Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2399

"I dare to ask you, what kind of strength do I need to have in order to be qualified to obtain a complete instant walk in heaven and earth?" Asked Nanfeng.

"With your talent, you can understand the first four levels of the heaven and earth instant step completely only this time. As for the fifth level of the heaven and earth instant step, you can make plans when you become the queen of God." Said the dark mirror bee.

"You need the kingdom of God to be qualified!" There was a heavy south wind.

At this moment, Nanfeng had to give up the last level of heaven and earth for a while. Since the dark mirror bee said, then only the king level power, the body is qualified to touch the fifth level of heaven and earth.

South wind no longer hesitated, through the channel back to the fourth floor.

"Later generations, it's time to meet you. I hope to see you again as soon as possible!" At this time, the dark mirror bee has become a weak voice sounded, when the south wind turned around, the dark mirror bee has completely retreated.

Soon, the most central mirror nest was calm again, as if the south wind had never gone up and nothing had happened.

"Master, I will. After all, I don't want to practice the incomplete divine power of heaven and earth forever!" Nanfeng grinned back.

The mirror nest on the fourth floor also quickly opened up a space channel for the south wind to enter.

At this moment, Nanfeng saw another figure coming. It was LAN zhanchen that day.

"And finally found it." There was a slight south wind.

"Mole ant!" Tian LAN Zhan Chen naturally saw the south wind and roared angrily!

"Mole ant? Not really? If I'm a mole ant, but now I'm on the fourth floor of the mirror nest, and you don't know which floor you can go to. Maybe you can't even go to the first floor! " Nanfeng grinned.

"To die!" Hear South breeze this sarcastic words, the sky LAN Zhan Chen kills an idea infinite to say.

And the south wind also no longer pays attention to the sky LAN Zhan Chen, directly fell into the fourth layer mirror nest.

Now fighting Tianlan and zhanchen again, Nanfeng has great confidence that he can kill Tianlan and zhanchen. He has his cards, but now he pays more attention to the instant steps of heaven and earth.

Besides, Tian LAN Zhan Chen will never leave here.

Because although Tianlan zhanchen's physical body is really good, he hasn't got the heart of space, so he can go to the second layer of mirror nest at most.

Therefore, it is not too late for him to fight Tianlan and zhanchen after he successfully comprehends the instant steps of heaven and earth.

After entering the fourth layer of mirror nest, Nanfeng falls on a layer of black and blue mirror. The black and blue mirror doesn't know how big it is. At least for Nanfeng, he can't see the end.

On top of this black and blue mirror, there are three more. There are four more.

And in each layer of mirror, there is a perfect altar of perception!

The distance between the four layers of mirrors is not very big, it's only ten meters, but the south wind has a strong feeling that he can't go up.

There seems to be a kind of prohibition between the mirrors. Only by breaking this invisible prohibition can we go up. Otherwise, no matter how strong the power is, we can only stop.

"It's the first step to understand Heaven and earth when there are four layers." Nanfeng said with emotion.

"It should be like this. You should begin to understand the first level of heaven and earth's instant step first." Said mamlo.

"Good!" South wind nods!

The next moment, Nanfeng sits directly on the altar of perception on the first floor. When he entered the state of comprehension, his body of consciousness went directly to a vast land.

This vast land, ancient and vast, like the original birth of the earth!

Here, is also full of boundless earth power!

"How can there be great earth power in the land of understanding the artistic conception of heaven and earth?" South wind doubts to say, "and here, let me feel the feeling that shrinks ground to become a step!"

"In other words, the first level of the instant walk of heaven and earth is essentially similar to the contraction of the earth into a step!"

Boom boom! The next moment, the vast earth began to change, surging up like the tide, but also the evolution of endless mountains and rivers, in short, there is all the power of the earth here.

These changes also make Nanfeng feel that the vast land has become a sense of spatial level, as if his invisible heart can touch where he can go with the help of the force of the earth!

"It seems that the first level of the instant walk of heaven and earth, in essence, is similar to the contraction of the earth into a step!" Feeling this, the south wind said slightly.

Understand this, the south wind will soon enter the state of understanding!

Of course, he broke out for himself the passage of time!

With the foundation of shrinking the earth, he only completed the first level of understanding of the instant steps of heaven and earth in one and a half months!

"Instant Eyes open, south wind directly step out, in that moment, he arrived at the second layer of black and blue mirror.

"Instant step" is the first level of understanding of the instant step of heaven and earth.

Nanfeng did not hesitate, but began to feel on the altar of the second layer of black and blue mirror!

This time, his body of consciousness went into a boundless sky, in which all kinds of heavenly power filled. Under all kinds of heavenly power, the sky also surged and changed, and began to have a sense of spatial hierarchy.The south wind opens up all gods and consciousness, merges into the sky, and begins to feel.

This time, he spent more than half a year.

The second layer of heaven and earth instant step -- instant step.

With any sense of the power of the way of heaven, the power of the way of heaven where the invisible heart lies can be achieved by the body.

"Instant step, instant step, don't know what the third layer is?" Nanfeng said expectantly.

Once again, the south wind came to the black and blue mirror on the third floor. After a recovery, he sat on the altar of enlightenment again.

This time, his body of consciousness entered the world where heaven and earth coexist. In the infinite world, all things exist, and the power of all things also exists.

Between the changes, Nanfeng's thoughts and consciousness are fused and begin to comprehend!

This time, he spent three years.

This time, his understanding is that all things in the world, any force, can be transformed into the leading root of the invisible heart. The heart knows where to go, and the body is there!

Heaven and earth are the foundation, and the power of all things can be derived, so the third level is the real instant step of heaven and earth!

And the name of the third layer is also called the instant walk of heaven and earth!

This heaven and earth not only refers to heaven and earth, but also refers to all things in heaven and earth and everything.

Just this time, Nanfeng just had a heart understanding and got mental Dharma, and could not walk out of the third layer of heaven and earth!

Because his instant step is not perfect.

The instant step of heaven and earth is based on the instant step of heaven and earth!

Fortunately, to the fourth layer of the black and blue mirror does not need the heaven and earth instant step, instant step, instant step can!

On the fourth floor, Nanfeng said to himself, "there's no doubt that there's no trace in it!" Nanfeng is also looking forward to sitting on the altar!