Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2446

"Oh? It's the little fellow of the time family A young man disdained and spoke directly. Obviously, he should have known Shi Jingjie.

Those who dare to say so are not warriors of the Heavenly Kingdom. These two youths are obviously from other gods. From their cultivation of wind power, they associate with the nearby kingdom of God. Nanfeng guesses that these two should be the warriors of the wind family of Fengshen kingdom!

"Feng Xuan, your mouth is as bad as ever!" Shi Jingjie said coldly.

"Ha ha, maybe, but what can you do for me?" Feng Xuan said with a sneer.

Click! At this moment, when Jingjie clenched his hands, an angry sound broke out. I think the two of them have played each other, and it should be Shi Jingjie's defeat.

"Shi Jingjie, if you don't want to be beaten, take the initiative to leave our brother's eyes, or you will lose your wife and become a soldier again!" Another young man also sneered.

"Fengxuan, Fengwen, you rob my things. I'm invincible and have nothing to say. But if you want to rob this brother's things, I will fight with determination!" Shi Jingjie said heavily.

"Ha ha, Shi Jingjie, your name of meddling is worthy of reputation. You want to help anyone." Feng Xuan laughed, "or do you really think you are the Savior?"

Say, this breeze Xuan's tone is icy cold, kill an idea to rise, "you know what, I breeze Xuan most dislike is you this kind of person, the strength doesn't have, still dare to meddle in business."

"It seems that today, I Fengxuan will kill you!"

"Big brother, this boy seems to be the one who broke out the instant walk of heaven and earth not long ago!" At this time, Fengwen suddenly looked at Nanfeng and said, with a more excited tone.

"Oh?" Immediately, the wind Xuan also looked at the south wind, and found that it was, and his look was also more excited.

"It's you, boy!" The wind Xuan also heavily a.

"Brother, if you can trust me, Shi Jingjie, please come to my world. I will take you away. As for Wang's large undead bone marrow, I can only give up!" Shi Jingjie said to the south wind.

Boom! Feng Xuan and Feng Wen naturally thought that Shi Jingjie would run away, so at this moment, they both shot at the same time, and the two forces of the wind shot down to Shi Jingjie at the same time. In this way, Shi Jingjie didn't even have time to collect the south wind and enter the world.

They didn't attack Nanfeng, but they were confident that Nanfeng couldn't escape. Nanfeng was a warrior in the later period of the lower God. If they had any magic power, Nanfeng would not follow. They didn't worry. They solved shijingjie first.

Besides, from the beginning to the end, Nanfeng didn't say a word. They thought that Nanfeng had been scared for a long time.

"The flow of time!" In the face of the two brothers' attack, Shi Jingjie can only use the strongest time power, a time storm reappears, to twist the wind power into countless time and space!

"Shi Jingjie, I've made some progress in the past two months! It's a pity that this time, your progress will be lost forever because of your meddling The breeze Xuan light says.

The next moment, Fengxuan steps directly into shijingjie's time flow magic power. At that moment, shijingjie turns into a white storm, which turns against the time flow. In a moment, it smashes the time flow.

Click! When the white storm smashed and the time went by, white ice appeared, turned into ice blades, ran through the bones here, and shot at Shi Jingjie along the wind.

Fengwen did not move again, but went to collect Wang's large undead marrow.

The south wind didn't move, pretending to be dull, looking at all this with great interest!

The ice of the wind is very fast, but Shi Jingjie, who has the power of time, is faster. After a few steps, he dodges and lets the ice of the wind run through an empty space.

In the step of time, Shi Jingjie seems to have the instant step of heaven and earth. Of course, it's a bit exaggerated. You can easily feel the depth of Jingjie's space with the divine feeling.

Fengxuan cultivates the power of wind and ice. Seeing the outbreak of its power, both wind and ice are not weak. Under the wind, Fengxuan should not be slower than Shi Jingjie.

But Fengxuan didn't catch up with shijingjie. Instead, he made a seal with both hands and turned his eyes to ice. The wind ice storm in front of him seemed to be just a storm of ice!

"The wind is freezing in the air!" With a cold wind, the storm suddenly expanded and occupied the skeleton area for several miles. The world of ice was frozen, the force of wind swept, and the space was frozen. Shi Jingjie was frozen from the depth of the space.

And the south wind, directly became an ice sculpture.

"I said, elder brother, don't freeze that boy to death. If he dies, searching for his soul may lose a lot of things!" Feng Wen has collected the large undead bone marrow and reminded him.

"Don't worry, I'm free and proper!" Feng Xuan said. Looking at Nanfeng frozen, Jingjie's eyes flashed. Unfortunately, he is really unable to save Nanfeng! What's more, I'm afraid it's all a problem for him to protect himself now. The last time he fled from the two brothers, it was not the two brothers who wanted to let him go, but his rescuers were coming, and they felt


The kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of wind are always hostile. Battles often break out between the two kingdoms. Sometimes, the powerful God King will fight!So the genius of the two countries, especially the genius of Shijia and Fengjia, met. Either you die or I live!

"Shi Jingjie, today, there is no one to save you again!" At this time, the wind Xuan face again with any smile, some just endless killing, cold said!

At this time, Fengxuan had already broken out his spirit body, the spirit body of Fengbing, which helped him to break out the freezing air of Fengbing. It could freeze the deep space, and made shijingjie have to come out of it!

"If you want to kill me, you will pay the price!" Shi Jingjie responded coldly.

If you can't get away, try your best. Jingjie is not a coward!

The spirit of time is also urged, and the time power of Shi Jingjie's whole body breaks out to his limit, forming a chaotic split light.

"The pole of time - time division!" When Jingjie roared, he also incarnated into the time division.

As long as his time division can cut any hole in the world of wind and ice, he can escape!

"Wishful thinking!" Fengxuan immediately saw shijingjie's idea, cold.

"The wind and the ice!"

Fengxuan stepped on his world of wind and ice, and the wind and ice rose in an instant, turning into a giant python with wings, just like a serpent.

In the invisible roar, these wind and ice veins belong to the strongest ice of Fengxuan. These ice are in the shape of ice filaments, sinking into the void, freezing Shi Jingjie's time division!

The two forces collided in an instant, just like two pieces of sea crashing together, just like the tidal wave breaking out in an instant, impacting all around, the bones also disintegrated. At a certain moment, a figure was severely shaken out.