Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2390

With the thunder filled, the south wind approached Tianlan Weibing.

"Go away!" Seeing the south wind approaching him, Tian Lan Wei Bing growls and curses, and fear breeds.

Nanfeng doesn't care. He approaches the place where Tianlan Weibing escapes. Finally, his thunder robbery completely remembers the breath of Tianlan Weibing and completely covers it.

Soon, there was only one end to Tianlan Weibing - breaking into pieces in the light of the destruction thunder.

It's not allowed to disturb other creatures. Even the emperor can't get away, not to mention Tian Lan Wei Bing.

"It's a pity that the superior God didn't come, otherwise, he would be broken to pieces under the thunder! If we are in this space mirror, we will not worry any more! " Said the fat man.

"There are indeed some pitfalls!" Nanfeng said, "but there's no way. After defeating those mirror people who belong to me, my Tiandao thunder robbery will land."

"It's impossible to control such a late thunderstorm. It's said to land as soon as possible."

Tianlan Weibing is completely destroyed by the thunder of Nanfeng, and the real thunder attack is focused on Nanfeng.

The black and purple thunder also changed in an instant, and the multicolored light came out from it. All the thunder turned into multicolored destruction thunder in an instant.

The south wind retreats from the chaotic golden body, converges the power of all Qi, and resists with pure physical strength.

An unbearable physical hardening began. The south wind just disappeared into the thunder for a moment, and the skin opened.

"Heaven and earth thunder really can let me harden my body very effectively!" South wind ferocious said with excitement.

"It's really abnormal. From ancient times to the present, it's the only abnormal person who uses thunder to rob the world or uses multicolored destruction thunder to refine the body." Said the fat man.

It lasted seven days and seven nights.

When Nanfeng comes down from the fading thunder, he can clearly feel the power of his physical body. Under the magic power of the source of life, all his thunder wounds recover quickly.

Chaos gold body is called out, where the two inscriptions are more solid, and the third one is also looming.

"This quenching is really effective, and my third gold body inscription is about to take shape." Feel all this, south wind heavily said.

"Can we make a breakthrough?" At this time, the fat man also asked.

If the south wind can break through to the lower God, then in this space, except for the upper God, the warriors of the Tianlan family and the dark blood demon family are not worth mentioning.

"Yes, but now I still want to find the instant step of heaven and earth as soon as possible!" Said Nanfeng.

"It's up to me. Now I have the heart of space. With my own ability, I can find heaven and earth faster than I can!" Said the fat man.

"Otherwise, if we meet Tianlan family and dark blood demon family again, we can only choose to enter the world to escape!"

"That's fine!" South wind nods slightly.

To tell you the truth, looking for the instant step of heaven and earth in this space mirror, Nanfeng is not necessarily better than the fat man, just because the fat man can control the birth of the mirror man that belongs to him.

Then, the south wind entered Wanshi and the world began to shut down.

Having just gone through the thunder disaster, and he is the perfect peak of the true divine realm, it's really the best time to break through.

In the world of ten thousand years, the passage of time broke out, and the south wind directly entered a closed state. His accumulation of strength is absolutely enough, which is his understanding of the martial arts of the lower divine realm.

In the Wanshi world under the Wanshi rule, Nanfeng absolutely has enough time to shut down, so Nanfeng is not in a hurry, and understands it a little bit in the closed state.

During this period, the south wind also began to merge, to understand their own space heart.

The road contained in the heart of space is the connection between the heart and space.

The realm is improving, and Nanfeng's thoughts are not in the understanding of space. Invisibly, Nanfeng's thoughts enter the boundless illusory world.

"Where you want to be, you'll arrive in a flash!" When Nanfeng shennian saw this boundless invisible world, he could not help saying this sentence.

Under this feeling, the space he saw in his heart was layers of space, which was as thin as a wisp of power, and finally became the boundless space.

Nanfeng's heart can be derived from an invisible heart, which is derived from Nanfeng's understanding of the way of space. This invisible heart can be found in any layer of space he sees.

When his own heart is connected with the power of this invisible heart, where does his own heart go.

This time, he seems to have stepped a long distance.

And this kind of cross space, under the same environment, who can compare. It goes without saying that the same realm, that is, the talent of the golden winged ROC bird who is a little higher than himself, can not be compared.

"Where you want to be, you will arrive in a flash! Is that what the heart of space wants to tell me? " Nanfeng said to himself, "the invisible heart is derived from space. This invisible heart can be seen everywhere in the eyes!""My body can also be in that place, which may be the reason why heaven and earth walk in an instant!"

"Only in this way can the fat man successfully snatch so many things from the warrior!"

Nanfeng continues to feel, and in the heart of space, his perception of space is further improved.

Time and space are deeply connected, and all of them are in the world. Nanfeng's understanding of space will be perfect.

I don't know how long it took for Nanfeng's whole body to undergo a qualitative change under the accumulation of strength and perception. His flesh and blood, his perception, and the invisible Shouyuan in his body were all improved in an instant.

His whole body was further elevated.

His breath of God became more real.

"The next God is here!" South wind excited!

At this moment, Nanfeng completely crossed the realm of the true God and stepped into the realm of the lower God. He was further away from the realm of the God King.

Although the real God can have the ability to travel the whole God domain, in Nanfeng's view, only the God King can really have the qualification of that strength.

The double heaven and the triple heaven are not the lowest warrior until they break into the God King.

"The realm of God King, it's really expected to come quickly!" Nanfeng is also looking forward to it.

"Jinglin, here we are at last!" At this time, the fat man is also excited, there is no doubt that the fat man found the location of the instant step of heaven and earth.

Nanfeng did not hesitate, but walked out of the world attached to the fat man.

In front of him is no longer the dark space world, but a dark forest all over the place.

And you can clearly see that the gray trees are different from ordinary trees. They are invisible, just like mirrors. The trunks and leaves seem to agglomerate after melting in the mirrors. Every leaf, like a layer of boundless space, every trunk, every branch, seems to be the convergence of multi-layer space.