Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2385

Here, the south wind seems to feel, see the infinite space jump node, although at a glance is the scene of chaos, but the intangible artistic conception is layer upon layer of space.

"This is the space mirror." There was a slight south wind.

"Yes, this is the space mirror, the birthplace of space Avenue debris!" "Said the fat man," and here I get a glimpse of heaven and earth

While they were talking, the space continued to change. A dark mirror appeared in the layers of space. Soon everything they saw was like what they saw outside, as if they had not entered the space mirror.

"Where is the instant walk of heaven and earth?" Nanfeng asked. Anyone can't wait for the instant walk of heaven and earth. Nanfeng is no exception.

"Brother, do you know how many times Mr. fat has been here?" Hearing the words of the south wind, the fat man grinned and said with some helplessness.

"How many times?" Nanfeng asked curiously.

"In such a long time before, fat Lord, I entered here no less than 20 times, and fat Lord, I found the place of heaven and earth instant step, only twice!" Said the fat man.

"Because the space here is constantly changing?" Said Nanfeng.

"It's true that every space here is constantly changing, and there is no regular change." The fat man said, "so, the location of heaven and earth is changing every moment!"

"That's the reason why I'm sure the God can't find us here, unless we're so unlucky that we get to the God in the process of transformation."

"Our luck should not be so bad!" Nanfeng said, "then it seems that it takes a certain amount of luck to find the instant step of heaven and earth."

Buzz, buzz! At this moment, Nanfeng saw the shadows in the darkness, and those shadows quickly materialized and became Nanfeng.

These southerly winds are very real. In the breath, they feel like the soul of southerly winds.

"What's going on?" With a heavy south wind, he looked dignified. At this moment, he felt the invisible threat. The threat came from those dark mirrors, and also from these condensed south wind!

"The mirror man was born!" At this time, the fat man was shocked.

"Mirror man?" South wind doubts.

"Space, as the name suggests, evolves into the state of a mirror, and the figure born from the mirror space is called mirror man!" Said the fat man.

"Mirror people are extremely aggressive and intelligent. They are the evolution of the dark side of the Buddha. From the moment they are born, they have only one mission, that is to kill the Buddha, devour everything and become the Buddha themselves." Said the fat man.

At this moment, you can see that in the eyes of those mirror people, there is only the south wind, and the killing intention is soaring to the sky, as if to break through the space mirror!

"Brother, you are ready to fight, these mirror people, the strength is not simple!" The fat man said with a little schadenfreude.

"Fat man, why isn't your mirror man born?" Nanfeng asked.

This is too unreasonable. All the mirror people here are his, and none of them is born.

"Because fat master, my talent is not as good as you!" The fat man grinned and said, "if you enter the space, there will be only a few people born in the mirror world, or even none!"

"So, after you were born, brother, I'm really surprised to see you

"But think about it, brother, you really deserve the birth of mirror man in this space mirror!"

"Is that so?" Hearing the fat man's words, the south wind was suspicious.

In addition to not knowing where the fat man came from, Nanfeng thought he had a deep understanding of the fat man. Fat man, maybe his blood is not as good as him, but his talent will never be inferior to him.

If this person is born because of high talent, then fat people will definitely be born.

However, Nanfeng didn't say anything more. His eyes were fixed on the mirror man who was ready to move. His fierce fighting spirit surged in an instant and his momentum flew wildly. The combination of the two was like a piece of sky, which shocked the mirror man.

In this shock, the south wind moves, thunder evolves all over the sky, burst out countless thunder lights, evolves all the way, the south wind also evolves thousands of figures, all over any thunder channel.

Nanfeng's goal is to walk in the sky and the earth in an instant, which is the avenue of space power. He doesn't want to waste time on these mirror people. He wants to solve these mirror people in an instant.

But unfortunately, Nanfeng thought too much.

Their thunder light, his strength and all his attacks came back unexpectedly. And the anti shock force seems to increase a lot.

Only a dark mirror appeared on those mirror people.

"Mirror of the rebound!" The dozens of mirror people said at the same time.

Arms crossed, the south wind broke out, Tianjin defense, a moment I do not know how many layers of condensation, otherwise in the rebound force or collapse.

Under the collapse, the south wind retreated heavily, and the chest was dull, almost spitting out a mouthful of blood."The power of these mirror people is so strong!" Eyes heavy, south wind can't help feeling said.

"Treat them as if they were part of your soul, or you will suffer a great loss, brother!" The fat man reminded again.

"Fat man, stop talking nonsense and help! You and I can't put time on this! " Looking at the fat man holding his hand leisurely, Nanfeng said.

"Brother, in the face of these mirror people, fat man, I really can't help you!" The fat man spread his hands and said, "because they are just your mirror people, you can only solve them!"

Said, the fat man also shot.

The magic power of array fell down in an instant, but it didn't work at all when it came to those mirror people, just like passing through space. And those mirror people, also ignore the fat man, as if they did not see the fat man in general, and their strength can not touch the fat man, also like through space.

"What's the matter?" Seeing this scene, Nanfeng said with disbelief.

"This is the mirror man. Where does it come from and die out? No one else can touch it except the way of heaven and the Buddha!" Said the fat man.

"Mirror man!" Nanfeng murmured, this moment is also to understand what is the real mirror.

"Brother, so this time it's not the fat master. I won't help you, because I can't touch the fat master at all!" Said the fat man.

"I hope it won't be too difficult!" There was a heavy south wind.

Boom boom! The momentum once again increased, and the eight spirits of the south wind burst out in an instant. In the golden bloom, the chaotic golden body was also called, and countless lights of purple and gold instantly condensed into an inscription on the golden body.

In the midst of the explosion, the inscription on the gold body touched the dark mirror.

The sparks of light burst out again, and the strong power poured into the inscriptions again. Click! The dark mirror was also broken by the blow of the south wind.