Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2401

Because the blood of war will be stronger.

If you let Tianlan zhanchen fight bravely, Tianlan zhanchen may really use the blood of the war to improve his strength. Once Tianlan zhanchen improves his strength to the later stage of the lower God, it is the end of the south wind.

If you don't believe it, Tianlan zhanchen can only resist it first. He blows out with one blow, and a dragon shaped fighting spirit sweeps through. Under the power of blood, it grows crazily and directly engulfs the two chains of mixed fire of Nanfeng.

"What a strong blood of war!" The south wind sighed.

With the move of Nanfeng's right hand, chaos's physical strength has merged with the mixed fire and turned into three sharp blades, which directly cut off the dragon like fighting spirit.

At this moment, Nanfeng took a step, and at this moment, Nanfeng's feet are full of earth's power. At that step, Nanfeng stepped into the invisible, this step fell, Nanfeng appeared in front of Tianlan zhanchen without any sign.

There's no doubt that's the point.

With the foundation of shrinking into steps in the past, Nanfeng's understanding of the instant is too fast, and even can reach the state of Xiaocheng without training.

Step to come over, the South breeze palm center already condenses out inflame idea anger, direct a palm clap on the chest of the sky LAN Zhan Chen. The next moment, the mixed fire waves submerged everything, as for the sky LAN Zhan Chen's figure, the south wind is invisible.

south wind this inflammation anger, the fusion of all the fire, Wutong fire.

Nanfeng is confident that under this unexpected situation, Tianlan zhanchen will not have the power to fight again.

But Nanfeng really belittled the blood of the war.

He was just ready to dive into the mixed fire and air waves to look for Tianlan zhanchen's figure, so as to prepare to end the battle. A real dragon roared and roared, and the strong sound wave and air directly rushed to all the mixed fire momentum, and the south wind was shaken back in an instant.

At that moment, the south wind is a heart shock, a great figure stepped out, it is Tianlan zhanchen.

At this moment, Tianlan zhanchen really gives Nanfeng the feeling of a real God of war.

Under the blood of the battle, Tianlan zhanchen's body has evolved the characteristics of chaotic gold body and immortal body. Tianlan zhanchen's whole body seems to be surrounded by a supreme battle dragon.

"The more bravery of the blood of the war, the more inspired!" Said mamello worriedly.

"Young master, next, you can't give Tianlan zhanchen any chance. The natural recovery ability of zhanzhi's blood is too strong. If you can't kill with one blow, it will only make Tianlan zhanchen's power increase continuously!" Hua Yu also said.

"He is the superior God, and it's really possible that he will be directly enhanced to the middle God!"

Nanfeng's face was dignified, but he said with admiration, "this kind of blood is really greedy!"

"No matter how you achieve the power of exploding Qi here, today you will vanish in the blood of this God's war. If you can witness the rise of the blood of this God's war, you are not unjust!" Tian LAN Zhan Chen says coldly.

"Dragon fight!"

As the words fall, Tianlan zhanchen is ready to end the battle. All his fighting forces gather in an instant, forming the shadow of the dragon in his chest.

The power of the battle was so strong that it seemed that Nanfeng saw a real supreme battle dragon coming, and his heart was full of submission.


Under the sound of the Dragon chant, the shadow of the fist of a battle merges with the shadow of the dragon of the supreme battle, and comes towards the eyebrow of the south wind.

"Then it's over!" Nanfeng grinned.

The chaos gold body is straight again, the power of original self pole is released, the magic power of heaven and earth fusion erupts, and the original power of the surrounding space converges madly.

Black water flows out of chaos gold.

The strong smell of speed permeates all around and corrodes everything.

"Three thousand weak waters!"

With a little word, the black water flows on the chaotic gold body into a giant snake state and rushes towards the dragon fight.

Boom! The two powers collided, and the strong air waves suddenly came into being.

It seems that the collision between the dragon and the snake is always the victory of the dragon, but this time, after a short persistence, the battle fist of the Dragon began to break up, unable to resist the strong poison under the snake like water.

"This is How can it be the real three thousand weak water? " Tian LAN Zhan Chen roars.

"The power of the supreme and rigid fighting spirit is always weak when it comes to the most powerful toxin in the dark. That's the reason why softness overcomes hardness!" The south wind murmured.

With the original power of the original self pole, 3000 weak water toxins will increase again.

Zizi! Soon, the power of the battle and the Dragon boxing broke up completely.

Three thousand weak water powers divide into three groups, directly surrounding Tianlan and zhanchen.

"Tianlan zhanchen, it's over!" There was a cold south wind.

"Your biggest mistake is to enter the mirror forest, because I can't lose the battle under the same situation and strength!"

"You can't kill this God!" Tianlan zhanchen is crazy.

His eyes turned red in an instant, and his awakened blood seemed to be directly burned by him. At that moment, Tianlan zhanchen's fighting momentum actually resisted the erosion of the south wind.He broke a weak water and rushed out to the mirror forest.

In Jinglin, he can't beat Nanfeng, so outside Jinglin, everything is his genius.

"Tianlan zhanchen, do you think I will give you a chance to escape from the mirror forest?" Nanfeng grinned coldly.

In the sky above the mirror forest, two forces sprang up out of thin air. One was the flame of mixed fire, from which came a south wind burning all over. The other was the ripple of time, from which came an unreal and invisible south wind.

"Well! Do you want to stop this God? " Tian LAN Zhan Chen disdains.

The fighting atmosphere is gathering and it will strike these two southerly winds more quickly.

But it was directly knocked down by the chain of mixed fire and the chain of time condensed by the two southerly winds.

"Separation?" Nanfeng disdained, "if they are ordinary, why do I have confidence to kill you in this mirror?"

"Why? You still have two souls Feeling the strength of the two Nanfeng, Tianlan zhanchen immediately responded, "when you run away from the space mirror, don't you have already fallen a soul part?"

"I'm worthy of being a superior God. I think it's soul separation!" The South Chen hears Lan's words slightly surprised.

But the voice of a turn, south wind just kill meaning lingran, "so now that you know, today's you can't go."

At the next moment, the three southerly winds moved in an instant, and three completely three thousand weak water powers poured down directly, completely drowning Tianlan zhanchen.

Two rules of the chain in the instant situation directly to the day LAN Zhan Chen's body, don't give day LAN Zhan Chen any chance of self explosion.

Tian LAN Zhan Chen also broke out to avoid.

Unfortunately, his present situation is not as good as that of the south wind. When the fighting spirit of the blood of that war was completely eroded by three thousand weak water, Tianlan zhanchen had no chance. Except for his storage artifact, small world, everything he had was submerged in three thousand weak water.