Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2403

"Momanluo, when we enter this divine world, we can hardly feel any immortal power, can we?" The South breeze naturally also doubts to get up, ask the evil man Luo.

"Of course not!" Said mamlo.

"Do you think there's something extraordinary in the land of divinity, or that there's something natural and precious?"

"It's a place of God. It's really unpredictable. You can find anything!" South breeze is tiny a, the vision pays more attention to that continuously strong immortal power.

That kind of invisible meaning, as if the south wind saw the source from the immortal power in the space.

"If there is a chance of immortality, Huayu may make great progress this time!" In the world, there is a murmur. At this moment, the tone of momanluo is more expectant. She is looking forward to her chance.

Unfortunately, these regions of the kingdom of God basically have no regions of demons.

… A month later, the immortal power in the space will become flowing water, and the whole divine land will be like a real fairyland. At this time, the change will happen again, and the immortal power begins to sink under the ground.

On the ground, some cracks begin to appear, these cracks spread rapidly, and spread in one direction.

Soon, almost all the warriors in the land of Godhead went in the direction of the crack spreading.

"Nanfeng, you should use the soul separation first. Your soul separation, which majors in time power, plus your primitive self pole, can hide your identity to a certain extent!" Said mamlo.

"Although Tianlan God's men are also paying attention to this immortal power, they can't help waiting for you while they are here!"

"Yes Hear the words of magic man Luo, South breeze nods.

The power of nanzun changed into the power of time.

The hidden force of the primitive self pole urges Nanfeng to hide his own breath.

If it's normal, it's useless to hide the south wind, but now everything has changed. The immortal power in the space is too strong. Under this strong immortal power, the perception of the warrior here is greatly reduced.

Even the south wind just feels the life and power hundreds of meters away.

"As long as I keep away from the warrior, the superior God should not recognize me in such a situation!" Said Nanfeng.

About seven days of continuous flight, the south wind along the cracks to a deep zone.

Here, there are many warriors everywhere.

Here, the soul of Nanfeng enters the world directly and hides for a while.

The abyss is wide, with no end on either side, and it's expanding.

Obviously, this abyss has just appeared because of the convergence of these cracks. Here, the power of immortal Qi really turns into flowing water, and falls into the abyss.

They can only feel hundreds of meters under the abyss.

Many martial arts practitioners are also discussing going down to have a look, but no one dares to go down first, even the superior gods. Because many unknown regions and places of opportunity have the power of prohibition.

Those prohibitive forces are strong or weak. Once they meet strong ones, they are likely to disappear without reaction.

"No one's going down, so I'll try first!" Wait for a while, see no martial go down, south wind said.

Others are afraid of prohibition, but he is not afraid in the world.

Just as he was about to go down, under the abyss, a boundless barrier light suddenly burst out, fast, straight up.

Finally, it stopped thousands of meters above the abyss.

The light of this barrier covers the vast half space.

Boom boom! At this time, the strong sound wave momentum also emerged, this area seems to be an earthquake, and the cracks on the ground are increasing.

Soon, a huge white mountain appeared in the eyes of the warrior.

To be exact, it should be a huge island.

All around the giant island are full of fairy Qi, and the perception and eyes can't penetrate, even the original self extreme perception of the south wind and the golden spirit eyes.

There is no doubt that the power of the immortals converged into an invisible prohibition.

The island eventually floated over the abyss and stopped under the barrier light.

Shua Shua! The eyes of the warriors around turned again, and the immortal Qi around the huge Island shot out the chains of light condensed by immortal force, which were inlaid into the abyss wall.

Endless immortal gas also began to release from the giant Island, let here really bathe in immortal power.

"That huge island must be an immortal trace!" At this time, many warriors said, "there must be a lot of opportunities for immortals in it. They have the immortal grass, the immortal medicine, and all kinds of celestial materials and local treasures cultivated by the immortal power."

With the appearance of this huge Island, many calm warriors began to lose their composure. Looking at the huge Island, greed sprang up.

If it's really a good chance for giant fishing, there will be more chances to go up at first.

"Brothers, no danger, no chance, let's go!" In the end, the warrior can't bear it and takes the lead to fly towards the huge island.But the next moment, the tragedy appeared, and the warriors were over the abyss. Under the barrier light, they wanted to lose the power of Qi and fell into the abyss.

As for the result, no one knows.

This scene makes the whole area silent for a moment.

"It seems that these chains are the key to the evolution of immortal Qi!" Some of the fighters focused on the chains.

After a period of time, some of the warriors moved again. They followed the chains.

This time, these warriors entered the huge Island intact.

Soon, the warriors here will enter the 7788.

At this time, the south wind appeared and followed the chain.

Nanfeng still let the soul separate to explore the way. After all, he didn't know what was inside.

In the chain of the evolution of immortal Qi, Nanfeng also felt the suppression, an invisible immortal force suppression, which made him unable to tear the space and fly.

At the same time, he had a sense of submission.

"A sense of submission. I'm afraid there will be strong people or something left behind by the strong people in this huge island." Said Nanfeng.

This kind of invisible submission is generally only when we are faced with a strong person whose strength is far beyond ourselves.

"Perhaps, this giant island is a place for a person who practices immortal power to inherit." Said mamlo.

"If it's a king, it's perfect!" Said Nanfeng.

"The inheritance of the God King is good!" Hear the words of the south wind, the magic man Luo says.

"Ha ha!" Nanfeng laughs.

In the laughter, the south wind passed through the rich immortal atmosphere, and his eyes were watching. What he saw was a real immortal situation.

Flowing water, green mountains, blue sky, flowers and plants are continuous, everything here is so clear, breathing a feel is a perfect quenching, just past, the body is very comfortable. Soon, Nanfeng's eyes were attracted by a huge city in the center of the world.