Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2386

"This guy's chaotic gold body has improved again. I don't know if my immortal body can compete with this guy's chaotic gold body!" Seeing Nanfeng's gold inscription smash the dark mirror of the mirror, the fat man said with emotion.

After the first inscription on the body of gold broke the dark mirror, another inscription on the body of gold came out. Two inscriptions on the body of gold crossed each other like sharp blades, carrying the power of cutting the sky in two.

Those mirror people were scattered in an instant to avoid the two gold inscriptions of the south wind. They looked ferocious and all their strength was black, as if they were born from the darkness. They seemed to be the dark evolution across the space in every period of the south wind.

After evading, some of them unite again to form a dark world. The purpose of this dark mirror is not to resist the attack of Nanfeng's inscriptions, but to radiate infinite dark light on Nanfeng's chaotic gold body.

For these invisible dark lights, Nanfeng didn't feel any intention of attack or discomfort.

"Is this the only way for these people to use the mirror of darkness?" The South breeze in the heart doubts a way. But he still believes in fat people's words, these mirror people are not simple, dare not have any slack.

His two gold body inscriptions instantly evolved into the shadow of countless inscriptions, and the flame of divine fire permeated the shadow of all inscriptions and went to every mirror man.

The next moment, this dark place finally released its real power. With the mapping of those dark lights, the other side of the dark mirror mapped out an illusory and chaotic gold body. ***

Under the illusory and chaotic gold body, there is also the figure of Nanfeng.

And not only the figure of Nanfeng, the heart of Nanfeng is mapped out, in that heart, the state of the evolution of the supernatural power possessed by Nanfeng is also mapped out.

Seeing this scene, Nanfeng suddenly felt bad. His intuition told him that he must break the dark mirror, or his intuitive threat would come true.

chaos Jin body suddenly erupted in the world of killing and cutting, and the anger and all the fire and fire fusion, Wutong fire dominated, forming the strongest anger, and hard to the dark land down.

But it seems to be a little late.

When the south wind power condenses, those mirror people absorb the light of the virtual shadow, and all of them summon the dark and chaotic golden body in an instant.

The dark chaotic gold body is as solid as the chaotic gold body summoned by Nanfeng soul.

Several mirror people directly burst out the dark gold body inscriptions, which shot out and defeated Nanfeng's most powerful FA Xiang's anger.

Under the strength of the anti earthquake, Nanfeng's figure regressed, and his chest was still dull. At this moment, he also understood what is a real mirror man, not only reflecting his body, his shadow, but also his magic power.

You can't say that all your powers are mapped out, but more than half of your powers will definitely be mapped out.

At this moment, Nanfeng is really equivalent to fighting with dozens of souls.

And because of the darkness and ferocity, the strength of these mirror people is probably a little bit higher than his own soul separation.

"If in terms of strength, I am not, I will never be a combination of these mirror people." There was a heavy south wind.

"Brother, remember my words, where do you come from and where do you die, or you will live under the power of this mirror man all your life." At this time, the fat man reminds me again.

In the fat man's words, those mirror men also attacked. Each mirror man took the dark chaos gold body as a defense, evolved different powers, gathered endless darkness, and attacked the south wind.

These mirror people are also crisp, just want to kill Nanfeng.

"I don't have much time!" South wind dignified incomparable said.

Eyes change, the south wind body ten thousand time world dominates, ten thousand time rules surging out, entangled the south wind, at this moment, the south wind is like the real ancestor of time.

"My God, this is the rule of time. Isn't this the power that can only be used by the emperor level strong?" Seeing the Wanshi chain on Nanfeng, the fat man couldn't believe it.

The next moment, the fat man also felt the difference, that is, the south wind's ten thousand hour rule is different from the time rule under heaven, not the difference of power, but the essence of the source.

Other creatures may not feel it, but fat people can feel it clearly.

"What the hell is going on? What's his rule of time? It's impossible to condense the rules of time. Why isn't it the rules of time under heaven? "

The fat man fell into many doubts

Under the 10000 hour rule, the time power of the south wind reaches its limit, and layers of time ripples rise in an instant, which makes the space around the south wind evolve into endless time. In this endless time, the time of the south wind accelerates infinitely.

Under the 10000 hour rule, the turbulent flow of time gushes out and permeates all around, preventing the landing of those mirror people's magical powers."Where does it come from? Where does it die! So where did they come from? " Nanfeng fell into endless meditation, and his thoughts were invisible.

He entered the original self pole, and under the perception of the original self pole, he felt the power of the essence of the supernatural powers of those mirror people. That power comes from two aspects, one is endless space, the other is the power of meaning.

"This is the space mirror, where all the power comes from the power of space. It's not surprising that the power of space is unlikely to be the source of these mirror people, because it can only be said that there are connections!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

"The power of the mind, the power of the supernatural power they erupted, the power of the essence is more inclined to the power of the mind!"

The golden spirit breaks out and merges with the primitive self pole. Nanfeng looks at the heart of each mirror man and finds that their inner essence is the essence of meaning.

Moreover, under the essence of care, there is a trace of the essence of heart.

The three invisible forces of Qi, mind and mind are embodied in the comprehension of living beings. More than 70% of the power of mind can be transformed into powerful magical power attack.

Nanfeng hasn't practiced much since he raised his power of intention to 70% on the continent, so that after such a long time, his power of intention has only reached 70%.

"Space evolves the power of mind, and the ultimate power of mind is the heart. The heart condenses into a mirror, reflecting my dark, ferocious face, and my supernatural power. This is the essence of these mirror people." Nanfeng said clearly in his heart.

"Then, I need to break it with the power of mind, or the power of heart that no living creature has ever achieved." "The power of the heart! The power of the heart Nanfeng murmured, and a cluster of invisible and transparent force had already appeared in his heart.