Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2435

"Master, but you know Mingzhuo's character. If he fails in front of many Tianmen disciples, he will bear in his heart the real intention of killing." Ji Xiaolu is still worried.

"Mingzhuo's character is known by his teacher, so this time he won't stand in the way of being a teacher. If he doesn't make a change, it will be difficult for him to make great achievements in the future, not only in casting tools, but also in martial arts."

"Nanfeng's genius can make him change. If he doesn't want to change..."

Finally, the king of fire and thunder didn't say any more, but left here. Obviously, he went to watch the battle between Nanfeng and Mingzhuo.

"This master!" Ji Xiaolu was very helpless. Immediately, she also went to the 12th floor of the temple. She didn't want to miss the battle.

On the 12th floor, there are already many martial arts people everywhere. Almost all the disciples of Tianmen have arrived, and there is still some strong breath in the void. They must be the elders of Tianmen here.

These warriors naturally heard about Nanfeng, especially after the exposure of Nanfeng's challenge.

All eyes are also looking at the huge platform, at this time Mingzhuo and Nanfeng are already on it, their eyes and momentum have been fighting together.

"Is that the south wind? The genius who can challenge is unique in the whole divine realm? " A lot of people talk about it.

"How often does the south wind come to us?"

"How could our elder martial brother fight against Nanfeng? It seems that it's not as simple as a duel."

"Who can know, now, I want to know who will win this competition, our usual arrogant elder martial brother, or the south wind, who leaps over the level to challenge and has unparalleled reputation!"

… "Choose to fight in front of the public. It seems that you really want to disgrace me!" Momentum confrontation, south wind sound in Mingzhuo, "but, have you ever thought, if you lose, what will happen?"

"In other places, Mingzhuo doesn't dare to say, but on this day, Mingzhuo is the only one. All the disciples here can only obey me." Mingzhuo responded coldly.

"Therefore, I am not inferior to you in both martial arts and casting."

"I'm so confident!" Nanfeng disdained, "but what I need to tell you is that you will destroy everything because of your jealousy! Let's talk about it. In this contest, do you want to fight or cast a weapon? "

"I don't need you to tell me my way." Mingzhuo said, "from your rumor, you should be more talented in martial arts than in casting. So fight. Don't say Mingzhuo takes advantage of me."

Mingzhuo naturally has his own wishful thinking. Through his momentum, he can feel that the south wind is only the middle stage of the lower God, but he is the perfect stage of the lower God. Although it is only the early stage of the lower God's perfect stage, it is two different levels from him.

Even if Nanfeng leaps to the next level to challenge the lower God, he also has the advantage of realm. The advantage of realm is the biggest advantage and also the advantage that decides the victory or defeat.

If he chooses casting, it's not necessarily because he also knows that Nanfeng is the eldest martial brother of Tianlan, and the casting level is not bad.

Therefore, he believes that it is easier to win the battle against Nanfeng.

Another point is that in martial arts, he is well-known in the whole kingdom of heaven. In the same territory, except for a few members of the heaven family, he has never been afraid of anyone.

"It's a dead end thing!" Hear Ming Zhuo want to fight with oneself, South breeze in the heart is disdain to say very much.

Boom! The next moment, the confrontation of the two men's momentum reached a fixed point, and the huge platform seemed to be directly divided into two parts by the momentum, and the two momentum seemed to rush towards each other.

"They're going to fight. There's no contest!" The disciples around said, "let's see if Nanfeng can really challenge. His realm should be the highest and the lowest God."

"It must be able to challenge at a higher level. I don't see that his momentum is not weaker than our elder martial brother." Some of the warriors said, "next, it depends on his fighting power under the challenge of leapfrogging!" "It's true that this momentum can be challenged by leaps and bounds. What kind of evil is it? In the long history of martial arts, there are only two people who can be challenged by leaps and bounds in the divine realm, one is the ancestor of our divine realm - Tianzu, and the other is the ancestor of the demon realm - heizu!" Empty

deep in the sky, the king of fire and thunder said with emotion.

"No wonder I have to protect the little guy's safety."

The higher the realm, the higher the origin of the creatures, the more they can understand the challenge in the divine realm, which is what kind of talent, which can be called the strongest talent in heaven and earth.

"The former descendant of Tianzu has been extinct in this divine land. Does it mean that Nanfeng will become the next alternative Tianzu, the next leader recognized by heaven and earth?" Fire thunder god king heart also can't help guessing the south wind.

… On the platform, Mingzhuo took the lead in fighting. A white flame appeared under his feet, and the speed of the lower God's perfection broke out. He went straight to the south wind, and a huge palm of white flame was shot in an instant.

Although it's not a magic power, this Mingzhuo does his best and doesn't give Nanfeng the temptation to adapt to his power.Looking at the white flame giant palm, the south wind mixed fire world felt the resonance. It is obvious that the white flame contains the power of divine fire, and there must be divine fire in Mingzhuo's body.

"Divine fire? The divine fire in Mingzhuo's body should be something I don't have. Take advantage of this battle to find an opportunity to seize the fire." Nanfeng thought at once.

In addition to the resonance of the divine fire, Nanfeng also felt the power of Buddha nature on this white flame palm, the Buddha nature of light.

However, Nanfeng didn't think much about it. When he stepped on the ground, his body shot out fiercely, and the mixed fire flame also emerged. In this way, the south wind passes directly through Mingzhuo's white flame palm.

Then, the south wind itself turned into a mixed fire flame, and the iron blood sword was also integrated in it.

Bear! Flame burning, this mixed fire flame cut on both sides, there is a torrent of flame.

Nanfeng attack is very fast, faster than Mingzhuo, the strength is also stronger, this time, let Mingzhuo involuntarily retreat, but this is the battle platform, retreat distance is limited.

His face became dignified, and Mingzhuo resisted.

Bear! At that moment, Mingzhuo's whole body was ablaze with white flame, and the real God's breath appeared on the white flame.

There is no doubt that Mingzhuo has stirred his own fire.

Buzz, buzz! The white sacred fire also released a strong buzz, which was mixed with the Buddha power. The Buddha power that Nanfeng felt at the beginning was also from the white sacred fire.

If you think about it, Nanfeng will know what kind of flame it is. It's King Ming's magic fire. Mingwang divine fire, a kind of divine fire under the Buddha of the way of heaven, is the so-called just and aboveboard way.