Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2433

"No seed!" With a cold hum, Nanfeng and Mr. Yang left.

If you can use words to anger Tianlan magic sand, it's no better. Unfortunately, Tianlan magic sand held back, but his face was gloomy and he didn't challenge Nanfeng again.

The master of the fire family wanted to leave Nanfeng behind, but he was stopped by Tianlan Huiteng's voice. "Brother fire, do you want my Tianlan family to take the blood oath?"

"But let go of Nanfeng. I really can't explain to Shenzi. Besides, Nanfeng is so arrogant that she took away Tianjiao's daughter of our Huo family." The owner of the fire family is not willing to respond.

"It's not your fault, brother Huo. Our father and son will explain it to the son of God." Tianlan Huiteng said.

"Thank you, brother Huiteng Thank you.

How can the fire master not know that he can't stop Nanfeng from leaving? The reason why he looks like he's chasing is that he's waiting for Tianlan Huiteng's words. He doesn't want to take the responsibility.

… "Don't be too headstrong in the future. It's a successful thing. You always make it so complicated, and there is a huge danger to your life!" After leaving, teacher Yang said to Nanfeng.

"If you were not lucky enough to break through your limit again, you would be completely submerged by the dark magic sand today!"

"Ha ha, the teacher's lesson is!" Nanfeng nods and laughs.

Looking at Nanfeng's smile, Mr. Yang shakes his head helplessly. He knows that his words may be ignored. If he meets such a thing in the future, Nanfeng will not even think about it.

However, this way, perhaps is the real genius, the real future of the road of martial arts emperor!

After this battle, the name of Nanfeng once again resounded throughout Tianlan Kingdom, not only in strength, but also in face.

The most humiliating thing for a man is that the woman he wants is taken away by others.

At this time, there are not many people to think about how Tianlan Shenzi looks and how angry he will be. More attention is paid to the south wind. They are all talking about whether the south wind can really surpass the challenge and surpass a level.

At the same time, the reputation of Tianlan magic sand once again resounded in Tianlan kingdom. Although Tianlan magic sand is defeated, who dares to belittle it? It's a genius with dark spirit body, no less than Tianlan God son and dark magic sand with dark pole.

"Are you all right?" In Tianmen's self-cultivation palace, Nanfeng asks huoyerong.

"It's OK, young master. You came in time!" Fire night Rong road.

"Well, next, you can go to the kingdom of heaven with me. The kingdom of heaven has caused so many troubles that you really need to go out to avoid it!" Said Nanfeng.

"To the kingdom of heaven." Fire night Rong said.

"Yes, the kingdom of heaven, the ancient told me, there will be some opportunities in the near future!" Said Nanfeng.

In a few days, gujiu will leave. It's very natural for gujiu to leave. Of course, it won't be known to many people, only Nanfeng and Mr. Yang will know.

Gu Qing that little girl also left with the old, Gu Qing is thinking of following the south wind to experience together, but now the south wind, really does not have the absolute strength to protect the little girl.

Before leaving, Nanfeng also contacted the fat man, who has not appeared since he came out of the divine land.

This time contact is good, fat guy responded.

The array above Nanfeng's arm appeared, and the figure of the fat man appeared. When he came out, he said with a smile, "ha ha, it's worthy of my fat brother, who made LAN Shenzi lose face and go to grandma's house that day!"

"Fat man, you don't have to talk to me about this. There's one thing I want to ask you. When you and I got the instant walk of heaven and earth in the mirror nest, did you know that there was a powerful dark mirror bee in the center of the mirror nest?"

"Brother, how do you say that?" Hearing the south wind's inquiry, the fat man murmured.

When the fat man mumbles, Nanfeng immediately confirms that this guy knows.

"Fat man, you don't know how to tell me!" Nanfeng said directly.

If it wasn't for the blood of Tianzu that flowed in his body, the dark mirror bee would respect Tianzu, and his true self would have fallen. It's still unknown whether the soul separation can go away.

"Brother, you can't blame me for this. I told you that we can't go there at all." Said the fat man.

"But you don't believe it!" With that, the fat man's spirit also turned his mouth.

"I really don't believe it, but I can bear the pressure on it, but who knows, there are dark mirror bee, fat man, don't tell me, you mean it!" Said Nanfeng.

"Hey, hey!" Hearing this, the fat man began to laugh.

"You are a man of purpose Said Nanfeng.

"Ha ha, brother, don't be angry. I don't tell you it's because of fat master. I know that dark mirror bee will never kill you, because you have pure ancestral blood in your body!" The fat man said with a smile.

"How do you know?" South wind doubts.Nanfeng suddenly found out how many secrets the fat man knew.

It should be a secret that there is a relationship between Tianzu and the dark mirror bee. After all, the dark mirror bee is only guarding the mirror nest, and Tianzu can't tell other people about it.

"Ha ha, brother, it's a secret! The fat master who has no secret is still me. " The fat man said with a smile.

"One day, all your secrets will be in front of me." A faint south wind.

"Ha ha, fat man, I'm looking forward to that day." The fat man said with a smile, "well, let's get down to business. You can't contact the fat master just to ask about it!"

"I'm going to the kingdom of heaven and time. Would you like to join me?" Asked Nanfeng.

"No, fat master, I have my way of training!" The fat man said with a smile, "what's more, I'm always hurt in my heart with you, because you are always favored by those proud girls!"

With that, the fat guy's voice became pitiful.

"Go away!" South wind scolds directly.

… After that, through the transmission array of Tianmen, Nanfeng and huoyerong arrive at Tianmen of Tianshi.

Although they went to the kingdom of Tianshi secretly, it is believed that the king of Tianshan and the son of Tianshan will know soon.

However, after all, the kingdom of Tianshi is not the kingdom of Tianlan. If Tianlan Shenzi sends people to pursue and kill him, Nanfeng will face far less danger than in the kingdom of Tianlan.

Through the transmission array, the two naturally went to the transmission array on the other side first.

Come out, there are three people waiting.

A middle-aged warrior, a handsome young man, and a beautiful woman. The momentum of the middle-aged warrior was not very restrained, so as soon as he came out, Nanfeng felt the real power of the God King. The middle-aged warrior was a real God King.