Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2431

"To devour the darkness depends on what you devour. Your dark magic sand is indeed the ultimate dark thing in heaven and earth, but in your hand, compared with the darkness in my heart, it is not worth mentioning at all!" Looking through the waves, Nanfeng looks at the speechless Tianlan magic sand and says

. Looking at Nanfeng's high and arrogant eyes, the inner world of Tianlan magic sand seems to be in darkness and crazy. Tianlan magic sand can't understand how there is so much darkness in a living creature's heart. There are not a few evil warriors he has seen, but none of them has the darkness in Feng's heart.

The south wind has such darkness, but there is no dark evil performance.

Tianlan magic sand can't understand. In the face of the unknown, there is no trace of understanding in the heart, coupled with a little desperate situation, which often makes the inner fear of the living beings. This fear can't help but come out of thin air.

At this moment, you can really see the fear under the ferocity in the eyes of Tianlan magic sand.

Nanfeng develops some heizu blood in his body, and cultivates the power of zumo. The devil is the ultimate derivation of darkness, which can be said to be the most extreme. Therefore, the darkness in Nanfeng zumo's world can not be understood and endured by creatures with the same strength as him.

Of course, Nanfeng is not affected by the endless darkness because he has Tianzu blood and Tianzu spirit.

The magic sand of Tianlan is afraid, but Nanfeng is a little unhappy in his heart, because at this time, he still hasn't broken through his limit and made his ability of leapfrog challenge further.

The pressure from the magic sand of Tianlan is not enough.

"It seems that if you want to go further, the opportunity is not enough now!" Nanfeng said in his heart, "let's end this battle first."

Nanfeng began to emit golden light, and the call of chaos golden body was just in a moment.

But at this time, the momentum on the magic sand of Tianlan increased again, and the invisible fear in his eyes turned to the dark killing. This is a battle of life and death, and Tianlan magic sand is also a kind of genius who has experienced life and death. How can he give up until the end.

Besides, he still has strength, he still has cards!

At this time, Tianlan magic sand gave up the full control of the dark magic sand spirit, that is, the dark sand python. Behind him, the dark sand Python emerged and his eyes recovered.

"My master, you are really a failure. You have been defeated to pieces!" Dark magic sand is a scornful sound.

"Shut up, this time, I'll let you take my body!" The sky LAN evil sand coldly says.

"Ha ha, my master, you should have done so long ago!" Hearing this, the dark sand boa laughed happily.

"Does Tianlan magic sand want to be controlled by dark magic sand?" Seeing this scene, the people around said heavily.

"What else can he do if he doesn't? It's a battle of life and death, and he has to choose that! " Some of the older martial arts said.

But now, who can fight with the devil.

Who would have thought that Nanfeng had three thousand weak waters.

"That's interesting!" At this moment, Nanfeng laughed in his heart.

Dare to take the initiative to let the dark magic sand occupy their own body, such a person is really bold, south wind is admiration.

Tianlan magic sand let the dark magic sand take the initiative to occupy his body, it is really desperate, because in this way, he is very likely to be permanently occupied by the dark magic sand, he is equivalent to falling.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that the magic sand of Tianlan has its own bottom card. After the battle, it can easily take back its own body.

The next moment, the eyes of Tianlan magic sand become spiritless. The dark sand Python excitedly enters the body of Tianlan magic sand, and the eyes of Tianlan magic sand recover.

But it's not him, it's the dark sands.

"Ha ha, it's really different to have a physical body!" Feel the power at this time, dark magic sand is excited to laugh.

Immediately, the dark magic sand looked at the south wind and said with a sneer, "in fact, I should thank you, otherwise, how can I have this chance to get the body of the body!"

"But unfortunately, I want to swallow you! Swallow three thousand weak water in your body

"Is it arrogant to use a ball of things that have no physical body?" Nanfeng responded with a sneer.

Roar! The heart of dark magic sand is the kind of heaven and earth, only for the sole respect. When he heard Nanfeng say so, he roared angrily, and all his killing intention poured out to Nanfeng.

The dark mark of his eyebrow flashed, and the whole surrounding area had turned into a dark world of magic sand. A wave of magic sand storm swept to the south.

At this moment, the south wind feels the threat again. At this moment, the power of the dark sand will really be revealed, because it is controlled by the dark sand.

Entering the primitive self polar state, the south wind turns the whole body into water, and 3000 weak water flows, forming tidal storm, which sweeps out and collides with the magic sand storm.

Boom! The water and sand froze together.

The three thousand weak water constantly impacts the dark magic sand, and the toxin of the weak water destroys the dark substance, while the dark magic sand constantly absorbs the three thousand weak water, water and sand, which can always absorb any water well."The strength has really increased!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

At this time, in addition to other deities, the power of world rules, chaos, gold body, south wind really burst out its own power to the extreme.

In this stalemate, three thousand weak water suddenly began to rout, and this rout, the south wind's offensive momentum is all gone, for a moment, the dark magic sand destroyed and drowned three thousand weak water.

The south wind was swept by a magic sand storm and fell down again.

The source of life urged, burst out in an instant, the south wind stepped out of the magic sand storm, attacking with 3000 weak water powers.

"The pace?" Seeing the instant, the soldiers around were shocked again.

"Instant movement, through the instant movement stronger than one's own strength, this step is the instant step of heaven and earth!" Some of the Warriors also directly saw that it was the instant step of heaven and earth, and even more said with emotion.

… Roar! Seeing the south wind breaking out is the instant step of heaven and earth, the dark magic sand is even more angry. In a roar, the dark sand shadow bat reappears, and all the dark magic sand is filled with the power of evil again.

The whole area, swept out more magic sand storm.

In this way, even if there is an instant, the south wind is constantly inundated by the magic sand storm.

In this way, the circulation continued, the south wind continued to escape in an instant, and the sand storm continued to submerge.

In this cycle, the attack of the south wind naturally played a role, and some magic sand storms were smashed by him.

However, his trauma is also increasing, which can be seen from his more and more embarrassed figure.

"I'll see how many times you can break out the instant steps of heaven and earth, and whether your recovery power is infinite!" The roar of the dark sands. Unfortunately, the dark magic sand doesn't know. In this cycle, every minute and second, the south wind is raising its limit with the help of pressure.