Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2436

"Those who are envious of martial arts also practice the aboveboard and aboveboard Buddhist martial arts, which proves that there is no justice or evil in power. It is only the human heart that has justice or evil. Some of the powers develop evil intelligence, which is probably caused by the heart of living beings." Nanfeng said with emotion


And see this Mingzhuo urge Shenhuo, south wind also don't hesitate, colorful Tiandao Shenhuo instant diffuse his offensive.

The Ming King fire is a kind of Buddha fire born from the way of heaven, and it is most appropriate to use the way of heaven fire to touch each other. And can clearly feel, south wind multicolored god fire a, that white Ming King god fire seems a little afraid to suppress.

At this moment, the attack of the south wind also fell.

At this moment, Mingzhuo also uses Mingwang Shenhuo to gather another palm to resist the attack of the south wind.

Two hot frenzied, the impact of the power instantly scattered, with the whole platform followed by a shock, two people also draw traces on the platform, was the hot anti shock force shock retreat.

At first glance, the southerly wind was not retreated for a long time, which also shows that the southerly wind had the upper hand in this battle.

"It's amazing that Nanfeng still has the upper hand. This Nanfeng is really worthy of his reputation. If he can really challenge at a higher level!" This scene, let the martial arts around the real shock, heavily said.

When it comes to leapfrog challenges, it's better to hear than to see with one's own eyes.

"What kind of talent is this south wind? It's not enough to describe it as a demon!"

The warriors around were shocked and even admired Nanfeng. Mingzhuo on the platform was not as relaxed as before, but more dignified.

This confrontation made him understand how strong the power of Nanfeng was. At this moment, he suddenly felt that fighting against Nanfeng was more important than casting.

But now it's here, what can he do? He can only fight hard.

"Well! If you choose the caster, it will be better than it is now! " Seeing Zhuo Ming's dignified and shadowy look, Nanfeng disdained to make a sound.

"Buddha's fire is bright!" When Mingzhuo's intention to kill was heard, the momentum of his whole body increased rapidly. The fire of the king of Ming burned around the world, and a huge palm of Buddha nature emerged from Mingzhuo.

In an instant, the fire palm of Buddha became bigger and occupied almost the whole battlefield.

Nanfeng has no way to hide. When he looks at it, he seems to see the endless Buddha, and even has a pair of eyes of Buddha light to look at himself, making his heart and body fall into that kind of invisible suppression.

"The repressive power of Buddha's nature is a little interesting!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

However, when his multicolored heavenly fire burned again, all the suppression of Buddha nature was removed, his eyes flashed, and Nanfeng directly hit the suppressed Buddha fire palm.

Nanfeng did not break out magic power, but he mobilized the physical strength of the golden body, which can be seen from the golden lines around his fist.

Bang! A dull voice rang out, and the fire palm of Buddha broke.

Nanfeng's blow is full of physical strength.

When the fire palm of Buddha began to diffuse cracks, the mark of mixed fire appeared in the eyebrow of Nanfeng, and he urged the mixed fire spirit. Under the mixed fire spirit body, his fist heart directly erupted a magic power - burning anger.

Anger also rises, along with the inflamed idea anger direct toward clear Zhuo but go.

"The fire of King Ming is in your hands. It's a waste. Why don't you give it to me?" In the flames, the south wind's scornful voice rang again.

It is very effective to attack Mingzhuo with words.

After so much experience, Nanfeng is very confident in his ability to see people.

If so, Mingzhuo looks more ferocious, and even fell into some madness.

At this moment, he also urged his spirit body, and a white mark appeared on his eyebrows. The mark was still burning, which made the fire of the Ming King more intense.

He also incarnated in the flame, which was completely combined with his Ming King's divine fire. It seemed that a group of Ming King's divine fire directly appeared in the mid air.

"Invisible fire

At this moment, Mingzhuo didn't plan to attack, but incarnated flame to escape into the invisible, in order to avoid the attack of south wind.

So it is, the south wind inflames the will to anger to fall, only explodes in the space but opens.

"Although our elder martial brother has not suffered any trauma, we have to admit that from the beginning to the end, it is our elder martial brother who is under pressure. I'm afraid it will be sooner or later that he will lose." At this time, the martial arts people around talked again.

"Yes, it's said that this battle was put forward by our elder martial brother. This time, it's self humiliating."

"Nanfeng tells us that there are all kinds of talents in this world, but we can't think of them."

… "Escape into the invisible? It's a joke to think about escaping into the invisible in front of me!" Inflamed, south wind is not angry, just a faint sound.

He emerged from the flames of mixed fire, made a seal with both hands, and several magic talismans of mixed fire appeared, which turned into chains and disappeared into invisibility, suppressing Xiang Mingzhuo.

"Open fire talisman!" Mingzhuo is unwilling to be suppressed, which drives his open fire talisman.From the momentum, this Mingzhuo's fire talisman is not inferior to the mixed fire talisman, which shows that Mingzhuo is absolutely good at casting.

The south wind didn't break out any other talisman again, because it was just a mixed fire talisman. You know, his magic talisman of mixed fire is full of his own rule power, but it doesn't show.

Moreover, this attack, he is not to directly defeat this Mingzhuo, but to get the fire of Mingwang.

WOW! The next moment, in the invisible space, the chains of two talismans interweave, beat together and destroy each other.

A few moments later, Nanfeng restrained the chain of the magic talisman of mixed fire. At this moment, Nanfeng also laughed.

At this moment, you can clearly feel that the south wind mixed fire talisman has been filled with some Ming King fire.

Under the power of the rule of south wind mixing fire, the Ming King god fire formed a kind of fire, which was controlled by south wind.

"Mingwang Shenhuo, good Shenhuo! It contains the power of Buddha South wind excited smile way.

This is another powerful part of his rule of mixing fire. Through the power of divine fire, he creates the corresponding divine fire.

This scene, also shocked all.

"How did he do it?" The martial arts around him couldn't believe it and said, "he didn't draw the fire of the elder martial brother, and the elder martial brother couldn't give him the fire on his own initiative. He just got some strength. How did he do it?"

Deep in the void, the king of fire and thunder, and a group of Tianmen elders were shocked and looked at each other.

"Give me back the fire of King Ming!" Mingzhuo became angry and walked out of the room.

"Mingzhuo, give it back to you? I didn't take your magic fire, your magic fire is still on you, and this is just my own condensation! " South wind sneers. In the sneer, Nanfeng brings the Ming King's fire directly into the mixed fire world.