Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2387

This invisible and transparent power seems to surpass the power of the mind and turn to the strongest power of the heart. Of course, in the end, there is no transformation, just the charm of the supreme power. After all, the south wind is only 70% of the power, and the distance from the supreme power is not eighteen thousand miles.

The reason why Nanfeng's heart has the charm of heart power is that he got the heart charm on the continent at the beginning, and he also fused the heart charm with his heart.

Mind talisman is an indispensable thing for living beings to achieve the power of the heart. It can be said that only after the fusion of mind talisman can the living beings have the qualification to achieve the power of the heart.

"Is this the power of the mind talisman that I fused a long time ago?" Feel this invisible, transparent power, Nanfeng murmured.

The power of the mind symbol is independent, which undoubtedly shows Nanfeng's conjecture. Yes, the essence of these mirror people is the power of heart and mind.

The inner heart and the power of mind are the weaknesses of these mirror people, and they are also the fatal weaknesses.

Otherwise, he, the original Tianzu, would not be able to win with his strength if he met these mirror people in his realm.

Understand everything, everything is easy to say.

The south wind enters into the state of forgetfulness, submerges into his heart, and merges the power of the invisible mind symbol.

At this moment, his power of intention is also growing rapidly, reaching 70% of perfection at a time, with no decrease in speed, breaking into 80% and finally staying in 80% of perfection.

"Just because I know what a mirror man is and what his weakness is, does my power of will grow so fast?" The power of meaning is growing so fast, Nanfeng said with a shock.

More than 70% of the power of the mind, every deep understanding, it is more difficult. Now, just for a moment, he's crossing a big line.

"Some special places between heaven and earth have magical abilities that I can't understand now." After the shock, Nanfeng can only feel this way.

He no longer hesitated. He opened his golden spirit eyes in the realm of forgetfulness and looked at his heart. Under the power of mind symbol, he looked at the darkness and evil in his heart.

He uses the power of mind talisman to dispel the darkness and evil.

In this way, the power of those mirror people is rapidly weakening.

In the special space of this world, under the power of this invisible mind symbol, Nanfeng feels that he can completely get rid of his inner darkness and evil.

But he didn't.

He just dispels the darkness and evil to the point that the power of those mirror people is not as good as stopping by himself.

Darkness and evil are not good, but Nanfeng doesn't want to be a just person in a pure sense, a just person in a pure sense. In terms of benevolence, there is no bottom line.

In the world of martial arts and Taoism, there can be kindness, but there must be no bottom line. Otherwise, it is an unforgivable sin to harm yourself and those around you.

Therefore, Nanfeng will not completely abandon his inner darkness and evil, which he has confirmed many times.

He will only eliminate some of his inner darkness and evil from time to time, just like now.

No matter how many people there are, they will not be the opponent of Nanfeng.

At the next moment, Nanfeng completely converged all the power of time, and the supernatural power of those mirror men blasted on chaos gold in a moment, but this time, chaos gold was not painful.

chaotic gold body step out of the burst of the gas, mouth open spit, a Wutong fire led by the flames of the flood, the fire is permeated with the rules, submerged those mirror people.

Under the fire like magma, all the mirror people were broken, and their dark world could no longer resist.

"My south wind is my south wind, my body, which can not be replaced by any illusory shadow!" The sound of Nanfeng's heart is firm, and this firm sound also makes Nanfeng consolidate his 80% power of intention to a certain extent.

"After understanding what mirror people are, it's really easy to solve these mirror people!" Looking at this scene, the fat man said slightly.

But at this time, the fat man's eyes also had doubts, that is, he didn't understand why Nanfeng didn't completely eliminate his inner darkness and evil.

You know, there should be only one life when the living beings can meet the birth of the mirror man in the space mirror. This time, it should also be the moment when the living beings can see their inner darkness and evil thoroughly.

It's not like I've met other bad luck in my heart.

"Brother, why don't you take this opportunity to completely get rid of the darkness and evil in your heart, so that the martial arts he wants to cultivate will be clearer and your inner understanding will be clearer." Immediately, the fat man asked.

"Fat man, in this martial arts world, I don't want to be a pure righteous man. I will eliminate the darkness and evil in my heart, but I will never eliminate them completely, because my killing needs them!" Nanfeng laughs.

"Well, let's not talk about that. You and I should seize the time to find the location of the heaven and earth instant walk, and also find other exits to leave here as soon as possible."

"There seems to be some truth in it!" Hear the words of the south wind, the fat man says very thoughtfully.However, before they moved forward, they were attracted by the changing scene of the next scene. The fragments of the broken mirror man did not disappear, but slowly gathered together.

Finally, it forms an invisible heart.

In this invisible heart, Nanfeng and chubby feel the power of perfect space.

"This is the heart of space!" The fat man gave a heavy voice, and he looked very excited.

"The heart of space?" The south wind is a little confused.

"The heart of space is another kind of invisible thing in the space mirror. It is born from the core of the space mirror. The fusion of living beings can help the living beings to cultivate quickly and understand the instant steps of heaven and earth." Said the fat man.

"It can also help the living beings to find the instant steps of heaven and earth to a certain extent!"

"The fat man came in so many times and was also looking for the heart of space. He didn't expect that the heart of space was under the mirror man. Only by reflecting the genius of the mirror man can he get the heart of space."

Said, the south wind directly toward the heart of space to grasp.

"Fat man, this is mine. Don't move!" See fat man grab, south wind said.

"Brother, fat master, I just take it and watch it first!" The fat man grinned.

"Get out of here!" The south wind scolds angrily, the fat man just watches, the ghost just believes.

Nanfeng also snatched directly, but it was a little slower than fat man.

But the next moment, the fat man is silly, because he can't touch the heart of space at all, just as his power can't touch those mirror people before. "Ha ha ~" seeing this scene, Nanfeng laughed, "fat man, it seems that you are doomed not to take the heart of this space, because it only belongs to me!"