Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2384

Perhaps under that limit, the world of Nanfeng can withstand the repressive power of a superior God, so another one?

"Do you really decide to lose a soul At this time, mamlo said.

Soul separation is really the most extreme card of Nanfeng. It's another life of Nanfeng. It's really equivalent to Nanfeng's death once, and Melman really doesn't want to.

In momanluo's heart, Nanfeng's life is worth more than hers.

"This time, it's really in extreme danger. Fat man and I can't escape from here at all. Even if we let Tian LAN Mingyu call the strong one on their side, it's absolutely too late." Said Nanfeng.

"Besides, under the seal of the inferior God's power, it's unknown that I can deliver the news."

At this moment, in the depths of the south wind mixed fire world and the Wanshi world, a figure came out respectively. The figure slowly emerged. It was the two south winds.

These two Nanfeng, except for some unstable breath, are no different from Nanfeng himself.

There is no doubt that the two Nanfeng are also separated.

From the moment of entering the divine realm, Nanfeng has been refining his soul and separating himself, never stopping.

Not long ago, he successfully condensed the two soul separation, and after he successfully created the rules, his two soul separation also condensed their own rules.

You can clearly see that the two souls are filled with the rules of mixed fire and the rules of ten thousand hours.

Nanfeng's concise soul separation is different from the previous one. These two soul separation majors in mixing fire and Wanshi respectively. It can be said that these two soul separation are the cultivation of a series of strength.

This is also an attempt of the south wind.

He wants each of his souls to separate themselves and only major in one kind of power to see if he can cultivate this power beyond his own self. If he can do it in the future, then he has opened up a more extreme power.

The appearance of the separation of the two souls, the south wind let magic man Luo feel.

"You have successfully condensed the other two soul parts?" Said mamlo.

"That's right, so you don't have to worry that I won't be able to have a soul in the future." Said Nanfeng.

… Nanfeng, the soul is separated, and the fat man is ready.

At that moment, Nanfeng soul rushed out of Tianjin world. The power of thunder broke out to the extreme. With the help of zulei's power, the speed was improved to the extreme, and the goal was straight to a weak town defender on the power seal.

As soon as the Nanfeng spirit appeared, the upper God felt it, and a strong intention of killing flashed in his eyes.

Although the fat man didn't appear, the attention of the upper God was all attracted, because his most important purpose was to kill Nanfeng, which was the death order given to them by Tianlan God.

So this time, Nanfeng and chubby have achieved their goal.

At this moment, the whole body of the fat man in the world seems to have evolved into the aggregation of the spirit body of the space array, and some of the integrated space arrays are condensed into a pair of wings behind him.

"Boy, you really want to escape in front of our God Murmur a, that superior God's a suppress supernatural power has been under, with the speed that the south wind can't feel at all toward the south wind and go.

At this moment, Nanfeng chose to explode himself.

In the world, the soul is ready for self explosion, so the God has no time to stop it.

The power of self explosion of living beings is related to the essential strength, talent, blood and understanding of living beings. The higher and stronger these are, the greater the power of self explosion will be.

In addition, Nanfeng hunfen has the ability of leapfrog challenge, so the self explosion of Nanfeng is far from the true God, which can be compared with the early martial arts of some lower gods.

In addition, the God did not think about the south wind explosion, so he was caught off guard.

This time, Nanfeng and fat man have enough time.

They shot out of the world, fat man's power completely shrouded in the south wind, and they plunged into the ground of the rocky position.

"Well?" This scene naturally shocked the God, and it was even more unbelievable.

He couldn't believe the appearance of the two south winds, and he couldn't believe that he couldn't feel the moment the south wind and the fat man went underground.

The upper God did not hesitate, and a magic power flew directly to the ground.

The soil burst and the dark tunnel appeared. At the moment when the dust was flying, the God had reached the deepest part of the tunnel.

There, he saw layers of invisible dark mirrors. These dark mirrors were not very big, as small as a small area.

But there are so many of them that they constitute this special region.

These dark mirrors also crisscross invisibly, emitting the dark light, giving people a kind of birthplace and condensation of all the spaces between heaven and earth.

Shua Shua! At this time, other people also came down, looking at the scene and asked, "God, this is..."

"This is the space mirror, the birthplace of space Avenue debris! Nanfeng and another person have entered the space Said the God."I didn't expect that there was such an invisible space under the rubble position."

"Space mirror After understanding, those warriors said.

"You immediately go deep into it and hunt down those two people, but remember, you must be careful and keep in touch at any time, so as not to be broken one by one by them." And then the Lord also commanded.

"Soon, other warriors will come to help you."

Those who do not dare to listen to these orders are not willing to slack off.

The upper God looked dignified, but also with doubts, slowly closed, he fell into the memory of meditation.

It seems that after a long time, he opened his eyes and murmured, "the perception of the original God can't be wrong. The previous two Nanfeng were both the feelings of the original God."

, "but as like as two peas in the universe, there are absolutely no two people who are exactly alike. Even twins cannot feel like this God. At least the twins of true God will not."

"Then there's only one reason. It's the legendary soul separation, the supernatural power from the dark and merciless black blood - Soul separation."

"It sounds impossible, but in the previous scene, it's the most likely."

Said, the upper God's eyes for the first time to the south wind of greed, but also to murmur, "mixed separation, the God to settle."

Immediately, the God also stepped into the space.

Before stepping in, he destroyed some things, which should be something to deliver messages. He also used his own ability to close the tunnel to the greatest extent.

Obviously, his greed for the separation of Nanfeng's soul has made him not allow other strong men who are also chasing Nanfeng to come.

At this time, Nanfeng and chubby did not know that they had entered the world of space mirror. In short, in front of them is a slightly dark, such as the chaos of the invisible space.