Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2437

"And then, that's the end of the fight!" At this time, Nanfeng murmured in his heart.

Through these several battles, he was so angry that he knew how powerful he was at this time. He also slapped him in the face. Mingzhuo, the battle was meaningless to him.

Now, he has no problem fighting with all his strength against any ordinary warrior who is in a perfect divine state.

With the increase of mixed fire power, he entered the third layer of primitive self pole, the state of primitive flame.

"The south wind seems to be stronger!" Some Tianmen disciples said with emotion.

"I'm afraid that his purpose at the beginning was King Ming's magic fire. Now that he has it, it's natural that he will end the battle. Our elder martial brother, this time, he's really losing his wife and fighting again!"

But at this moment, the momentum on the stage changed again. In the south wind flame mixed fire momentum, another spirit of the momentum also rise, it is from Mingzhuo body.

At this moment, Mingzhuo's spirit body seems to have changed from ordinary spirit body to God's spirit body. Mingzhuo's spirit body is a kind of Buddha's power. Nanfeng didn't feel it carefully. Under this momentum, Nanfeng paid attention to it. "He should have inspired his own blood, and his blood improved the essence of his spirit body. It seems that his blood is not simple, and I'm afraid it's the same as his spirit body!"

The disciples of Tianmen around also said again, "it seems that things are not so simple. The elder martial brother seems to have burst out his real strength. In recent years, we have only seen the casting level of the elder martial brother with our own eyes, but not the combat limit of the elder martial brother!"

"It seems to be the blood of the Ming family, but it comes from the blood of the battle body of the king of the Ming Dynasty!" Others said, "and the spirit body of the elder martial brother is just the spirit body under the fighting body of the king of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Let's see the combat power limit of our elder martial brother!"

… "Don't move the spirit and blood under the Ming King's fighting body!" Hearing the comments of the Tianmen disciples around, Nanfeng murmured in his heart, thinking about the Ming King's fighting style.

It is also a kind of powerful fighting style between heaven and earth, just like the barbaric fighting style.

Not moving the Ming King's battle style and Ming King's divine fire, it was born with it.

"It turns out that it doesn't move the Ming King's fighting blood. No wonder it has the Ming King's magic fire, and its cultivation and comprehension are good!" The south wind was appreciating.

"However, with the blood momentum I feel, the blood of the king of Ming in Mingzhuo's body is not pure. Under the extreme blood, his body doesn't even touch the three Chengdu of the king of Ming's fighting body!"

The fire of Ming King burned behind Mingzhuo, and a white Buddha appeared. It was majestic and shining. If the sentient beings can feel the darkness in the depths of Mingzhuo, the Buddha of the Ming king.

This is the result of Mingzhuo's heart.

Mingzhuo's heart is not that kind of justice, or even there is no justice, light. His cultivation of this kind of light Buddha power, divine power, naturally affects this kind of Buddha power to go to the opposite way.

Under the shadow of the Ming King Buddha and the fire of the Ming king, Mingzhuo's body moves towards the direction of the powerful body. His whole body turns white, just like the hardest jade.

The tattoo of the body, Mingzhuo really seems to have inspired a kind of powerful fighting body.

However, if you feel it carefully, you can still find that Mingzhuo's physical momentum is quite different from the physical momentum under the real combat body.

"It seems to be this kind of form if you don't move the Ming King's fighting style, but elder martial brother, it can only reach 40% of the Ming King's fighting style!" Some Tianmen disciples said.

"In this region of the kingdom of God, 40% is already very powerful. You know, the ancestors of the Ming family are only 60% of the fighting bodies of the Ming king."

"It's up to 40% of the battle style of the king of the Ming Dynasty, but I think Nanfeng underestimates this guy a little, but it doesn't seem that there is much difference between 40% and 3 pairs for me!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

"These 40% of the immovable King's fighting body can barely match my eight Zhang gold body."

"Nanfeng, my brilliant fire, is not so easy to take!" Under the surge of power, Mingzhuo said.

"Yes, but in my opinion, it should be a fool's dream that you want to take back less than half of your immovable Ming war style." Nanfeng said with a sneer.

"Don't underestimate me!" Hearing the south wind, Mingzhuo roared.

Boom boom! Under the flame of the Ming King's divine fire, Mingzhuo's whole body soared, and suddenly reached the height of eight Zhang.

"Don't move the pillar!"

The eight Zhang high body turned into a white jade pillar in an instant, and the Ming King's divine fire burned on it naturally, carrying the momentum of the collapse of the sky and suppressing it to the south wind.

This blow, gathered all the strength of Mingzhuo, and this blow, also bet all of Mingzhuo.

"Mingzhuo, let you see the body of the real battle body level!" Nanfeng grinned and said that the mixed fire on his body was immediately replaced by the golden light. In his power, the chaotic golden body came out.

In an instant, the chaos gold body has been combined with a gold body inscription to form a pillar of golden light.In the sound of gold and iron, immovable pillar and gold inscription collide, and the flesh tattoos derived from the two forces are intertwined.

From that kind of prestige, it's like a close collision.

But it was so fast.

Without moving Mingzhu, he could not even stand still with the inscriptions on the gold body. He broke up and turned into layers of fragments. Mingzhuo's body fell to the ground at that moment.

Under the impact of the manic waves, there was silence all around.

It's too fast.

"That gold body, that is chaos gold body!" Finally, a shocking sound broke the silence.

With the whole voice, all eyes, and a lot of admiration, looked to the south wind.

"Yes, that's the real chaos gold body. Our master brother is not wronged for his defeat, because even the real Ming King's war body is different from chaos gold body."

"Yes, not many of them can compete with chaos gold body."

The air wave retreated, and Mingzhuo half knelt on the platform. He was not hurt, and his face was calm.

No injury, of course, because the south wind mercy, in front of the thunder and Fire God King, south wind still need some discretion.

As for the calm, I'm afraid it's just the calm before Mingzhuo's complete madness.

"I hope this guy won't be really crazy, otherwise, I won't be polite!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

There is an age-old, south wind killed Mingzhuo, thunder and Fire God King did not dare to say anything.

Fortunately, at this time, the voice of thunder and Fire God King sounded, "Mingzhuo, now you come to my king's training place, I have something to tell you." In this discourse, there is also some power of God King, which to a large extent suppresses Mingzhuo's madness.