Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2426

There is no doubt that the shadow of the flame is the soul of the south wind. As early as before, Nanfeng let hunhuo soul separate and chaos mother into Huo family through the world, looking for huoye Rong.

In such an excited state, it's easy for the Huo family to sneak in separately. No one will think of it when they use the world to explore where Huo Yerong is.

And he and Mr. Yang are outside to attract attention!

The result at the moment also proves that his strategy is successful, he successfully rescued huoyerong, and his goal has been achieved.

To the fire family, Nanfeng wants to kill again, but now he really doesn't have that strength!

"I'm afraid the queen is from the south wind!" At this time, some warriors said, "who is Nanfeng? There is a chaotic empress!"

"Maybe he's really beyond our imagination!"

"South wind!" See this scene, fire home owner crazy roar up! If huoyerong left, then everything in his Huo family would be over. He took so many resources of Tianlan family, but no one at last. It's very possible for Tianlan Shenzi to attack their Huo family with his heart now!

"Mr. Yang, we are going!" Nanfeng doesn't pay attention to the roar of the fire owner, but just says to teacher Yang.

However, at this time, two figures came, one of them directly joined the fight between the fire master and Mr. Yang, which made Mr. Yang a little helpless.

A closer look, it is a middle-aged man, no doubt a superior God, and is a powerful superior God, otherwise it is impossible to join the battle, let teacher Yang in the downwind immediately.

This person is also quite famous in Tianlan kingdom. He is the head of Tianlan family, who is a superior God. His name is Tianlan Huiteng!

Another warrior, a young man, was similar to LAN Huiteng that day.

"Is the strong one of Tianlan family coming?" The south wind talks to himself coldly, and his mind is spreading. He wants to bring Mr. Yang directly into the world. But that day, LAN Huiteng had already prepared. A magic water gushed from his body and turned into a magic water shield that filled the air, completely resisting the fall of the south wind.

At this moment, the look of the south wind was also directly gloomy.

Boom! At this moment, Tianlan Tenghui also broke out again. A divine earth barrier was like a dragon flying. With the help of the fire owner, teacher Yang could no longer resist and was suppressed.

"Nanfeng, don't worry about me. They don't dare to do anything about me. Just leave!" When he was suppressed, Mr. Yang had no fear, and was calm enough to speak to the south wind.

But Mr. Yang is qualified to calm down!

Because the Tianlan family has absolutely no courage to move Mr. Yang, the explosion of ancient strength has shocked the whole Tianlan kingdom.

Nanfeng also understood this, but he was not the kind of person who left the teacher alone.

"Nanfeng, how do you and I decide today?" At this time, the young man suddenly said, "you won. My father and I didn't come."

"But if you lose, leave everything!"

Young people know Nanfeng, but also understand the character of Nanfeng, he knows that as long as give Nanfeng a chance, Nanfeng will choose to save his teacher.

So he gave Nanfeng such a chance. He was really afraid of Nanfeng. He left with huoyerong. What if they suppressed Mr. Yang? As long as he came out again, would Tianlan God dare to disobey.

Of course, young people dare to say that because they have confidence in themselves!

"Is Tianlan Tenghui the father of this young man? Isn't Tian LAN Teng Hui saying that there is only one daughter? I've never heard of having a son, and I've never seen this young man! " Hearing the young man's words, some of them were very confused.

"I don't know!" A lot of martial arts people also agree.

At this time, some elders who have lived for a long time came forward and explained, "Tianlan Tenghui did have a son. It was thousands of years ago. Tianlan Tenghui had a very gifted son - Tianlan magic sand!"

"Tianlan magic sand!" Many of them said.

"Then what happened?"

"Later that day, lanmosha disappeared. No one knew where to go. Many people speculated that it was because of some reasons. They didn't expect that it was here now." The elders said.

"I can't imagine that thousands of years have passed, and there are still people who can remember my Tianlan magic sand!" Listening to the comments of those around the year, the young man said with a smile.

"How talented was he?" Asked some of the warriors.

"Talent is not inferior to Tianlan Shenzi!" Said the old man.

... "since the war, it's a matter of life and death. Nanfeng has always been so happy!" What's the idea of Tianlan magic sand? Nanfeng naturally understands it, but this opportunity is exactly what he wants, so he can answer it directly.

However, he increased the chips! He wants to kill, this day LAN Mo sand sent to come, how can he let go. He doesn't care how talented the magic sand is.

"Ha ha, divide life and death, that's just what I want from Tianlan magic sand!" Hearing the words of the south wind, the sky LAN devil sand laughs a way."Life and death, that's more interesting!" Hearing the conversation between Nanfeng and Tianlan magic sand, the interest of those around them is even stronger.

"Then swear, I won't believe your words. Today's matter is only between you and me. Swear by the blood of your Tianlan family!" The south wind said coldly.

"Yes The sky LAN evil sand laughs a way.

Immediately, the magic sand of Tian LAN swore by the blood of Tian LAN family in his body. Nanfeng did not hesitate, and made his own martial vow, because Tianlan magic sand would not believe him!

Then, the south wind came out of the world!

Boom! At that moment, Nanfeng and Tianlan magic sand's eyes also looked at each other together. Their eyes seemed to make the world fall into silence!

At this moment, Nanfeng suddenly felt the extraordinary lanmo sand.

This extraordinary is not only the extraordinary talent and strength, but also the extraordinary vision and mind.

"It's not like lanmo sand came out of the kingdom of God." Nanfeng said in his heart, "it seems that he has had extraordinary experience in the thousands of years since he disappeared!"

At this moment, Nanfeng is on guard!

The invisible threat of the magic sand is stronger than the threat of the God son of the sky!

"Nanfeng, a genius who stirs up the storm in Tianlan Kingdom, today I, Tianlan magic sand, want to try your ability!" The voice of magic sand broke the silence!

"You'll be very sorry!" South wind cold response!

Boom boom! Two powerful momentum at the same time out of the collision, two people at this moment soar to the sky, when the momentum of the two reached their respective limits, the battle of life and death will really start! "Ah, this little guy, he's a little impulsive. This battle doesn't need to be carried out at all!" Looking at the south wind into the fighting state, the teacher is helpless.