Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2441

Seeing these bone corpses, Nanfeng four immediately felt and felt the power of these bone corpses.

Soon, their dignity receded, because the bone corpses here were not as powerful as they were. Only the breath of three bone corpses reached the perfect state of the lower God.

"The undead bone marrow here should be in the bones of the three lower gods." Mingzhuo said, "and after defeating these bones, it's peaceful here for a long time. We can fix it here for a while!"

Mingzhuo was very positive, and he didn't have everything like Mukong when he met for the first time.

"I'll take these three bones, brother Nanfeng, younger martial sister Ji and miss Huo. Just stop the other bones."

"Then there will be Lao Mingzhuo!" Nanfeng said that Nanfeng also wanted to see how much progress Mingzhuo had made in the past few months under the guidance of huolei God King.

At once, Nanfeng and the two women presented a triangular horn state to resist other bone corpses.

Although these bone corpses are not powerful, Nanfeng three people can't destroy them. Only when Mingzhuo defeats the three leading bone corpses and gets their immortal bone marrow, these bone corpses will rout by themselves.

Boom boom! At this time, Mingzhuo has already fought with the three perfect bones of the lower gods. Mingzhuo's strength has been greatly improved. Even if he is still in the perfect and ordinary realm of the lower gods, his strength, mastery and comprehension of the supernatural power have been greatly improved.

There is a real strong spirit in every move.

"This guy has been promoted a lot!" Nanfeng said with emotion, "if he does not move the Ming King's blood and continues to improve, he will achieve great success in the future."

"If I can, I'll give this guy a hand!" "Don't touch the blood of the Ming king!" Soon, Mingzhuo completely broke out the blood power in the battle, and did not touch the Buddha power of the king of Ming, because the three bone corpses were not weak, and their burst out bone power contained a strong undead power, which greatly enhanced their attack power

resilience! However, after dozens of rounds of confrontation, Ming Zhuo finally burned the undead bone from the bone of a bony corpse with the fire of King Ming. With the emergence of a group of Ming kings in the hands of Ming Zhuo, there was a small gray white lotion in the invisible space on his palm. The emulsion gave out a strong


This is the power of the flesh, the power of immortality.

"Is this the undead bone marrow?" Nanfeng said slightly.

"Yes, it's the undead bone marrow. If you feel the undead power of that characteristic, you can clearly know that it's the undead bone marrow, and you can't be wrong!" Ji Xiaolu said expectantly.

"However, from the color point of view, this should be the lowest level of undead bone marrow!"

"It's only from the bones of the lower divine realm. Naturally, it's gray undead bone marrow." "Fire night Rong said," but no matter what, we have begun to get, there is a beginning, there is a future

The undead bone marrow is condensed, and the bone corpse also disintegrates in an instant. Some of the bone corpses under the control of the undead bone marrow are no longer undead, but also disintegrate under the powerful force.

Soon, Mingzhuo solved the other two bone corpses and got three small undead bone marrow.

This area is also quiet. If the bones in this area want to be aggressive, it will take at least 10 days and a half months, so the four people can have a good rest here for a period of time.

Nanfeng doesn't matter, but huoyerong and Ji Xiaolu can't stand the constant fighting.

Just as they sat down, two figures came here, two middle-aged warriors.

As soon as they came, they directly respected Mingzhuo, "young master!".

There is no doubt that these are the people of Ming family, and to feel their breath is the perfect state of the inferior God, and the perfect state of the superior inferior God.

"Mingzhuo must know that the Ming family is coming, but he didn't tell us!" Fire night Rong immediately to south wind sound.

"It seems that some things are not as simple as they seem!" The south wind naturally sniffed out the difference and responded.

"You two are here at last!" Mingzhuo was excited.

"Young master, along the way, there are too many attacking bones. It really delays our speed. Please don't blame me, young master!" Said the two warriors.

"That's all right, just come!" Mingzhuo speaks softly.

"Elder martial brother Ming, when did you let the family come?" Ji Xiaolu also felt that something was wrong and asked.

"Younger martial sister Ji, you are a good woman. Well, elder martial brother, I'll give you a chance to be my woman. You can leave here alive today!" Mingzhuo is very simple, said directly.

Hearing this, Ji Xiaolu's look immediately darkened, and what she didn't want to happen happened!

Her master, the fire Thunder God King, has really lost his sight. Mingzhuo has not changed after all. In recent months, his performance is only shown to the fire Thunder God King and Tianmen disciples. Mingzhuo's inner killing and jealousy have not retreated after all.It can even be said that because of the hiding these days, it is more intense.

"Don't you think it's too much to live up to master's expectations for you? If you think about it carefully, master is strict, but he doesn't do his best to teach us!" Ji Xiaolu became angry.

"Younger martial sister Ji, that's why I'm going to kill him!" Mingzhuo is no longer peaceful and dangerous. The killing roars.

The murderous eyes also looked directly at the south wind.

"Some people, it's impossible to change!" Nanfeng said faintly, "it's really hard for you to bear it for more than two months. I'm glad to see that you have changed. Just a short time ago, I wanted to help you become a real king of the Ming Dynasty fighting body!"

"But now it seems that I can only send you to hell!"

At this moment, Nanfeng's killing intention is not under Mingzhuo.

"Ha ha ~" hearing Nanfeng's words, Mingzhuo laughed with disdain. "Nanfeng, what are you? You said that you helped benshaoxiu to become a real king of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Remember, Ben Shao doesn't need what he wants. He will take what he wants. For example, now, Ben Shao will get the cultivation method of chaos gold body from you first, and the means of leapfrog challenge!"

"In fact, sometimes when I see people like you, I feel very pitiful, because you are so paranoid." Nanfeng said with a sneer.

Also at this moment, the south wind took the two women into the golden world. "Nanfeng, you also come in. Mingzhuo doesn't know that they can't enter your world without your permission. They are not the will of heaven here!" Fire night Rong also directly Sound south wind.