. The power on the killing and cutting gold finger increases again.

Fengxuan completely broke out his wind ice power. You can see that the wind ice God's veins in the whole wind ice world are solidified, forming countless invisible wind ice nets, covering the past toward the killing golden finger.

"Torrent of flames!" Nanfeng's eyes flashed, and countless torrents of flame flowed from him, drowning the silk of wind and ice.

Nanfeng himself appeared in front of Fengxuan and touched Fengxuan with his body, so that Fengxuan had no time to infuse power into his supernatural power.

Wind text also shot, but when Jingjie stopped.

Shi Jingjie is not Fengxuan's opponent, but he is more than enough to meet Fengwen.

Boom boom! Under the torrent of flames, all the silk of the wind and ice veins were submerged and dissolved, and the killing golden finger also directly penetrated into the barriers of the wind and ice world. With the sound of fragmentation, the world of wind and ice broke up completely, and the four people appeared in endless bones again.