Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2391

"Brother, this forest, called mirror forest, is the combination of the power of space and the power of the invisible heart. It is also the place where the heaven and the earth instantaneously walk, and the place where the heaven and the earth instantaneously walk, and the feeling of the heaven and the earth instantaneously walk, is hidden in one of the leaves!" Said the fat man.

"Fat master, my two impressions are all impressions. After a short time, the place of impressions will disappear. It should be because there is no heart of space. I hope that with the heart of space this time, you and my brother can really get all the mental skills of the instant walk of heaven and earth!"

Without hesitation, they landed in the mirror forest in an instant!

Boom! The south wind fell down, but it just fell down hard, which made the mirror surface directly fall into a big hole, but the mirror surface has strong self recovery ability.

At the moment of falling into the mirror forest, all the Qi power of the south wind suddenly disappeared.

Fat man came here, so he knew that it was a smooth landing. Looking at the south wind, he laughed directly.

"Fat man, good!" Stand up, south wind cold voice grin said.

"Brother, you have to believe, fat master, I really forget that this mirror forest has the power to suppress all our Qi forces!" The fat man said seriously.

Nanfeng no longer pays attention to the fat man, releases his perception of space, urges Jin's spiritual eyes, and begins to perceive the land of perception of heaven and earth.

Poop! But at this time, Nanfeng and pangzi heard another falling sound.

They looked at it for a moment, and saw a middle-aged man slowly stand up from the mirror surface, just like the south wind, because of the unexpected fall, he was still a little staggered.

Seeing this man, Nanfeng and the fat man's look were also shocked.

"It's that guy. He's been following us both? We didn't even notice it Fat man is also shocked to say.

"It seems that the superior God is still a powerful state that we can't understand." Nanfeng said with emotion.

This middle-aged warrior is the previous superior God.

"I didn't expect that even the Qi power of the original God could be suppressed here. It's worthy of being the place where the divine power of heaven and earth - the instant step of heaven and earth is located!" Slightly shaking body, the upper God is also a sigh.

Then, his eyes also looked at the south wind, "originally, the God was going to follow you behind, with the help of your space heart to find the instant steps of heaven and earth, now it seems that you can only go to hell ahead of time!"

"You know the heart of space, so you found us from the beginning?" The fat man gave a heavy voice.

"Yes, from the moment Wei Bing found you, our God will find you." God said with a smile.

"It's really a cold-blooded man. When his men were killed, they didn't show up, just in order to use us and our heart of space to find the place where the heaven and earth are The south wind said coldly.

"Well! How do you want to die? " The superior God didn't pay attention to the words of Nanfeng and fat man, but gave a cold hum.

At that time, how dare this God go out? Nanfeng was robbing at that time.

"You think you can kill us? Don't forget, you don't have the power of Qi, but we are two The fat man said coldly.

"What about the two? No matter how strong your body is? That's just the level of the next God. When the God crushed you, it was like crushing ants! " God said with a sneer.

He took a few steps, and when he got to the south wind, he punched out.

Nanfeng responded with fists. Under the strength of the fists, both sides stepped back, but Nanfeng went back a long way, and his right arm trembled.

The south wind was downwind, but there was no doubt that it resisted.

"Even if you cultivate the chaotic golden body, you should not be so strong in the lower divine realm." The God sighed.

"It's worthy of being a superior God. Suppress me at will!" Said the south wind in a deep voice.

Fat man is no longer standing, the strength of a mention, the whole body fat seems to become a hard muscle, with the fastest speed toward the upper God.

"To die!" Seeing the fat man dare to attack himself, the God got angry, yelled and stepped out.

Step on, step on! Fat man's fist directly made the superior God retreat again, and because he despised fat man and didn't resist strength, the power of fat man's fist was poured into his body, and he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

Of course, like the south wind, the fat man's arms trembled and retreated.

"How can it be? Your physical strength After stabilizing the figure, the God looked at the fat man and said.

Nanfeng's unusual physical strength is not enough. He had seen Nanfeng's chaotic golden body with his own eyes before, but now, a fat man, his physical strength is also unusual. He can't accept it.

"Even if you are a superior God and belittle fat master, you will pay the price!" The fat man grinned.

"Fat man, it seems that the physical strength is no less than you!" In the world, the magic man Luo sees this scene, is also shocked to say.

"I'm afraid he didn't cultivate the immortal body he acquired, but he integrated and refined it!" Nanfeng said, "it's hard to practice for thousands of years, but fusion and refining are very fast.""Have you also cultivated the golden body of chaos?" Don't believe in, that superior God is also ferocious.

"Fat master, I have cultivated a stronger constitution than chaos gold body!" The fat man replied with a smile.

At this moment, the fat man also signaled to the south wind, indicating that they would attack immediately.

To be honest, they both know that there is a gap between them and the God, so it's better for them to make a quick decision. If they delay, the situation will not be optimistic.

The next moment, two people crazy attack.

The superior God had more experience in fighting, so he understood their intention in a moment.

However, the God did not slow down the fighting speed, but accelerated the fighting pace.

In this accelerated rhythm of battle, Nanfeng and pangzi feel that the physical strength of the God is constantly improving.

Soon, Nanfeng and the fat man were blown out, blood spilled, and they were more embarrassed.

"What's the matter?" The fat man said heavily, "the blood of the Tianlan family doesn't continuously improve the physical strength in the battle. Besides, under the suppression here, except the physical constitution, other blood and spirit don't work!"

"Who knows!" The south wind is also heavy.

Both men stood up at the same time, ready to fight again.

Some invisible purple and gold rays burst out from Nanfeng. Nanfeng seems to have turned into a body of gold, and two inscriptions appear in the center of Nanfeng's eyebrows.

The mirror forest has a strong suppression on the power of Qi. Any strong Qi power can't break out. As a result, the south wind can't summon the chaotic golden body, and can only break out the physical power of the chaotic golden body to a certain extent.

The fat man next to him is the same. He can't really burst out his immortal body, but can only burst out some of its physical strength and characteristics. At this time, the fat man has many lines on his body. His whole body really seems to be muscular.