Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2382

"Damn fat man, it's wishful thinking that you want to get something from us again!" Hearing the fat man's words, the old man of the Fang family hissed and said, looking more ferocious!

"It seems that you want to die!" The fat man said coldly.

"You are not qualified to kill our brother yet!" Fang said coldly.

"Your life, only you care about, or care about your people care about." At this time, Nanfeng said, "the reason why we don't kill you four is just the kindness in our hearts!"

"But if you don't appreciate it, it's not our fault!"

With that, Nanfeng directly condenses a number of inflammations, and suppresses them towards the Fang family. The killing intention in Nanfeng's eyes is solid.

At this moment, the fat man also became really ready to kill.

Fat man's perception is not under the south wind, even strictly speaking, fat man's perception is more than the south wind!

In the face of the strong inflamed anger of the south wind, Fang's four little did not dodge or resist, and they did not have any fear.

Boom! At the moment when the south wind was burning, another powerful force appeared, which came from the small world released by Fang family!

It was a force of God and earth, turned into a barrier of God and earth, directly shrouded the burning anger, completely suppressed the burning anger. The Shentu barrier was shocked again, and the strong anti earthquake force directly made fat man and Nanfeng retreat heavily.

Blood also at this moment, it is the south wind and fat man's.

In the storm of strength, two figures came out. They are two middle-aged men. Their bodies are surrounded by divine earth. The divine water power is very strong. The divine earth power also resonates with the land of this region.

These are two strong men, at least for Nanfeng and chubby, they are irresistible. Otherwise, they are just random moves, and Nanfeng and chubby will not be hurt.

"Nanfeng, you are here at last!" One of the middle-aged men said coldly.

"Two servants!" At this time, the four members of the Fang family said respectfully.

Shua Shua! At this moment, there are more warriors in their small world, including Tianlan family, dark blood demons and assassins.

In this scene, it is obvious that it is a conspiracy. Behind the scenes, it's not the Fang family, but these people. They suppress the fat man, just to attract the south wind and kill them together.

"Brother, this time, I'm afraid the fat man will hurt you badly." Looking around, the fat man said solemnly.

"It's just expected. I knew from the moment I got into this divine place that there would be such a scene waiting for me!" Nanfeng said, "but, can they really catch me?"

Nanfeng, who has the fighting power of the lower God, even the middle God can't seal his world. Here, he wants to go. Who can stop him.

Boom! Nanfeng and fat man's words have just fallen, and a more powerful momentum is coming. Feel this powerful momentum, Nanfeng and fat man's look is transient.

They can clearly feel that the strength of the comer is far beyond the two of them. That kind of breath makes them feel invisible suppression. Only the superior God can suppress that kind of breath.

The south wind can't help but urge the golden spirit eyes. He sees a figure coming from the endless distance. He can't catch up with the speed. And because of seeing, his golden spirit eyes are dazzled!

The superior God under the God son of Tianlan finally came out.

At this moment, Nanfeng dares to hesitate and directly takes the fat man into the golden world. The south wind immediately controlled the golden world to leave here.

However, the time that the superior God left them was too short. When they just entered the world, the figure came. First of all, the whole area seems to have fallen into the underground.

"What right do you have to leave before God?" The superior God's eyes immediately locked the invisible place of the south wind world, and said coldly.

At that moment, the power of the superior God also poured down, directly turned into an invisible big net to suppress, and the big net of power also directly shrouded the rocky area and sealed everything.

This time, the world of the south wind can no longer leave here, and he can't break the seal of the superior God's power.

The upper God also directly attacks the world of the south wind.

However, there is no way to attack access.

"Fortunately, my fighting power has reached the lower God, otherwise I will be attacked by the higher God!" In the world, the south wind said in a deep voice.

"The superior God's pursuit of me has come so fast!"

"But now, we can't leave!" Fat man is also dignified incomparable said.

"It's interesting that the power of God can't enter your world!" Seeing that his attack could not enter, the God was shocked and said.

"It's no wonder that previous pursuits ended in failure!"

"God At this time, the other warriors were also respectful.

"You, respectively, guard the core of the seal of the power of God, feel the impact of any force, and directly intercept it!" Said the superior God.With a wave of the upper God's sleeve robe, his seal of power is completely consolidated, and some of the core of power is displayed.

Without hesitation, the warriors occupy a core place to guard.

The superior God continued to feel the world of the south wind and to attack.

"I don't have time to spend here with him!" The south wind said coldly.

"Brother, do you have the courage?" The fat man asked suddenly.

"If I don't have the guts, will I come to save you, you bloody fat man? If you have any idea, just say it, don't make ink marks! " Said Nanfeng.

"Brother, this is a piece of rubble position, you should be clear, and the rubble position is the birthplace of the fragments of array Avenue." The fat man said seriously.

"It's just that this piece of rubble position was formed at the beginning, and no fragments of array avenue have been produced yet."

"Nature knows Nanfeng nodded, "but so what?"

"It's true that this rubble field can't do anything, but the place under this rubble field is very unusual." Said the fat man.

"What did you say? Is there any other special place under this rocky position? " Hear fat man's words, South breeze heavily says.

"Yes, there's a special place under the rubble! It's space, mirror earth Said the fat man.

"Space mirror There was a heavy south wind.

"Yes, it's the space mirror, the special place where the debris of space Avenue was born!" The fat man said, "besides, it's a big space

"Just because it is a large space mirror ground, this just formed rock position can be born on it!" "So I mean, let's go in from here and look for an escape somewhere else in the space mirror!"