Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2442

Although Mingzhuo has entered the world of Nanfeng, he has no idea that the world of Nanfeng can't be entered by others, otherwise he won't expose himself so directly.

When he saw the corpses, if the bones could come in, he would naturally think that those who were stronger than Nanfeng could come in.

But at this time, Nanfeng said to Huo Yerong, "Yerong, Mingzhuo makes me very angry. I want to kill people very much, so I will fight and kill them!"

"What's more, if we don't kill them, they may not know what kind of trouble they will cause for us in this immortal ancient forest!"

"But your power, and here, chaos mother can't come out!" Fire night Rong worried. She is afraid of the impulse of the south wind. After working with the south wind for such a long time, huoyerong thinks that the south wind will be absolutely impulsive sometimes, regardless of the situation.

"Don't worry, I have my own discretion!" Said Nanfeng.

Hearing this, huoyerong said nothing more. She can't disobey the will of Nanfeng. She will only obey and worry about Nanfeng.

The two women were taken into the world by the south wind, Mingzhuo didn't care, just growled, "let's see who is more pitiful next! And why don't you avoid entering your world? Don't you want to live longer? "

"Because, I can't wait to kill such rubbish as you!" The south wind responded coldly.

"Kill him!" Hearing Nanfeng's words, Mingzhuo didn't even have the patience to talk with Nanfeng. He roared. Although angry, although the progress is not small, but this Mingzhuo is still some self-knowledge at the moment, know that he is not the opponent of Nanfeng, not his own hand.

Immediately, a middle-aged man behind him came forward, and the power of Buddha nature swept over him. A white flame appeared on it, turned into a fist, and blasted toward the south wind.

The middle-aged man didn't inspire magic power, but his fist was absolutely powerful, which was all his strength.

Nanfeng didn't hesitate to summon chaos gold body directly. The inscriptions on the gold body instantly combined the eight talismans and turned into a defensive pillar to resist the attack of the middle-aged warrior.

This is the perfect warrior of the God at the top of the mountain. The south wind has no chance to resist. Under the pouring of power, the south wind also directly drives the heavenly gold spirit!

As soon as the spirit of Tianjin moves, Mingzhuo and Ji Xiaolu will be shocked, because in their opinion, the spirit of Nanfeng is a mixed fire spirit. When did it become the spirit of Tianjin's power.

Boom! Under a strong collision, Nanfeng and his chaotic gold body were directly hit and flew, smashing a deep hole on the ground, and this time, Nanfeng was in a mess and hurt.

Although he has the moderate fighting power of the lower God, he is really irresistible in front of the highest fighting power of the lower God. Moreover, there is the realm suppression power in the leapfrog challenge!

"It's worthy of being the anti heaven genius of Mingdong's leapfrog challenge in the nearby kingdom of God! Such a blow! I borrowed it Seeing that Nanfeng only suffered some trauma under his attack, the middle-aged warrior was shocked and said.

The middle-aged warrior also had greed in his eyes.

Chaos gold body, a means of leapfrog challenge, who doesn't want it.

Mingzhuo is just looking for these two middle-aged men to kill Nanfeng. Instead of looking for a stronger one, it's just for his own sake.

Otherwise, he will use his position in the family and bring any median God!

"The divine realm is really a gap of power, that is, the gap between heaven and earth!" Nanfeng said with emotion in his heart, and at this moment, Nanfeng looks ferocious, a kind of crazy ferocious!

Mingzhuo three naturally saw the ferocity of Nanfeng, but in their eyes, Nanfeng was just angry at them!

"Leave him half a breath. Later, I'll let him experience the feeling of not being able to survive and not being able to die!" At this time, Mingzhuo was angry, and his hatred for Nanfeng really reached his acme!

Mingzhuo is really a man with strong jealousy and dark heart. How can the teaching of the fire Thunder God make him change? I'm afraid the teaching of the fire Thunder God King is counterproductive. It makes Mingzhuo more tolerant and dark!

"I see, young master!" The middle-aged man nodded.

Boom! The power of this middle-aged man immediately broke out completely, and the power of another middle-aged man also broke out. The power of the two men fused together to form a network of Buddhist repression, which shrouded in the south wind.

Their immobility is also stimulated by the Ming King's fighting blood, which is transformed into the amount of pressure.

Mingzhuo didn't let them kill Nanfeng first, so naturally they couldn't, and they also knew that suppressing Nanfeng and searching for the memory of living people were much better than searching for dead people!

Two people work together, they suppress the south wind really easy!

Unfortunately, they misunderstood the ferocity of Nanfeng just now.

"Mingzhuo, you have anger, I also have Nanfeng, and no less than you. Your anger at me leads you to call people to kill me, and my anger at you leads me to break through!" At this time, the south wind roared ferociously!

In an instant, Nanfeng's momentum soared, directly from the ordinary state of the lower God's later period to the peak state of the lower God's later period.Click! At this moment, Nanfeng's whole body is chapped, and his body seems to have infinite power to break out. If it wasn't for his chaotic body, Nanfeng would have died suddenly!

This scene shocked the two women in the world, and also shocked Mingzhuo and others.

What's going on? How can Nanfeng make a breakthrough in an instant? It's a breakthrough without warning, and it's still a breakthrough from the lower God's later ordinary level to the peak!

Is it really because of the anger of Mingzhuo and make a breakthrough?

At this moment, the south wind moved, he stepped out of his hands and opened, directly tearing the two middle-aged warriors' repressive power, and blowing out a golden fist.

On this fist, the power of chaos body is diffused, and the anger and divine fire also rise with it!

This blow, let two middle-aged martial arts instant shock, because in this blow, they actually feel the threat of no partner!

"Don't move the Buddha!" They believed in their intuition and immediately made the strongest defense. Their strength converged again, forming a motionless Ming Buddha around them. They also had the characteristics of motionless Ming King's fighting body!

Click! However, just like this, Nanfeng's fist blows on Buduo Buddha, the crack spreads rapidly, and Buduo Buddha also breaks in an instant!

Blood spray, two people do not know how to be blasted out, vaguely between the two can hear the sound of bone fragmentation.

"How could it be?" Feeling the impact of the fist force on their bodies, they roared wildly. This scene, who can believe, who can believe that the south wind in an instant breakthrough, and directly have such power. In this violent, angry momentum, Mingzhuo has completely dull, it is the dull of fear!