Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2393

"The blood of the Warring States?" Hearing the fat man's words, Nanfeng murmured, his mind turned, and he began to search about the war clan. But in his memory, he didn't seem to know anything about the war clan.

"What is the war clan?" Then Nanfeng asked.

"The war clan is naturally a group of fighting creatures born only for war!" The fat man said, "do you know the great wild witch clan?"

"I know!" South wind responded.

"The great wild witch clan has the strongest fighting style, the witch fighting style. The extreme of the witch fighting style is called the Huanglong fighting style! And the warring race is the race that can really compete with the Huanglong warring race in terms of physique! " Said the fat man.

"Of course, what I said does not include you and me. After all, you and I are different!"

"The word" alternative "is a bit inappropriate!" Said Nanfeng.

"That's what it means!" Said the fat man.

"What kind of Constitution do the warlords have?" At once, Nanfeng asked curiously.

"The warlords don't have any physique. What they have is the blood of war. Under the blood of war, they can try to develop any physique of the battle body and the physical body of heaven and earth!" Said the fat man.

"Of course, the development of physique is related to their rich blood!"

"Develop the Constitution!" The south wind heavily a, the vision once again looked to the sky LAN Zhan Chen.

At this time, he understood that Tianlan zhanchen derived the characteristics of chaotic gold body according to himself. At this time, Tianlan zhanchen continues to evolve, and he also wants to evolve the characteristics of the fat man's immortal body.

"What a terrible blood of war!" Nanfeng also said with emotion.

"The war clan is terrible, but because they can develop any physical constitution, it is difficult for them to reach that limit in their physical cultivation. This is also some of their shortcomings." Said the fat man.

"It's natural for any living creature to have regrets. Otherwise, how can heaven suppress everything?" Said Nanfeng.

"The blood of the war clan can also develop the strongest sense of war. In the process of fighting, their sense of war will continue to increase. Under the sense of war, their limits can continue to increase!" The fat man continued.

"In the war clan, many creatures are ordinary people at the beginning of the battle, but as the battle continues, they will gradually become top talents!"

"So when you meet any warfighter, you should treat him as a top genius!"

"Of course, everything is based on the strength of their blood, and the increase of their strength is limited."

"The living beings of the warring nations depend heavily on their blood."

"What's more, as we can see now, the blood of the warring nations is generally not suppressed by the rules of some special places between heaven and earth!"

"War clan!" There was a heavy south wind.

At this moment, Nanfeng learned about a very powerful blood race. Nanfeng also sighed, "it seems that there are not all kinds of creatures on the continent!"

"However, how can the people of Tianlan family have the blood of zhanzu? Did Tianlan zhanchen get the blood essence of zhanzu and refine it?" Then, the south wind is also confused.

"This should not be possible. The special blood of the warring nations can not be refined and integrated by the living beings." Fat man says, "and this day LAN Zhan Chen also said just now, he this is blood wake up!"

"Well, that day LAN Zhan Chen is really flowing with the blood of the war clan!" Said Nanfeng.

"It should be, fat Lord. If I remember correctly, people of the warring clan like to experience in the whole world. If they have relations with other families, they will have blood left behind in the experience!"

"Understood, next, hoped that this day LAN Zhan Chen wakes up the blood is not so strong!" Said Nanfeng.

Boom boom!

At this time, the momentum of Tian LAN Zhan Chen is enhanced to a pole.

At this moment, he also used his newly awakened blood of war to develop the characteristics of the fat man's immortal body.

"As soon as I wake up, I can directly derive the strength characteristics of your two constitutions, the blood of war, and I can see the real anti heaven place!" Nanfeng said with emotion.

At this moment, Nanfeng and fat man look at each other again.

In this moment, they understand what they are going to do next, and they are ready to flee.

There is no way.

Although they can't break out the power of Qi, they can still clearly feel that the power of Tianlan zhanchen is crushing them so close to Tianlan zhanchen.

The fact is that they can't fight against each other. They will continue to fight unless there is a miracle.

In such an area as Jinglin, the outbreak of blood power really decides the outcome of a battle, not to mention Tianlan zhanchen's outbreak of blood.

When the power of Qi is suppressed, the south wind cannot enter the world.

"Brother, I'm sorry for LAN zhanchen's blood. I just woke up. If I had been awake for a year or two, I'd like to talk to you here." At this moment, the fat man also said.

"Stop talking nonsense and get rid of him while he is not familiar with his blood." Said Nanfeng.In a moment, all the physical strength of Nanfeng and pangzi converged again, and the shadow of a solid fist converged. In the shadow of the fist, there were not only the shadow of the inscription on the gold body, but also the shadow of the immortal pattern.

"In this just awakened blood of God, your attack is really fragile!" The sky LAN Zhan Chen disdains a voice.

as like as two peas, he also hit a blow directly, just like the two people.

Of course, the power is different.

When the two fists collide, Nanfeng's and fat man's fists are directly at a disadvantage.

At this moment, Nanfeng and chubby poured all their physical strength into their legs and fled quickly.

"It's fantastic!" Looking at the south wind and the fat man fleeing, the sky LAN battle Chen is disdain one more.

The blood of the battle in his body urged him, and some Qi power appeared under his feet. After a few steps, he was behind Nanfeng and the fat man.

A burst of blood power, let everything change is really huge.

"Fat man, you son of a bitch, your world is in a flash!" See day LAN Zhan Chen instant catch up with, South storm sound way.

"Brother, what are you worried about, fat man? I'm not ready to explode!" The fat man grinned and turned his head to make a face at Tianlan zhanchen.

At that moment, the whole body of the fat man suddenly becomes mirror like space, especially one foot, tends to be invisible.

Grasp the south wind, fat step out, directly with the day LAN Zhan Chen opened the distance.

The instant steps of heaven and earth depend on the body to a great extent, so the power of Qi has little influence.

At this moment, the fat man's speed can be comparable to the middle God who can completely explode the power of Qi.

After a few steps of the fat man, Tian LAN Zhan Chen can't see them.

Roar! In an angry roar, Tianlan zhanchen stops. "Two mole ants, they ran away from the God!" Tianlan zhanchen also reproaches himself, and his fighting spirit seems to turn into killing intention.