Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2427

This is really a fight that doesn't need to be carried out, because the south wind brings fire. Yerong leaves directly. The people of Tianlan family dare not take teacher Yang.

Well, a battle of life and death has come out, and everything has become unknown.

At this time, Nanfeng had to fight for life and death, because the oath was made, and both the fire master and LAN Huiteng released their hands. Even if Nanfeng entered the world again, they could not escape from their seal.

"Huiteng Taoist friend, is this really OK? If my nephew Mosha is defeated by Nanfeng, will he not send my daughter huoyerong away?" The owner of the fire asked anxiously.

The owner of Huo family is not worried about Huo Yerong, but about his future, the future of Huo family under his leadership.

"Don't worry, Daoyou. Sha'er won't lose!" Tianlan Tenghui said confidently, "otherwise, the son of God will not send us father and son to meet here first."

"Besides, there is no better way now. If we don't lead Nanfeng to fight, he will leave directly, and we have no chance. Although we have suppressed the Tianmen caster, what can we do in front of the ancient Tianmen?"

Hear the day LAN Hui Teng's words, the fire house owner slightly nods.

"Magic sand of Tianlan, I hope you can win this time. It's worthy of your reputation in Tianlan Kingdom thousands of years ago. Otherwise, your Tianlan family will lose face in Nanfeng." At this time, the owner of the fire family prayed in his heart.

In the confrontation between the two people, the magic sand of Tianlan takes the lead. I don't know when the right arm has evolved thousands of times. The virtual shadow of each arm presents an illusory road.

The breath of divine water suddenly appeared from this illusory Avenue, and the blood of divine water of Tianlan magic sand also broke out, which can be seen from the giant shadow of water god slowly condensed behind him.

There is no doubt that the Tianlan blood of Tianlan magic sand is not inferior to Tianlan Shenzi, close to Tianlan Shenwang, and is likely to surpass Tianlan Shenwang in the future.

"Waterways and waterfalls!" Tianlan magic sand is a powerful magic power.

Although he didn't fight with Nanfeng, what Nanfeng did in Tianlan was enough to make him understand what a powerful enemy he was.

Boom boom! Under this magical power, the magic sand of Tianlan completely broke out the strength of its lower God in the later period. The magic water surged out like a raging waterfall on the cliff. At the moment of attack, it was like a chopping of heaven.

The lava flows out of the world like a waterfall.

"Evaporate for me!" The south wind said coldly.

Bear! Flames, lava rolling, crazy burning, the waterway waterfall stopped pouring, but also in an instant into infinite steam.

"It's really extraordinary, controlling the powerful magic fire!" The sky LAN magic sand is to appreciate a.

"However, since the war is over, there's no need to hide your realm, and directly reveal the realm of your lower divine realm in the later stage. Only in this way can you completely break out. Only in this way can we kill you less and let everyone, including yourself, be convinced!"

Tianlan magic sand naturally also thinks that the south wind is hiding the realm.

"Kill you, that's enough!" A faint south wind.

Bear! Between the words, the momentum of the flame torrent derived from the multicolored central god fire of the south wind rises again, and the power of mixed fire appears in it. At this moment, the south wind bursts out the mixed fire spirit body.

A furnace also condenses in the torrent of flames.

Roar! At this time, four kinds of divine fire appeared, surrounded the melting pot of heaven and earth in the form of dragon.

"Go Murmur to kill a voice to ring out, that world melting pot directly toward day LAN Mo Sha suppress past.

"Hum!" See the south wind attack completely, the sky LAN magic sand is not there, what calm, cold hum, kill intention, ferocious all up, the power also completely burst out.

A force of God and earth came out of him and fused with his divine water to form the attack of Tianlan blood, which was against the melting pot of heaven and earth that touched the south wind.

But it failed to resist, because at this moment, the south wind was under the spirit, and the melting pot of heaven and earth was growing bigger and bigger, burning everything it passed.

The powerful power goes straight to Tianlan magic sand.

Bear! When the divine fire rises again, another magical power appears on the melting pot of heaven and earth, and the lotus of flame emerges one after another, which is the burning anger.

"You're fine!" Tianlan magic sand was a little angry. With a heavy sound, his eyebrow light bloomed, a dark mark emerged, and the dark light immediately flooded his whole body.

In this dark light, the magic sand of Tianlan completely recovered its divine water power. ***

even as like as two peas, the dark breath of the sky and the magic sand is exactly the same as the dark breath of the dark family.

Having experienced the spiritual power of the dark emperor's order, Nanfeng can't be mistaken.

"The power of darkness, maybe the dark imperial decree in the hands of the God King of Tianlan, has something to do with the magic sand of Tianlan." South breeze in the heart conjectures to say.At this moment, the magic sand of Tianlan makes Nanfeng feel more difficult to answer.

"Dark spirit!" Under the endless dark light, the magic sand roars ferociously.

This ferocity is not because of the strength of the south wind, but the ferocity under his dark spirit. Darkness is the pronoun of negativity. Its essence is accompanied by all kinds of killing, ferocious and cold.

"Dark spirit, no wonder!" Nanfeng said with emotion.

The dark spirit, the powerful spirit in the dark, is the pronoun of darkness. Everything in the world has darkness, and the power of darkness is infinite.

"I didn't expect that lanmosha was a dark spirit. It was a powerful spirit. Darkness could control everything in essence!" Seeing the dark spirit body of the magic sand in the sky, the people around said with emotion.

"The blood of Tianlan magic sand is still divine earth and divine water. When the dark spirit body erupts, he completely converges his divine water power. Then it's obvious that his dark spirit body is the dark spirit body of the earth system!" Some martial arts analysts said.

As soon as the discourse of analysis falls, the power of God and earth surrounding the magic sand of Tianlan turns into the color of darkness, and a more dignified and death bearing power emerges.

"Has the dark spirit evolved into the land of darkness?" Nanfeng said with emotion.

"Dark earth mountain!" Under the spirit body, there is no reason for Tianlan magic sand to retreat. Surrounded by the dark light, it sweeps out with the push of both hands, and the dark land follows.

Immediately, a dark mountain appeared and fell from the sky, directly down to the melting pot of heaven and earth in the south wind. The two powers touch each other.