Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2432

The so-called spectators see clearly. After a period of time, many people around feel that the strength of the south wind has increased.

"Nanfeng, it seems that he is taking the magic sand of Tianlan, or the dark magic sand, to hone his strength." Some of them said to each other.

"In such a battle of life and death, I'm afraid only such a genius dares to think and do it." Some of them said with emotion.

"Dark magic sand, can't you see that the south wind is training you? If you don't fight with all your strength, then you can win the battle! " Tianlan Huiteng immediately sends a message to the dark magic sand.

Although this is no longer his son, Tianlan Huiteng believes that Tianlan magic sand will take his own body again. Besides, he doesn't want Nanfeng to win.

"Death Hearing the sound of the sky and the discussion around, the dark magic sand is crazy, and the roar shakes the world.

Boom boom! Under the roar, all the magic sand storms in this area converge to form a huge sand grinding storm connecting the sky and the earth.

The evil bat sand shadow also entered the magic sand storm, and the dark magic sand completely turned into bat sand shadow at the roaring moment.

All the dark magic sand forces are in this magic sand storm.

You can clearly see that there is a dark shadow around the storm, which is the magical power of peeping into the inner darkness of Nanfeng. But this time, I dare not peep directly. I'm waiting for the opportunity.

Waiting for the moment when the south wind is suppressed.

The huge magic sand storm swept directly to the south wind, and the evil claws appeared and cracked.

At this moment, Nanfeng's eyes are no longer dignified, but firm.

"Although your counterattack is very fast, for me, time is enough. Every previous attack, the pressure of strength, makes my potential burst out. So accumulated, the limit has come!" Nanfeng murmured.

Time is naturally enough for the south wind.

Under the ten thousand hour rule, the south wind can easily make the time of your body measurement speed up without being perceived by the dark magic sand.

Boom! Between the words, it seems that the power accumulated for many years suddenly erupted from Nanfeng's body. The shadow of three rules surrounded Nanfeng's body, and Nanfeng's whole body also expanded.

At this moment, the south wind seems to have unlimited power.

On the basis of three thousand weak waters, he made a direct blow. At once, the weak water world condensed, the fist style swept out, the sand shadow claws suddenly collapsed, and the huge magic sand storm stopped.

"What's the matter? Just a punch? " This scene subverts the three views of all martial arts.

This is so sudden.

This is a grudging balance of power, in order to suddenly become a decadent.

"This power, the perfect power of the lower God?" Some of the median God perception, a little unbelievable said.

"The next God is perfect?" All the voices began to wonder.

"No way, he didn't improve at all? Does he hide his strength more? Can not be, such a battle, there is no need to hide strength? "

"What's more, his training just now is probably for this final outbreak!"

"What's going on?" All the warriors don't know why.

"The realm has never changed, the strength is improving, the challenge of leapfrogging?" Fire home owner suddenly said.

But when he said that, he immediately denied, "impossible! It can't be a leapfrog challenge, a divine realm. There is no leapfrog challenge, let alone more than one realm! "

At this moment, the four words of leapfrog challenge appeared in the minds of all warriors.

... Nanfeng doesn't care about these. He's excited. He's breaking through the limit again in the leapfrog challenge. He has the fighting power to surpass a realm.

In the middle stage of the lower God at the peak, he can directly fight the perfect warrior of the lower God at the early stage.

When the goal is achieved, Nanfeng will no longer be infatuated with the battle. The golden light is diffuse, the chaotic golden body is called, and an inscription on the golden body is swept out. The inscription on the golden body carries 3000 weak water.

In a collision, the shadow of the bat sand broke up again, and the dark magic sand was hit hard. Just at the moment of hit, Tianlan magic sand didn't know how to occupy his body again and suppress the dark magic sand.

But what about this? Tianjin talisman and hunhuo talisman have been turned into chains and completely suppressed Tianlan magic sand.

Under the power of the south wind, the magic sand can no longer move.

"Is it really a leapfrog challenge?" At this time, more fighters are still wondering, which is too hard for them to believe.

"Defeated, Tianlan magic sand defeated!" Of course, the eyes of all the fighters also looked at the end of the battle and murmured.

Tianlan Huiteng wants to start at the first time and save Tianlan magic sand from Nanfeng.

However, Nanfeng's words directly stopped him. "You must remember that the magic sand of Tianlan is an oath made by the blood of Tianlan family. If you do it, even if the Tianlan family will not be eaten back, your precious son will definitely be destroyed in an instant!"

Tian LAN Huiteng stopped and looked gloomy.There was silence all around.

All eyes focus on Nanfeng. They want to see if Nanfeng will kill Tianlan magic sand.

"Release my teacher, your son will live!" In the silence, Nanfeng spoke again, and the tone of Nanfeng was very simple.

At this time, Nanfeng wants to kill Tianlan magic sand very much. With the dark spirit body and dark magic sand, and the talent is absolutely not bad, Tianlan magic sand will definitely become his strong enemy.

The south wind doesn't want to let the tiger go.

But Nanfeng is afraid that once lanmo sand dies, Tianlan Huiteng will be reckless and kill teacher Yang.

Hearing Nanfeng's words, Tianlan Huiteng's eyes suddenly flashed, and directly released Mr. Yang. It's worth it to exchange a Mr. Yang for his son's life.

Nanfeng is not the one who broke his word, and he also let go of Tianlan magic sand.

"Ah This scene, let teacher Yang heart life sigh, Nanfeng sometimes too much respect rules, also can be said to really pay attention to friendship.

In teacher Yang's opinion, at this time, Nanfeng slaughters the magic sand of Tianlan, and Tianlan Huiteng will never kill himself, because he belongs to Tianmen.

However, this kind of south wind is what he appreciates.

Therefore, under the sigh, teacher Yang is more excited.

"If you don't kill me today, you will regret it!" Tianlan magic sand coldly said, "you are ultimately defeated in your so-called friendship, your inner darkness is just a lie!"

"I will never regret letting go of my defeated generals, because my defeated generals will never have a chance to catch up with me again!" Nanfeng disdains to respond.

"As for the inner darkness you said, if you want to try again, I don't mind letting you die in the fear of darkness. Now, I can accept your challenge again!"

Hearing the words of Nanfeng, the magic sand of Tianlan is ferocious. He also wants to fight against Nanfeng directly. But now he can only endure!