Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2443

All the changes are in a moment. At one moment, Mingzhuo and his family still have the absolute advantage and can crush Nanfeng at any time. At the next moment, they become the fish on the sword. Who can accept them.

Moreover, Mingzhuo was very confident from the beginning, and thought that his killing of Nanfeng was a success without fail!

Nanfeng ignored Mingzhuo first, and her eyes were still on the two middle-aged men who flew backwards. She said coldly, "just you two old trash, it's tens of thousands of years before you kill me." In the fury of the storm, the south wind broke down and came to one of the middle-aged warriors. The spirit of mixed fire also came out. Under the burning anger and golden light, the middle-aged warrior was submerged. At that moment, some screams were heard, and then, in the fire of the golden light, with any breath of life


This only happened in a moment. The next moment, Nanfeng was in front of another middle-aged warrior. At this time, he was full of thunder. The black purple zulei and his anger melted together to form an angry thunder group.

In the light of thunder, the thunder fell heavily.

This middle-aged warrior naturally madly resisted, but now, his power is a joke in front of Nanfeng. Under zulei's power, all his defenses are so destroyed.

The middle-aged warrior was also submerged in zulei light group.

Second kill! This is definitely a second kill!

This breakthrough, directly let the south wind has the power of the next God.

Mingzhuo is in fear, legs shaking, eyes no longer look, that look, really like a child fell into the endless dark abyss.

In the world, huoyerong and Ji Xiaolu are only dull. The strength of the south wind changes too fast.

Boom! A momentum in the surge, south wind to Mingzhuo side, looking at the fear of infinite Mingzhuo, south wind face expressionless, cold voice, "at the moment, everything is your own sin, blame no one else."

"If you change, the road of martial arts in the future may not be smooth, and I, Nanfeng, have really decided to help you cultivate a real king of the Ming Dynasty fighting style!"

"It's a pity that you failed to live up to the efforts of master huolei!" When the words fall, a zulei light group directly falls on Mingzhuo, but Nanfeng doesn't kill Mingzhuo completely. You have left Mingzhuo's soul, but he wastes all of Mingzhuo's power. Even if Mingzhuo is resurrected, he is just the most ordinary person. There is no great power to spend on him, and he can hardly be cultivated.

The reason why Nanfeng left Mingzhuo was that although he was very angry in the face of the fire Thunder God King, his anger receded in the face of a waste.

Poof! After solving everything, Nanfeng suddenly spat out a big mouthful of blood, the breath instantly withered, and the whole body all chapped and opened, all of a sudden, Nanfeng became a blood man.

"How are you, Nanfeng?" In the world, huoyerong and Ji Xiaolu immediately worried.

"No matter, it's just the sequelae of the breakthrough, because my breakthrough is neither a normal breakthrough nor a gradual one!" Nanfeng explained.

"Shut up and rest for a while, and you'll be fine!"

At once, Nanfeng entered the Wanshi world, prompting the passage of time, and began to enter the closed state. What the two women can do now is to pray for Nanfeng!

The reason for Nanfeng's breakthrough this time is that he was really angry. Mingzhuo made him very angry, and for such a long time, the anger accumulated in his body reached a limit. Anger needs to break out when it accumulates to a certain extent. Others don't know, but Nanfeng has to break out, because many of his fire forces are strengthened by the power of anger, so Nanfeng cultivates anger, including his Dharma prime minister's anger. Mingzhuo is very unfortunate to meet Nanfeng under the explosion of anger


The reason why Nanfeng can break through is that he suddenly refined all the remaining fragments of the lower God.

Under the three rules created by themselves, plus the passage of time in the world, in the confrontation with the two middle-aged warriors, it was enough for the south wind to refine.

However, it's not easy to absorb so many pieces of the lower deity's body at once. I didn't see that even his body with chaotic gold body was chapped, and even nearly exploded.

And this is not serious, serious is such a crazy breakthrough, leading to his realm and martial arts left sequelae.

In the realm of God, this kind of sequelae is a bit serious, so I'm afraid that Nanfeng will spend a long time in consolidating the realm.

This sequela also directly reduced his ability of leapfrog challenge.

This breakthrough, he reached the peak of the lower god later stage, according to the limit of his leapfrog challenge, is able to fight the most common middle God, but he can clearly feel, now, although he can be invincible in the lower God, but never the power of the middle God!

"This time, I'm really excited because of anger!" Think about it at this time, Nanfeng thinks it's a bit inappropriate!

But the matter has passed, and he doesn't regret it. If he does it again, he will make the decision like that! Now, to consolidate the realm, do your best to eliminate the sequelae.Nanfeng takes out a lot of natural resources and local treasures from the world. On the one hand, it consolidates the realm, on the other hand, it uses the energy of natural resources and local treasures to eliminate the sequelae!

After some time, Nanfeng's frantic breath caused by crazy breakthrough finally stabilized the boiling blood, and the flesh and blood of the body and the chapped skin gradually stopped. It was a temporary adaptation to the state and strength at this time.

"I don't know if these three grey undead bone marrow can help me eliminate the sequelae?" Nanfeng murmured, and then Nanfeng took out the three Wang gray level immortal bone marrow from Mingzhuo.

the greatest function of undead bone is naturally used on the bones of living beings. However, undead bone marrow contains a lot of Wu Dao understanding, because the undead bone marrow is the essence of many skeletons from the fallen spirits, accompanied by those creatures' understanding of Wu Dao.

The biggest problem of the sequelae of state breakthrough is that the understanding is not enough, and to this state.

Therefore, the understanding of martial arts in the bone marrow of immortality is helpful for him to eliminate the sequelae!

Nanfeng did not hesitate and began to refine the marrow of Sanwang.

I don't know how long it's been refining, but the breath of Nanfeng completely calms down. If you have extraordinary perception, you can feel that the power of Nanfeng is increasing!

Boom! At a certain moment, the south wind, which was stable as usual, burst out a strong force on the body, impacting all around the world, and this force suddenly reached the median divine realm.

In other words, at this moment, Nanfeng has the fighting power of the middle divine realm! Refining in the south wind also opened his eyes, extremely excited, said with emotion, "undead bone marrow, is really worthy of the world ranking experience in the birth of the world of things ah!"