Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2429

Dark magic sand! This is a famous thing of heaven and earth.

"No wonder Tianlan magic sand makes me feel a strong threat. The essence of that threat is even more than Tianlan Shenzi. He actually got the dark magic sand, or his dark land evolved into the dark magic sand, or he was born with the dark magic sand!" Nanfeng was also shocked and said.

"And the name of Tianlan magic sand is probably because of the dark magic sand!"

In the darkness of heaven and earth, there are many terrible dark things. None of those dark things is the nemesis of any power of heaven and earth, including the power of evil Qi.

And the dark magic sand is the best among these dark things.

Dark magic sand, born from the original place of darkness, has the supreme power of darkness. It can blacken everything, develop darkness into darkness and devour everything from the invisible.

What's more, the dark magic sand can make the inner darkness of a living creature expand infinitely, and devour the dark growth of living beings, so as to control the heart of living beings.

Dark magic sand has its own wisdom. It is also because of the wisdom that the dark magic sand is extremely powerful in all the things in heaven and earth.

The opening of the dark sand boa has proved its intelligence.

Such a powerful dark magic sand naturally has a disadvantage, that is, dark magic sand likes to eat its master, but controls its own master.

In history, many geniuses were finally controlled by the dark magic sand and became the fighting body of the dark magic sand. Also because of this, dark magic sand is called magic sand.

After all, the dark sand has nothing to do with the devil, even if he is pure darkness.

"Dark magic sand, don't talk nonsense, fight with me side by side!" The sky LAN evil sand coldly says. Although he is the master of the dark magic sand, Tianlan magic sand must suppress the dark magic sand all the time, because as long as he is called out, the dark magic sand will bite back at any time.

"Good! Good! My master, I will fight with you Feeling that the magic sand of Tianlan suppresses itself with the power of the dark spirit and blood, the dark magic sand agrees to say.

"I don't know how much control Tianlan magic sand has over the dark magic sand in his body?" After the shock, all the martial arts people around were guessing.

"If it's less than 40%, the dark magic sand can really eat back the Tianlan magic sand at any time. In the process of fighting against the south wind, the Tianlan magic sand has to face two people!"

"Since Tianlan magic sand has been summoned, it means that he has more than four levels of control over the dark magic sand. Otherwise, how could he be so stupid?" Others said.

At this time, the south wind slightly urged Jin's spirit eyes. With the power of the original self pole, he faintly felt that the control of the dark magic sand reached 60%, or even more.

"This day, lanmo sand, is really beyond my expectation!" The south wind said heavily.

"Sand bite!" Tianlan magic sand attacked, the quicksand like body turned, straight jump on the back of the dark sand python, foot a step, a group of dark magic sand fusion of his strength rushed out.

Roar! In the invisible roar, the magic sand turned into a huge mouth, biting down toward the south wind.

Under the mouth of the magic sand, the south wind also felt the strong phagocytosis.

Under the dignified, the south wind has driven its own strength to the extreme, and the mixed fire rules appear on the mixed fire talisman, which is the power convergence of all kinds of divine fire.

A flaming hand emerged.

This is the hand of heaven and earth.

If the south wind breaks out the world power at this time, then this big hand is the world hand under the mixed fire.

"Broken!" South wind war, flame big hand toward that sand bite magical power to grasp, just for one hand to grasp broken this sand bite. But he caught a blank, because the sand bite quickly evolved and flowed, cleverly avoiding the big hand of the flame.

Its speed suddenly increased, and then it turned to bite. It directly bit the back of flame's hand, making flame's hand unable to move any more. At this time, the power of the dark magic sand really showed.

In the big mouth, a stream of invisible dark material flows on the big hand of the flame. In a moment, the big hand of the flame of the south wind blackens and dies at that moment.

When Nanfeng blinked his eyes again, his big hand of mixed fire was gone. What he saw was only a stream of dark warriors carrying sand towards him.

"The dark sand bite of the dark magic sand is really terrible. It can't be resisted unless it surpasses its power or other things of heaven and earth!" Nanfeng's body retreated suddenly, and he analyzed it in his heart.

"Nephew Mosha is really extraordinary. The south wind will be defeated!" The fire owner praised and said excitedly.

"The south wind is not simple, the outcome is still unknown!" Tian LAN Hui Teng said very seriously. But the excitement in the corner of his eyes betrayed him, and he absolutely believed that his son would win.

"Dark magic sand, little fellow, you must be careful!" Mr. Yang said anxiously.

… "Nanfeng, do you want to escape?" Seeing the rapid retreat of the south wind, Tianlan magic sand said with disdain, "now, I Tianlan magic sand should officially announce that next, you will be a dead man!""Triple sand bite!"

The power comes out again, and the magic sand of Tianlan condenses two magic powers.

At this moment, the whole area is full of dark warriors under the attack of sand. All the light here is submerged by the dark matter, and suddenly it is extremely dark.

In addition, Tianlan magic sand and dark sand Python have evolved into the sand. In this way, in the mind of Tianlan magic sand, Nanfeng has no chance to break the sand eating magic power, because the power of Nanfeng is not far beyond his.

In the end, Nanfeng will only become some dark substance in his dark magic sand.

Under the three powers of killing and swallowing and endless dark matter, Nanfeng is a little desperate, even when it breaks out, because he is completely surrounded, and there is dark matter in the depths of layers of space.

At this time, I'm afraid that only the instant walk of heaven and earth can help Nanfeng escape. Unfortunately, he didn't reach that situation.

Of course, Nanfeng didn't plan to run.

"Tianlan magic sand, you have the most powerful things of heaven and earth, and so do my south wind!" Body shape stop, south wind momentum Ling ran said. At this moment, Nanfeng's eyes turned into water, and his whole body began to show the color of darkness.

Soon, a layer of black water wrapped around the south wind.

In all directions, when the dark matter from the depth of each layer of space comes, it is directly resisted by this layer of dark water.

This scene shocked all eyes.

The excitement of the fire master and Tianlan Huiteng directly changed into shock.

"What is that? What kind of water is it? It can resist the dark matter under the dark magic sand. The dark matter is invisible. It is basically impossible to resist without absolute transcendence! " All around the martial arts said heavily. "It seems that there is poison on the water, and it's very strong toxin!"