Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2392

At this moment, the two people are really the ultimate of their physical body. They can see that under the resonance of their physical body strength, the vibration of the leaves in the mirror around them seems to respond to their physical strength.

At this moment, they have another feeling. Although they can't summon their own chaotic golden body and immortal body, it seems that under the mirror forest, their physical strength is beyond their own limit.

"How can I feel that in this mirror forest, my physical strength is the first time to burst out so freely? Can this mirror forest enhance the perfection of the human body Nanfeng said with emotion.

"Because the cultivation of heaven and earth instant step needs to be based on the physical body, many supernatural powers of heaven and earth need the strong foundation of the physical body, and the requirements of heaven and earth instant step for the physical body are even more than that of the Dharma phase heaven and earth, so the strength of the physical body fits in with the environment here." Said the fat man.

"This is exactly the rule that Jinglin has the power to suppress the pressure of air!"

Feel the changes of the two people, and then look at the resonance of the leaves in the surrounding mirror. The God's look darkened. The two boys in front of him were much more powerful than he imagined.

"Do I want to be defeated by two mole ants today?" Tian LAN Zhan Chen's heart suddenly involuntarily a.

But the next moment, he became very firm and said to himself, "it's impossible. How can he be defeated by two ants? It will insult the blood in his body!"

Tianlan zhanchen's eyes burst into flames, and his fighting spirit was very solid. His fighting spirit flowed out and filled his whole body, making Tianlan zhanchen seem to be wearing the strongest armor.

"How do you feel that this guy majored in physical body?" Feel Tianlan zhanchen's physical strength increase again, and the south wind blows heavily.

"The Tianlan family has the divine earth and the divine water blood. It's not surprising that many martial arts practitioners cultivate their bodies on the basis of the divine earth." Said the fat man.

"It seems that you and my brother need a fierce battle today."

"However, heaven takes good care of us. There are oppressive forces in this mirror forest. Otherwise, we don't even have the qualification to stand in front of it. Fight. There are not many chances to fight with the superior God like this!"

At this moment, the fat man was in a state of war, and the lines of the flesh body increased again, because the resonance with the leaves of the mirror seemed to be mirror like.

"Fight Some golden light flashed in his eyes, and the south wind also drank heavily.

The two fists became golden, the south wind ran rapidly, and at that moment, he made a fist, which evolved thousands of times. The power of the tattoo also broke out in an instant, making his every fist more powerful.

Under this mirror forest, there is no power of Qi, no powerful magic power, but only great power and physical body. Whoever has strong physical body and strong power will be the final winner.

Under the golden light of Nanfeng's eyes, his boxing shadow is more golden.

Nanfeng's physical strength really pushed it to the extreme.

But the result is still so unsatisfactory. On that day, LAN zhanchen bent his arms, fused the tattoo of the body, and instantly developed a series of strength elbows. These elbows gathered together to form the defense of the body strength.

Nanfeng's physical boxing shadow bombards it, leaving only boxing shadow, which can't be broken at all.

"Plus my strength, fat Lord!" At this time, the fat man's voice sounded, and the attack also followed. The shadow of fists surrounded by purple lines was suddenly attacked by the south wind and bombarded heavily.

Click! Under the combination of the two men's strength, Tianlan zhanchen's physical defense directly collapsed.

At that moment, the shadow of their fists melted in an instant, and they pounded on Tianlan zhanchen's crossed arms. A big mouthful of blood spewed out, and the dust of Tianlan war tumbled down.

"Fat man, you and I have won the old man at last." There was a heavy south wind.

But two people dare not have any slightest relaxation, the speed increases again, continues to clench fist attack, although the day LAN Zhan Chen retreats, but really does not have any substantive wound.

At this moment, Nanfeng and pangzi's tattoos are completely integrated, and their physical strength is also perfectly integrated. Between them, a more solid shadow is gathered.

"Old man, let's die. In this mirror forest, you have the power of God, but it's basically useless!" Coldly looking at the sky LAN Zhan Chen that staggers but stands, fat person still does not forget to disdain a.

Roar! At the moment when the two men's cohesion fist approached Tianlan zhanchen, a strong roar was heard. It was an invisible roar derived from a momentum. The roar made the two men's cohesion fist break up directly.

The strong anti shock force made them roll back.

"What's the matter?" It is very difficult to stabilize the body, Nanfeng and fat man are unbelievable said, "how can he burst out the power of blood?"

In Tianlan zhanchen's explosive momentum, Nanfeng and pangzi really feel the power of blood.

Don't say that Nanfeng and other creatures will be suppressed completely.

But now, they really feel the blood in Tianlan zhanchen. Although there is only a trace, a trace of vagueness, it really exists.

At this time, they feel that the power of blood seems to have increased.That's how they believe it.

"Ha ha ~!" At this moment, Tian LAN Zhan Chen is excited to laugh.

"Two mole ants, thank you very much!" Actually feel the burst of blood power in his body, Tianlan zhanchen is quite acne thanks to Nanfeng and fat man.

Unbelievable, Nanfeng and fat man are really confused.

"If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid that the weak blood in the body of God would not wake up so early!"

Between the words, Tianlan zhanchen's eyebrows also show a weak blood mark, which evolves into Tianlan zhanchen's whole body.

Then, Tianlan zhanchen stares at Nanfeng.

At this moment, Nanfeng suddenly felt a sense of being thoroughly spied.

The next moment, Tianlan zhanchen's body changed again, filled with some purple and gold color, and his eyebrows also showed the shadow of the inscription.

At this moment, Tianlan zhanchen seems to have practiced chaos gold body.

See this scene, south wind and fat man really a little silly, two people look at each other.

"Am I dreaming?" The fat man was still in a daze.

Even if you can burst out blood power in this mirror forest, now you can make your body have the characteristics of chaotic gold body, just like the south wind.

However, Nanfeng and chubby are the top talents who have experienced many battles, and they soon calm down.

"Between heaven and earth, what kind of blood can ignore the suppression of the special place of heaven and earth?" The south wind was solemn and heavy.

Under such circumstances, any burst of blood will determine the outcome of the battle.

Hearing the words of the south wind, the fat man also fell into a dignified state. All of a sudden, the fat man said heavily, "does this guy have the blood of the war clan?"