Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2383

"Fat man, it seems that you have entered the space below Hearing the fat man's words, Nanfeng said.

"Yes, I've entered the space mirror below. Otherwise, how could I be crushed by them here? It's because I just came out of the space mirror below and suffered some trauma!" Said the fat man.

"It seems that you've got some chances in space mirror!" Said Nanfeng.

"Yes, Mr. fat. As soon as I came in, I came here and found the space below." The fat man said, "and the chance I got in it is the magic power of heaven and earth -- the instant walk of heaven and earth!"

"What! Heaven and earth walk in a flash Hear fat Ye's words, South breeze shakes to say.

"Yes, the fastest magic power of heaven and earth -- instant walk of heaven and earth!" Said the fat man.

"No wonder, no wonder you can still run away after robbing so many things. Now you are suppressed!" The south wind said heavily.

"It's just a pity that the instant step I got is just a scratch, so I need to go here and continue to understand the instant step!" Said the fat man.

"Heaven and earth walk in a flash! I'm really looking forward to it The south wind said heavily.

"Now, what we need to do is how to get into the space mirror ground through this rocky position!" Fat Master said, "although we can enter in an instant, we need to know that outside is the superior God. For him, an instant can be divided into more moments!"

"I'm afraid we'll blow up if we make any mistake!"

Nanfeng's look is dignified. What the fat man said is really good. If they don't try to attract the attention of the God, it's impossible for them to enter the space mirror.

"Fat man, are you sure that God won't find us after we enter?" Nanfeng also asked about other worries.

"Space mirror land, has the space which we cannot imagine, and below this, is a large space mirror land, even if is the superior God, also cannot achieve in it, like no man's land!"

After that, both of them pondered. They didn't know how to draw the attention of the God!

Outside, the superior God's face was extremely dark, because he tried many times, and his power could not enter the world of the south wind.

"What kind of cards does this kid have?" The superior God said coldly.

A superior God can't hold a real God or a subordinate God. Everyone has a sense of frustration, and still has a strong sense of frustration.

Frustrated, all the power of the superior God began to burst into his power seal net. His power can't be lost in the hidden world of south wind, so he will crush the invisible world of south wind with the net of power!

It can be seen that the net of its cohesive force begins to shrink slowly.

Under this shrinking, Nanfeng felt great pressure. His nine worlds kept shrinking in his body, even more as if to burst.

"Brother, how about I lure him with some shards of Godhead and power Avenue?" In the world, fatty said, fatty also felt the south wind, the world began to bear a lot of pressure.

"Don't you think that God can think of it?" Nanfeng said, "he will not only think about it, but also think that as long as he really suppresses us, many of our things will be his!"

"Then what? If we waste more time, your world will not be able to bear it! " Said the fat man in a deep voice.

"Unless we seduce him with what he wants!" There was a heavy south wind.

"All he wants is the two of us!" The fat man responded casually.

And immediately, the fat man also reacted, and said in a little daze, "brother, you don't want to use your flesh and blood to distract him."

"That certainly can't, it doesn't need to look at it, it will feel that it is your separation!"

"Fat man, if I say to seduce him with the real me, will he be seduced?" Nanfeng grinned.

"Brother, this is not the time to joke!" The fat man said seriously.

"You think I'm kidding?" Nanfeng said. As soon as his eyes turned, another Nanfeng appeared in front of Nanfeng. The breath was the same as Nanfeng.

"Brother, do you really want to separate yourself with flesh and blood? In this case, it's better for fat master to let me have a try with the shards of Godhead and the shards of Avenue, because... " See another south wind, said the fat man.

However, before he finished speaking, he was a little dull, because he could not feel that this was a flesh and blood part of Nanfeng. Under his perception of heaven and heaven, he felt that the Nanfeng appeared, that is, the master of Nanfeng.

Perhaps the only difference is that Nanfeng's breath is a little weaker than Nanfeng's.

But those who are not familiar with Nanfeng and are not always with Nanfeng, even the superior God or even the God King, can never feel it.

"Brother, you are..." After the dull, the fat man can't believe it."Fat man, if I use my soul as a lure, do you think that God will be attracted?" Turning to look at the fat man, the south wind asked heavily.

"Soul separation! Brother, you are the soul of the legend The fat man gave a heavy voice.

"Yes, the soul separation, with the soul as the separation, can turn into my own soul separation in that extreme state!" Said Nanfeng.

"I can't imagine, fat Lord, that I saw the soul separation today. Except for some strong demons, there seems to be no soul separation in the whole divine realm!" The fat man said in shock.

And in this shock, the fat man's face also showed a desire for soul separation.

A trace of cunning also appeared in the fat man's dark and sneaky eyes.

At this moment, the fat man's heart has turned to the mental cultivation method of how to obtain the soul separation from Nanfeng.

Nanfeng naturally felt the cunning of the fat man and said directly, "fat man, don't even think about my idea of soul separation. You can't cultivate my soul separation!"

"Brother, you can't do this. Soul separation is the pursuit of fat master." Hearing the south wind, the fat man cried.

"Even if you really cry today, there's no way. Besides, now I don't have time to waste with you!" Said Nanfeng.

Then, Nanfeng's eyes are very serious to see the soul separation, to the soul separation signal, must successfully lure that upper God for a moment.

The soul part nods heavily, the essence, the Qi, and the God are promoted to the extreme, ready to go out from the world.

See south wind ready to action, fat also seriously up, ready.

They have only a moment's chance. They can't be careless. If they fail this time, they will really have to wait here to die.