Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2444

The experience of understanding martial arts in undead's bone marrow is beyond Nanfeng's expectation. It is very rich and perfect. After refining, he not only eliminated the sequelae of his breakthrough, but also restored his ability of leapfrog challenge.

"It's no wonder that the cultivation of immortality will almost become a strong man in the world, because there are countless experiences and understandings of martial arts in it." South wind sighs again.

At this moment, the skeleton of Nanfeng's body also began to spread immortal power, just because he refined the three Wang immortal bone marrow.

At this moment, Nanfeng's expectation of the undead bone marrow and the undead bone became more intense.

Later, Nanfeng walked out of Wanshi world and brought two girls out.

"Are you all right now?" Are worried about the south wind.

"Don't worry, it's OK. One Mingzhuo and two Mings can't do anything to me!" Nanfeng said with a smile, "how long has it been now?"

"Thirteen days. I don't know how long you've spent in Wanshi world!"

"Thirteen days, then this area is no longer safe." Nanfeng said, the spirit of gold eyes open, look around those bone trees and bones, found that they have a lot of undead characteristic strength.

"I can feel that these bones here are ready to move!" Fire night Rong said.

"Let's go. It's time for us to find another bone corpse place to get more undead bone marrow." Said Nanfeng.

Immediately, Nanfeng was also a little embarrassed and said, "there is one more thing I need to tell you two, that is, the three Wang undead bone marrow has been refined and healed by me!"

"That's nothing!" Ji Xiaolu said with both hands.

"Xiaolu, there's another thing about Mingzhuo. I didn't kill him completely. His soul was just suppressed by me. If you can, after the immortal bone forest training, you can help me hand over his soul to the master of huolei God King, and let him handle it!" Nanfeng said softly.

"I understand!" Ji Xiaolu nodded slightly.

Nanfeng destroys Mingzhuo. Even if Mingzhuo is wrong, it's not good for him to give Mingzhuo's soul to huolei God King.

After that, the three men went forward and continued to search for the bone corpse.

Two months passed quickly, and the three were lucky enough to find a total of 30 Wang small undead bone marrow. "It's too slow. Anyone who wants to condense into the rudiment of the undead bone needs hundreds or even thousands of small undead bone marrow, and we only get 30 small undead bone marrow in two months. If we go on like this, the land of the undead bone forest is coming in vain, and we are always scared!

”Said the south wind.

"Only if we can find a lot of Bone Vein places!" Ji Xiaolu said.

"Bone pulse? We have to find bone pulse!" There was a heavy south wind.

Nanfeng is not willing to take this trip to the immortal bones forest. He can't even condense the rudiment of the immortal bones.

"Then you have to enter the undead bone forest deeper. The danger there is not only bone attack, bone corpse attack, but also countless Qi poison and all kinds of monsters derived from bone corpse!" Ji Xiaolu said.

"Moreover, many middle gods who come in should take people deep into them!"

"Young master, you can go deep alone. I and the deer will just look around here!" Fire night Rong said. If they follow the south wind, they are bound to become a burden of the south wind. It's better to look around slowly.

Besides, there are many strong sites in the periphery!

Ji Xiaolu also nodded to Nanfeng.

"Well, be careful, both of you!" Said Nanfeng.

It's right to enter the depths of the undead bones forest without two girls, because once you meet the bones and corpses that he can't resist, it's useless to enter the world!

Later, Nanfeng went deep into the immortal bone forest alone. Of course, he left zulei's soul.

While going deep, the southerly wind is fighting against those attacking skeletons to sharpen their fighting power. Another month has passed. In addition to the previous two months, Nanfeng's fighting power at this time is no less than that of many ordinary middle God's early warriors.

"Poison!" Suddenly, there was a slight south wind. Deep into a month, he felt the toxin, and this shows that he really went to the depths of this undead bone forest!

"The land of toxins, for me now, should be regarded as the land of fish in water!" The south wind is also a word of excitement.

The perception of the original self pole immediately diffuses, and the south wind begins to feel!

A few days later, he felt a bone vein!

Not far away from him, the ground kept rising forward. In fact, there was a bone vein underneath. Stimulate the spirit of gold eyes, Nanfeng see this bone vein has tens of thousands of meters, showing the real dragon skeleton shape!

It is roughly estimated that this dragon shaped bone vein has tens of thousands of bones, and there is a small undead bone marrow in every dozen bones. Therefore, if you get this dragon shaped bone vein, you can directly condense the rudiment of undead bone!

"Good luck!" Nanfeng said to himself, "sure enough, I still want to go to the depth of this immortal bone forest!"But once again, the south wind changed, a little helpless, said, "like luck is not so good ah!"

Because at this time, behind this dragon shaped bone vein, I don't know how many warriors I followed. If I feel it a little, I can feel that there are many middle gods!

There is no way, Nanfeng can only join the army of chasing bone vein.

However, these warriors keep a certain distance from each other, because no one knows if the nearby warrior will attack him at the next moment!

The speed of dragon shaped bone vein is very fast, which is definitely higher than the ordinary median God.

The south wind is ready to catch up directly, and at this moment, the speed of the dragon shaped bone vein increases, and goes towards the deep underground!

"Underground! Is this a way of belittling me? Or do you want to give me a chance to get this dragon bone vein? " The south wind said to himself.

You know, the power source of the instant point is the power of the earth to a large extent. Under the ground, the instant point of the south wind will be faster!

As soon as he stepped out, the south wind threw away many warriors and followed the dragon shaped veins!

"What's that step? Can you make a warrior in the later period of the lower God so fast? " This scene naturally attracted the attention of many warriors!

"How does it feel like the legendary instant step of heaven and earth?" Said some of the median gods.

"What? Heaven and earth walk in a flash

In an instant, greed for the instant steps of heaven and earth also appeared among these warriors!

Shua Shua! At this time, many warriors no longer keep, broke out their cards, their strength as much as possible into speed, continue to catch up!

I don't know how long it is when I feel the south wind.

"What's the matter?" Nanfeng is very puzzled to say. When he looked again, he found that in front of him, it was not soil, but layers of bones, endless bones piled up in front!