Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2404

The huge city stands in the center of the huge island.

At this time, the warriors who came in also went towards the huge city, because there was no place to see the chance except the beautiful scenery and the fairyland.

Around the city, countless thick vines coiled around, also exuding immortal power.

"Where is this huge island? All the mysteries are in this huge city." Said mamlo.

"I'll come back when the warriors get in at 7788!" Said Nanfeng. At the same time, the south wind urged the spirit of gold eyes, in careful observation of those martial arts.

"Who are you looking for?" Asked mamlo.

"Who else can we find? Of course, it is the king of blood devil who has been captured successfully. To a certain extent, his threat is greater than that of Tianlan Shenzi!"

"So, I need to kill it in this divine place as much as possible!"

"If I was the blood devil king, after that escape, I would only hide and not ask anything until my strength recovered to the king's realm!" Said mamlo.

"So the blood devil king is most likely to hide it!"

"You're right!" South wind nods. And about half a day of careful observation, Nanfeng did not find the blood devil king.

Burying the heaviness of the blood devil God King in the bottom of my heart, Nanfeng's eyes once again locked on the huge city, and the coming warriors began to bombard the city wall with strength, but it didn't help at all.

They want to jump over the wall and enter the huge city, but they are stopped by the vines.

The power of those vines is not vulgar, but they all have the power of the lower divine realm.

"Maybe these vines are the first test!" Said Nanfeng. After three days, only the lower gods and the warriors above the lower gods entered the city.

As for those who are really in the realm of God, except for being brought in by the strong, they can only stop.

The south wind appeared and jumped over the city. The rest of the warriors naturally noticed the south wind and consciously made way for it. Now the south wind is fierce in their hearts!

The vines naturally stopped the south wind, but it was only in vain. Let's not talk about the strength of the south wind, but just in a flash. The vines couldn't do anything about it.

But for these vines, Nanfeng felt something different.

Under the full-bodied spirit of immortality, he had a strong sense of the primitive close distance. With his own understanding of the array, he felt the power of the seal in every vine here.

"Is the power of these vines sealed?" South wind doubts to say.

But Nanfeng didn't care too much. He quickly crossed the city wall, leaped into the rich immortal atmosphere above the city, and reached the inner part of the city.

At that moment inside the city, Nanfeng was silly.

Because going from outside to inside is like going from heaven to hell.

There is no immortal spirit in the city, but bloody evil spirit. Looking around, there is darkness. In the darkness, there are many palaces and streets, just like a labyrinth.

The immortal air above the city is like a divided sky drop. On the other side is the heaven filled with fairy fog, and on this side is the hell of bloody magic.

"What's the matter? How could this be the case in this great city? " After a little stupefied, Nanfeng said incredulously. At this moment, Nanfeng suddenly thought of why the vines outside prevented them from entering.

"Although I like Moqi, I still feel uneasy here!" I think we'd better go out first

"I'm afraid I can't get out!" Said Nanfeng.

Between the words, the south wind looked up and looked at the immortal atmosphere above with golden eyes. At this moment, he saw the prohibition of dark magic Qi under the immortal atmosphere.

That prohibition is very old, obviously it has existed for a long time.

They can't feel the existence of the evil Qi prohibition outside. They can easily see it inside. Obviously, it's a powerful prohibition that can only enter but can't leave.

The next moment, the south wind also tried to jump out, but it was directly shaken down.

Falling down, Nanfeng heard some screams, also heard the smell of blood.

In addition, he also felt the primitive breath.

On Nanfeng's body, the flame mixed with Tianjin's power has spread, forming a aura to protect itself.

All of a sudden, a huge crack opened in the ground under his feet, and a thick vine came out. This vine is very similar to the vine outside the city, but it contains evil spirit.

One step, the south wind dodged the blow.

Click! But with the blink of Nanfeng's eyes, the vine began to split and extend countless times.

Roar! The invisible roar sounded, and the huge mouth with dark tusks split on these vines. These vines also began to release their real power - the cold death evil spirit.

At this moment, Nanfeng felt chilly, and the flames on him seemed to go out.

"These vines are disgusting!" Seeing these vines, Nanfeng said unhappily, his eyes turned into flames, and the melting pot of heaven and earth under a divine fire condensed and enveloped these vines.After the flames burned, the area where the south wind was started to calm down.

But in other directions, the south wind can hear screams from time to time.

"I haven't seen the cold death evil spirit, but I'm familiar with the cold death evil spirit. It's the unique power of death of the demon clan - corpse blood demon clan." Said the south wind in a deep voice.

"It seems that the one who occupies here is a corpse blood demon who practices cold power!" Said mamlo.

"Huoyerong, elder martial sister tiexiao, they are here!" The south wind looks a change, worry matchless say.

Immediately, Nanfeng contacts tiexiao and huoyerong, but finds that tiexiao cannot be contacted.

"Can't contact, this shows that tie Xiao and others didn't come in!" "They must be safe," said mamlo

"I hope they don't come in!" Nanfeng said slightly.

Immediately, the south wind goes to the place where huoyerong is. Huoyerong has his own flesh and blood, and there is no danger for the time being.

But in such a place, it is better for him to meet huoyerong as soon as possible.


But just as the southern flame broke out, the whole street was blocked by the icy wind.

There were cracks in the ground on both sides of the street, and vines sprang up, but they did not attack the south wind.

Nanfeng didn't care about the vines, but looked deep into the street.

Step on, step on! Heavy footsteps soon sounded, and a row of figures appeared in the eyes of Nanfeng.

It was a winged human, surrounded by demons and dark ice, with scepters and weapons in their hands.

The first one is a dark dog with two wings on his back. "This is the fallen angel?" In the world, magic man Luo doubts.