Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2388

Laughter, the south wind directly received the heart of the space.

"This is a bullshit space mirror. The heart of space can only be obtained under its own mirror." The fat man said angrily.

"Fat man, you should have a common heart in everything. If it's not your own, don't force it!" Nanfeng is very serious comfort said.

Hearing Nanfeng's words, the fat man was speechless and even more white.

At this moment, the power of the fat man suddenly appeared, which made Nanfeng think that someone else was coming. He immediately entered the primitive self pole, but under the feeling, he could not feel any breath of life except two people.

"What are you doing, fat man?" Nanfeng asked, puzzled.

"Fat master, I'm willing to give up. The heart of space, fat master, I want to get one too!" Said the fat man.

Hearing the fat man's words, Nanfeng was even more puzzled. Since the heart of space is under the mirror, and still under the mirror of the living beings themselves, how can the fat man take it?

Eyes suddenly turned, the south wind directly into a shock, but also heavy mouth, "fat man, you can't control their own mirror people born?"

Nanfeng didn't believe that the talent of the fat man would not reflect the mirror man in the space mirror. Now the fat man takes the initiative to release his power, and the goal is just the heart of space. Nanfeng can't help guessing that the fat man can control the birth of the mirror man.

"Is it really this?" In the world, magic man Luo and change feather don't believe of say.

At the next moment, Nanfeng's guess was accepted. With the momentum of the fat man array, the surrounding space began to change, and the power of black space emerged, forming a dark place.

That dark place just condenses is broken, at that moment, another fat man appears.

The fat man clapped his hands, and under the surging of power, he condensed a small dark place, and behind each small dark mirror, he condensed a fat man.

After careful counting, we can find that the number of the mirror people is the same as that of the mirror people.

"How can this fat man really control the birth of his mirror man?" Seeing with my own eyes, the two women in the world are really not calm.

The same is true of Nanfeng, but his expression is not so exaggerated.

"Fat man, are you really from heaven?" At this moment, Nanfeng's heart was full of voices.

At this moment, Nanfeng could not help but be sure that the fat man came from the way of heaven. He was a creature born from the way of heaven. Although he was not the same as those chaotic creatures who had no power of chaos, he was not too bad.

As early as in the past, knowing that the fat man is the blood under heaven, and that all the power of the fat man is related to heaven, Nanfeng guessed that the fat man was born from heaven.

But the south wind is not sure.

But what happened in front of us made Nanfeng very certain.

Space mirror earth, which is a special place of heaven and earth, is only controlled by the way of heaven. If a fat man can control the birth of his own mirror man, there is only one explanation. Fat man comes from heaven.

"Fat man, are you the son of heaven?" South wind is in the heart again.

"If he is really the son of the way of heaven, then it is not difficult to explain why the immortal body he obtained contains the pure way of heaven." Murman lupin replied.

"All his strength comes from the way of heaven, and it's not difficult to explain that he has the colorful destruction thunder."

"But it's all speculation!" Nanfeng said, "this fat man is really mysterious!"

In the face of those mirror people, the fat man does not hesitate, but directly develops the array, which is a mental array under the heaven. In this array, the power of the fat man's mind seems to be magnified infinitely.

Other arrays also evolved to resist the attack of the mirror man fat man.

Through the heart array, the fat man also clearly saw his inner darkness and evil.

Finally, in the same way as Nanfeng, the fat man solved the problem. Like Nanfeng, the fat man didn't get rid of his inner darkness and evil completely.

With the condensation of the fragments of the mirror man, the heart of space belonging to the fat man is also gathering.

"Fat man, I suddenly find that I can't understand you any more. You can control the birth of your own mirror man Watch the fat man begin to restrain his strength, said Nanfeng.

"Hey, brother, if you want to understand me, you still have a long way to go!" The fat man grinned back.

"To tell you the truth, are you from the way of heaven? Can you be called the son of the way of heaven?" Nanfeng asked directly.

Hear south wind so inquiry, fat man made so a moment of Leng, fat man did not expect south wind inquiry so direct.

But turning to think about it, the fat man guessed that Nanfeng was sure of everything in his heart, waiting for his own answer.

However, in the end, the fat man just said implicitly, "brother, I still can't say something about the fat man. Can I refuse to answer this question at the moment?"

"Whatever you want!" Said Nanfeng.But at this time, the fat man did not deny that

The next moment, the power of the fat man suddenly flashed again, and the south wind also flashed. After this time, the south wind did not converge, because this time, the south wind really felt the arrival of other creatures.

"Next, brother, it's the real fight!" The fat man gave a slight sound.

"Put down the heart of space, I can plead with God, let you leave a whole body!" Another voice followed.

The light of a sword array comes in an instant. It's the boss of the Fang family.

"You four brothers are not our brothers' rivals. You are the only one?" Seeing that it was only the old man of Fang family, the fat man was very disdainful.

Of course, fat people don't think it's just the boss of Fang family, unless the boss's brain is rusty.

If so, a sword array suddenly appeared at the foot of the elder Fang family. Three sword shadows appeared on the sword array. The sword shadows condensed and the other three Fang family appeared.

The world of the fourth member of the Fang family appeared, and another figure came out. It was one of the two middle-term strong gods of the former Tianlan family.

"Two mice, do you think it's safe to escape to this space? It's a pity that our people have spread all over here and started to lay a net here! " The middle-aged warrior said coldly.

"This guy is in the middle of the next God. I'm afraid you and I are not rivals now!" The fat man looked dignified and said.

"It's just a warrior of Tianlan family. It's not enough for me to kill!" Compared with the fat man, Nanfeng said so.

In this way, the fat man was stunned, and the middle-aged Wu and Fang's four brothers were also stunned.

"Ha ha ~" but soon, the middle-aged warrior of Tianlan family just laughed. The mouse in front of him is as arrogant as the rumor.