Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2402

"Master dark mirror bee, thank you so much this time!" After killing Tianlan and zhanchen, the south wind salutes the mirror nest. If there is no dark mirror bee to help him, he can't kill LAN zhanchen, or even die.

After leaving flesh and blood here, Nanfeng finds a place without Tianlan zhanchen's power seal and leaves the mirror forest.

The original entrance of space mirror was sealed by the power of Tianlan zhanchen, so Nanfeng spent two months looking for other exits.

Fortunately, Nanfeng got the heart of space and the instant steps of heaven and earth. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't find any other exit in this mirror forest for another two years.

As for those warriors brought in by Tian LAN Zhan Chen, Nanfeng won't take care of them.

After all, he said, "you can get a lot of power from the wind of the South mirror."

"But wait for the fat guy!"

"Besides, it's just that Tianlan Shenzi lost a superior God. It's too cheap for him, and the resurrected blood devil God King. It's the best way to kill him in this divine land!"

"It seems that next, you are ready to kill?" Said mamlo.

"It's time to fight back after being chased for such a long time. With my current strength and instant situation, unless the middle God, the upper God and the lower God are in the later stage, the perfect warrior can't pose a threat to me!" Said Nanfeng.

"The main part of Tianlan Shenzi, the dark blood demons and those who are greedy for assassins to kill me are the inferior ones!"

"I can imagine how miserable Tianlan Shenzi will be next!" Said mamlo.

"They should pay some price, too!" Nanfeng said.

"Hua Yu, next you take some pieces of the lower God, shut up in the Wanshi world, and break through the lower God as soon as possible!" Immediately, the south wind also orders Hua Yu to say.

… After that, Nanfeng naturally started his action, and this action lasted for half a year.

Within half a year, he did not count as the warrior, the dark blood demon and the greedy assassin.

With the help of his own world, every time, he can retreat completely.

The name of Nanfeng is ringing again.

And also because of this, those who wanted to chase Nanfeng because of the fat man's snatch gave up. Tianlan Shenzi's people are all shriveled in Nanfeng's hands, not to mention them.

They don't want to unite with Tianlan Shenzi, because they will only become chess pieces.

They can only be unwilling to say, "come on, those of us who are robbed are better than losing our lives. We are less involved in the affairs between Tianmen Nanfeng and Tianlan Shenzi!"

"Yes, he has robbed us once, but he will not rob us twice. In that case, he will force himself to the end of the road!"

… In the past six months, Nanfeng's realm and strength have naturally improved. He has been fighting continuously. He has the medium-term fighting power of the highest subordinate God, and he can break out the instant step and create the zulei rule.

In the past six months, the only bad news is that with his hunting, the people of Tianlan Shenzi are more and more cautious, and they all gather together, and every warrior has a middle God and a superior God.

And they started searching for the south wind.

They also want to use Tianmen disciples to threaten Nanfeng, but Nanfeng has already sent a message to tie Xiao and others to let them avoid Tianlan Shenzi. What's more, Tian LAN Shen Tian and those strong men under Tian LAN Shen Yue are also secretly helping tie Xiao and others.

"Next, I should disappear for a while!" Nanfeng laughs.

"After fighting for half a year, you really need some time to settle down!" Said mamlo.

Roar! At this time, the south wind engulfed the world, a strong roar sounded, and a big object appeared in the blood dark space, which was the mother of chaos.

Nanfeng and momenro appear here in an instant.

Feeling the strong breath of God sent out by the mother of chaos, Nanfeng and mamlo were shocked, and their pupils were shrinking, unbelievable. Because at this moment, the momentum of the chaotic mother was in the upper divine realm.

"It's already a superior divine realm. It's worthy of being the empress of chaos. There are no obstacles between heaven and earth under the realm of heaven!" Calm shock, south wind heavily said.

Half a year ago, he gave some fragments of the power Avenue, a fragment of the lower God, a fragment of the middle God, and a fragment of the upper God to the chaos queen, and let her shut up in the devouring world.

In the past six months, all the warriors and corpses he hunted were handed over to the empress chaos.

Of course, he broke out in the process of swallowing the world. Time passed and accelerated 30 times, so the chaos mother's seclusion was 15 years!

In 15 years, from the true God to the superior God, even if there are infinite natural resources, treasures, things of heaven and earth, I'm afraid only the empress chaos can do it.

"How envious Murmandro gave a heavy voice.

"Now, I'm not afraid of those superior gods under Tianlan son!" After the shock, Nanfeng was excited."If you give the queen of chaos some fragments of the divine king, will it break through the realm of the divine king quickly?" Asked mamlo.

"Yes, but it's not good to let chaos mother settle in the upper God for a period of time and make a quick breakthrough." Nanfeng said, "the empress of chaos is not my thug, but my fighting partner. I can't let it break through blindly!"

Momenro nodded.

"Mother, what is your state now?" Then, Nanfeng consciousness communicated with chaos mother.

"Master, now I am in the early state of the superior God. This divine world can only accommodate the creatures in the early state of the superior God." The queen of chaos responded.

"Otherwise, I will reach a higher level!"

"Enough. Although you don't have obstacles in your realm, you can't just break through. Next, you can consolidate and get familiar with the current strength. In the near future, there will be a hard fight!" Said Nanfeng.

"I see, master!"

Then, the mother of chaos went deep into the world and began to consolidate.

"Tianlan Shenzi, you won't think that there is a chaotic empress in Nanfeng. I can assure you that none of the gods you sent in this time can go away!" In the eyes flashed the intention of killing, the south wind heavily.

Later, Nanfeng spent most of his time in his own world.

Of course, also looking for opportunities, natural resources, treasures and debris.

Months passed again.

Inadvertently, some changes have taken place in this divine land, that is, some immortal power has begun to appear in the space.

In the process of continuous development, the strength of these immortals reached a certain level, and it also completely attracted the attention of all martial arts. "What's the matter? How can there be such a strong immortal power in the space? And the intensity is increasing! " Almost all of them were confused.