Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2381

WOW! Like the sound of the fast flowing water, the whole area of the rocky position turns into a sword array. The light of the sword instantly covers everything, and the invincible breath of the sword bursts out around, which makes the fat man and the south wind shake back!

The power of nature also really sprang up, filling all around, suppressing the fat man and the south wind.

"Fat man, be careful. After all, your opponents are four or four array geniuses!" Nanfeng reminded that at this time, Nanfeng also entered the primitive self limit. Under the primitive self limit, he could rarely bear the suppression of the four members of the Fang family.

"Brother, didn't I say that I'm not afraid as long as it's not a Dharma array like heaven and earth?" Hearing the south wind's warning, the fat man said that he didn't care.

"Nanfeng, the fat man's progress is very fast. He has surpassed you!" Feel the breath of power released by fat man, said mamlo.

"Fat man's progress is really faster than expected!" Nanfeng said, "I guess that as soon as the fat man enters the realm of the true God, his breakthrough in the realm is just like that of the mother of chaos. There is no rapid breakthrough in the realm obstacles!"

"Fat people don't belong to immortal families. What kind of family will they come from?" The magic man Luo is very curious way.

"This should be the fat man's last secret!" Said Nanfeng.

The lingran's killing intention of the sword array moves again. Several swords of the array come directly to the fat man. The artistic space of the sword array is also shrinking. It seems that there are many regular chains to entangle the fat man.

Of course, it's not really a regular chain, it's just a form like chain. It's really a chain of power condensed by natural array.

Invisible binding force also gushes out.

Any natural force comes from the infinite earth. The power of the earth is endless. Like the way of heaven, it naturally carries binding power.

At this moment, the fat man seemed to be unable to move. He could only let the several array swords fire into his body.

"Are you qualified to use natural array power in front of fat master?" The fat man grinned, his fat body trembled, and all the binding forces broke up instantly.

The fat man's hands emerged from the array, and he directly grasped the sword of those arrays. With a twist of his hands, all the swords of that array were broken. Then the fat man attacked. With a move of his hand, the sky of the array was condensed, and then he grasped it tightly, and a big hammer of the array appeared.

"Heaven way array hammer!" The fat man was so eager to fight that he hit him with a hammer.

The whole space of the sword array vibrated, and cracks filled the air and spread rapidly. Around the hammer, there appeared the power lines of the Dao, which carried the smell of the destruction of heaven and wanted to destroy everything.

"Invincible sword array, right? Today, my fat master will turn your invincible sword array into a useless sword array!" Heaven way array hammer once more a hammer, the fat man coldly says.

However, as soon as the fingerprints of Fang's four little brothers changed, the cracks in the space of the sword array turned out to be the sword of the array. This time, the sword of the array was surrounded by power lines.

This time, the sword of the array also exudes the air of real invincibility. Behind each sword of the array, there is a shadow of invincibility.

At this moment, what fat man sees is invincible.

"How can you crush our invincibility?" The fangs responded to the news.

Bang! Bang! At that moment, the gathered swords collided with each other. In the fierce sparks, these swords fused together to form a sword that really let the living beings feel invincible from the heart.

As soon as the sword fell, it crushed the fat man's way of heaven array hammer and cut down the fat man.

"Under the power of the natural array, the four shaos of the Fang family have reached a state of spiritual connection." Nanfeng said with emotion, "I'm afraid this situation is higher than that of the four assassins who have been running in for decades or even hundreds of years."

"The natural force is a kind of power that makes the mind, mind and mood improve perfectly!" Hua Yu said, "in this way, the four of them actually seem to be one person."

"In this way, their fighting power is extraordinary!"

"Tiandao Leidun!" Fang's four little sword, the most powerful and invincible array sword, really caught fat man off guard. Fat man burst into thunder and gathered a huge thunder shield to resist.

In the end, although Lei Dun broke, the fat man still resisted.

"It seems that your natural and invincible sword array is really extraordinary!" The fat man said seriously.

The strongest invincible array sword didn't hurt the fat man. Fang's fourth son was very unwilling and said coldly, "what makes you scared is still behind. Damn fat man, go to hell!"

Under the power of the array, the four shaos of the Fang family really merge together to form a spirit figure. And at this moment, they did urge their own spirit body, the spirit body of natural array.

For a moment, all the natural forces in this chaotic position were surging towards Fang's Sishao, and even the array forces on the rocks controlled by the south wind were surging in the past.

South wind and suppression again, is to avoid!

"The spirit body of natural array is really the favorite of nature. It should not be too easy for a fat man to win this battle!" Feeling the invincible power of nature, Nanfeng murmured in his heart."Natural sword array!" The four major generals of the Fang family gathered all their strength and integrated into themselves, which directly evolved into a small natural array space. In this natural array space, an array tree grew rapidly!

Looking at this array tree, it's just like seeing endless nature, in which everything in the world can evolve in any way in a moment.

Under the natural tree, there is a natural light. In the light, there are countless array sword shadows, which go straight to the fat man's heart.

Seeing the natural light, the fat man is really dignified, the mark of thunder in the middle of his brow appears, the thunder of destruction rolls, and an array emerges from his whole body.

"Heavenly way, heavenly array!" There is no shadow in the sky. Release the thunder hands of heaven. These thunder hands become bigger and bigger, and directly grasp the natural light.

At this moment, the power of the two people is to break out to the extreme.

Under the burst of array forces, this rock position was submerged for a long time. Finally, with the collapse of natural light and the existence of Tiandao thunder hand, the collision ended.

Whoa, whoa! Tiandao thunder hand split up instantly and grasped all the natural array power.

Four figures fell instantly, half kneeling on the ground.

"Your array still needs to be improved. If you want to kill fat master, you are beyond your ability!" The fat man's voice sounded cold.

"Damn it Fang family four little angry drink. "Four, do you want to die or live? If you want to live, you can hand over some more things. Fat Lord, I remember that the last time I robbed you was three months ago." Fat man is very owe beat of smile way.