Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2400

Following the power of the altar, Nanfeng's body of consciousness came to a dark space, which was empty.

"A blank?" Nanfeng said to himself in doubt.

But a moment later, Nanfeng felt the difference here. Under his primitive self perception and golden spirit eyes, he could occasionally see all things in the blank.

But although you see it, although you feel it, it's just a moment. After a moment, everything disappears without a trace.

All the thoughts and consciousness fell into this constant transformation. Nanfeng murmured to himself, "all things in heaven and earth can disappear into invisibility. That's a real disappearance. Except the way of heaven and himself, no external object or force can be perceived!"

Nanfeng's thoughts and consciousness continue to follow the transformation of this blank space, and time flies by.

In the world of ten thousand years, three years passed in a flash.

It is also because there is a world of ten thousand times that Nanfeng dares to feel at ease and feel thoroughly, and is not afraid to miss the closure of the divine land.

A moment, Nanfeng opened his eyes, and then murmured, "without a trace, integration of heaven and earth, into the invisible, the body has been the heart, that is the invisible heart, only the existence of no heart!"

The so-called "without a trace" is to thoroughly understand what is invisible and the invisible nature of heaven and earth on the basis of the instant steps of heaven and earth and the understanding of space.

To really combine everything in one's body with the invisible heart, and also to truly integrate the world with the invisible, that is, without a trace.

At that time, the mind will move to the void.

Of course, how long and how powerful the seal can be is closely related to the realm, strength and talent of the living beings themselves.

In three years, Nanfeng understood what it was without a trace, but just understood, just like the third layer of heaven and earth. If you want to do it, you can't do it without accumulated cultivation.

"The next step is to perfect the instant step and the instant step. These two steps are the foundation of the instant step of heaven and earth!" After getting the shadowless mental cultivation method, the south wind made a heavy noise.

Then the south wind withdrew from the mirror nest.

After understanding, the place of understanding in the mirror nest has little effect. All it needs is cultivation.

"Fat man and Tian LAN Zhan Chen need some time even if they don't do too much understanding in the mirror nest. Next, I'll go to other places to experience!" Said Nanfeng.

Later, Nanfeng left one of them, ready to leave Jinglin.

But he touched the seal power left by Tianlan zhanchen.

"How can there be seal power?" Nanfeng is very confused. However the vision turns, the South breeze also directly guesses is the day LAN Zhan Chen's seal strength.

Dare not have any hesitation, the South breeze instant didn't enter the mirror forest, outside, he can't be the match of this day LAN Zhan Chen at all.

Sensing the touch of his seal power, Tianlan zhanchen will definitely come out directly.

Sure enough, the south wind did not fall for a while, and Tianlan zhanchen came out of the mirror nest on the second floor. "I am waiting for you!" Seeing the south wind, Tian LAN Zhan Chen said coldly. At this time, Tian LAN Zhan Chen also has some doubts in his heart, that is, in such a short time, has the south wind comprehended the four levels of heaven and earth? You know, he also plans to get the third and fourth level of the heaven and earth instant walk on Nanfeng.

"Old man, you are quite clever. You even put a ban on many places in Jinglin ahead of time!" Nanfeng grinned.

"The third level, the fourth level, the mental method of the instant step of heaven and earth, and the cultivation comprehension, have you got it?" Tianlan zhanchen also asks Nanfeng directly.

"How do you get it? What if you don't get it? " Said Nanfeng.

"If you get it, give it to our God. Our God will let the disciples of Tianmen collect your corpse for you. Otherwise, no one will know where you died. This will be a great irony to your genius!" Tian LAN Zhan Chen said.

"Do you think you are still qualified?" South wind disdains to say.

"It seems that you have made some progress these days!" Hear the words of south wind, day LAN Zhan Chen light a.

"Yes, so it's more than enough to kill you!" Nanfeng laughs.

Tian LAN Zhan Chen shakes his head at this time. He shakes his head helplessly. It's helplessness to the south wind.

At this moment, Tianlan zhanchen has the power of Qi, which is the real power of Qi. Of course, it's not the power of Shentu and Shenshui, but the power of Qi in the blood of war.

Obviously, during this period, Tianlan zhanchen was familiar with the blood of the war to a certain extent.

Under the blood of war, he can burst out some Qi power in this mirror forest.

At this time, we can feel that Tianlan zhanchen has the momentum comparable to the middle of the lower God, and is a powerful middle of the lower God.

At this time, Tian LAN Zhan Chen is stronger than the spirit shadow mirror bee that Nanfeng fought before.

"The blood of war is really strange. It can ignore the prohibition and suppression of some heaven and earth!" Nanfeng said enviously.

"If it is not for this God's ability to awaken the blood of the war, how can this God have a foothold in Tianlan Kingdom these years, and how can he be highly valued by Tianlan God King and Tianlan God son?" Tian LAN Zhan Chen said."It's a pity that everything you have is coming to an end today!" Said Nanfeng.

"Yeah..." Hearing Nanfeng's words, Tianlan zhanchen is really speechless to Nanfeng. He doesn't know where Nanfeng's self-confidence comes from.

But this time, before he finished speaking, he was dumbfounded, because at this moment, Nanfeng also had the power of Qi, which belonged to Nanfeng completely.

At this moment, the south wind seems to be completely free from the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth in the mirror forest.

"How?" Tianlan zhanchen really can't believe it, "can you say that if you understand the fourth level of heaven and earth, you won't be suppressed by the stock rules here?"

"Tian LAN Zhan Chen, if not for this, how dare I stand here now!" Nanfeng grinned.

Nanfeng can burst out the full power of Qi in this mirror forest, naturally, not because he knows what is missing, but because he asks the dark mirror bee.

After the first world war between him and the shadow mirror bee, the dark mirror bee intends to bring the suppression rules here back to him.

But he made a plea, just to kill Tianlan zhanchen.

Dark mirror bee seems to Tianzu's face, also because appreciate him and agreed to his request.

"Impossible? Apart from the blood of war, there will be no blood between heaven and earth that can be suppressed by ignoring the rules of a special place. " Tianlan zhanchen still can't accept it.

"Moreover, before you, you can't explode the power of Qi at all!"

"Because I also awakened some blood in my body!" Nanfeng sneered, "Tianlan zhanchen, let's die!"

Mixed fire swept, turned into two chains, directly toward the sky LAN Zhan Chen beat in the past.

The mixed fire spirit body also broke out in an instant, and the power of the breath of God spread wildly, which directly evolved into a fiery battlefield belonging to the south wind. Now that LAN zhanchen is familiar with the blood of the battle to a certain extent, the battle must be decided quickly.