Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2428

Boom! Under the two magic powers, the strong and violent waves suddenly rise, the space is severely shaken, and directly layers of fragmentation, the confluence of the flame and the dark earth, the battle to the extreme.

The two figures ran to the center of the wave and collided with each other.

The moment their bodies collide, their momentum reaches the extreme again. Behind them, the shadow of power evolves. At the moment of collision, there is a strong anti shock force.

At that moment, the two also retreated from the earthquake and made deep marks in the air.

What a dark land In the retreat of the earthquake, the south wind was very dignified. At this time, we can also see the power of the south wind around the dark land, and the power of the dark land will invade the south wind invisibly.

Nanfeng's ability to dispel these dark lands with the power of mixing fire is also very slow, which also proves that the dark power of Tianlan magic sand is not bad. The essence of his dark spirit body is very strong, and the dark power under his dark spirit body is very pure, just like a genius of the dark family.

At this moment, Nanfeng was a little sure that the reason why Tianlan God King had the dark emperor's order had nothing to do with Tianlan magic sand, and Tianlan magic sand was definitely not a simple generation, and it could not be regarded as the genius of the kingdom of God.

But Tianlan magic sand is not much better. The dark body is burned in many places, and there is the breath of divine fire in the burning place. These breath of divine fire will invade Tianlan magic sand's body, and it's not easy for him to stop it.

"The battle between the two seems to be a close match." Some of them said.

"One is dark and the other is hot. It's better to fight with equal strength, isn't it?" Many martial arts practitioners are also eager to say.

"You are really interesting. You are one of the best geniuses I've ever seen in Tianlan magic sand!" The tone is dignified, the sky LAN magic sand heavily says.

"Just like each other!" The south wind said coldly.

"It's just a pity that you met me after all!" The body shape suddenly straightens up, the sky orchid whets sand matchless self-confidence, the vision also becomes arrogant.

Standing in front of Tianlan magic sand, Nanfeng can clearly feel that Tianlan magic sand no longer mobilizes his strength to prevent the invasion of Shenhuo in the burning place of his body.

"He, what's the deal?" Nanfeng said in his heart.

And immediately, Nanfeng felt different. He found that his divine fire power invaded into the body of Tianlan magic sand and disappeared inexplicably, just like being swallowed up by the supreme phagocytic power.

"Some of the darkness is attached with phagocytosis, and it's not a small phagocytosis. Is it that the dark spirit of LAN Mo Sha is attached with phagocytosis?" Nanfeng guessed.

"Since I want to break out the cards, I'll start first."

Between the words, the south wind entered the primitive self pole. At the very beginning, he slightly stimulated the source of life, and his body was full of phagocytosis, which quickly eliminated the power of the dark earth.

The original anger erupted from his body, and he also evolved, and the anger of a Dharma Prime Minister shot at Tianlan magic sand in an instant.

Although it was a leapfrog challenge, the south wind did not break out this time.

Tianzu's blood is the root of Nanfeng's leapfrog challenge, but the defense of chaos gold body from the original extreme supports Nanfeng's leapfrog challenge, which is why chaos gold body always breaks out in every Nanfeng's leapfrog challenge.

This time, Nanfeng has a plan. He wants to challenge his limit with the help of lanmo sand. Even if he doesn't summon chaos Jinshen, he can still challenge to a greater level.

"The darkness of God - the dark barrier!" It seems that the magic sand of Tianlan is gathering something. Its body doesn't move. It just gathers the supreme defense magic power to defend against the attack of the south wind.

The light of the dark spirit body falls all around, and the dark earth diffuses with it.

Boom boom! Under the strong momentum, dark earth barriers emerge one after another to resist the anger of Dharma prime minister in the south wind. This dark barrier is also infinite evolution, evolution can't let people see the dark world, how big the dark world is, how many dark barriers there are.

In this dark barrier, the anger of south wind was completely blocked.

"Unexpectedly completely resisted the anger of my Dharma prime minister. The dark power of LAN Mo Sha on this day is absolutely pure dark power!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

But at this moment, Nanfeng is more excited, because only in this way can he inspire his fighting spirit thoroughly and help him complete the limit of leapfrog challenge again.

Fortunately, Nanfeng doesn't attack any more. He waits for the condensation of Tianlan magic sand.

If the south wind breaks out completely and the eight spirits come out together and enter the primitive self extreme body, they will have absolute confidence to break the dark barrier of Tianlan magic sand, and they will also have more confidence to suppress it completely.

However, under the eyes of the public, we still need to hide.

Moreover, in his eyes, Tianlan magic sand is just a grindstone.

"You are very confident!" See the south wind to stop attacking, the day LAN magic sand is very displeased to say. He is more arrogant in his heart. He doesn't allow anyone to fight in the battle of life and death, and he disdains him.

"To you, I'm confident!" South wind light response.

"Is it?" The sky LAN magic sand suddenly more ferocious.Roar! The invisible roar came from the magic sand of Tianlan. It was very harsh. It went through the invisible space and impacted everything around. The south wind was the first to bear the brunt. It immediately felt like boiling and rolling inside.

Some golden light rose from the south wind to form a golden shield, which combined with the golden talisman to resist the roar.

With the blink of Nanfeng's eyes, the body of Tianlan magic sand changed again and became flowing.

But if you look carefully, there is no water power, the breath of water, but the power of the dark earth.

"What's the matter?" The south wind murmurs.

Because at this time, the south wind heavy earth world has a resonance, very strong resonance, this resonance to the change of Tianlan magic sand.

"Do you have this kind of resonance between the earth and the fire in this day I feel the resonance, Nanfeng guessed.

Soon, the change of magic sand in Tianlan confirmed the conjecture of south wind.

In a moment, the whole body of Tianlan magic sand was completely like water, but it was not water, but sand.

The whole body of Tianlan magic sand is Sandy.

Roar! At this moment, the invisible roar of the beast is more real.

"Dark magic sand, come out and fight with me The eyes are completely darkened, and the mark of the dark spirit body also releases the dark lines. The magic sand of Tianlan is roaring wildly.

Roar! The roar really came out. Behind the magic sand of Tianlan, a dark beast in the form of Python came out of thin air.

Under constant consolidation, the python even opened his eyes, which are full of spirituality.

The dark Python said directly, "my master, you finally call me to fight again!"

This scene, shocked all. All the warriors said, "it's dark magic sand!"