Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2380

However, more of them are still puzzled. They are not fools. How can they take it for granted that Nanfeng came to die. Especially the Fang family four little, look is more doubt, south wind really don't do any resist?

The next moment, the result appears, the scene, let any eye shock.

Because the huge sword disappeared in the moment before it reached Nanfeng's gate, without any sign!

"What's the matter?" Under the silence, the sound of shock was very loud!

Fang family four young suddenly a Leng, unbelievable, and in the next moment, they are even more unbelievable, eyes stare big as if to come out, this moment, their eyes at the same time focused on their evolution of the array.

Weng Weng! At that moment, the whole array changed, and the pattern of the array began to evolve again, which contained the flame power, and the flame power contained the smell of mixed fire.

"How?" Seeing the change of the array, Fang's four shaos roared at the same time.

At this moment, many of the warriors under the array also find it wrong, because with the re evolution of the array pattern, they feel that they are no longer in the array, or that the array no longer covers them.

Bear! With the increase of the mixed fire breath, this array completely burns the mixed fire flame.

"Back up!" At this time, the Fang family roared.

At the sound of the Fang family, all the soldiers did not dare to hesitate and retreated suddenly. In fact, it doesn't need to be said by the Fang family that these warriors have already felt the danger.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's a little late to retreat like this in good condition." The faint sound of the south wind sounded, like the thunder, rolling to this space, shaking everything.

At this moment, the power of the south wind mixed fire has burst to the extreme, and the flame and torrent magic power has covered the array below.

"This is the magic power of Nanfeng. Nanfeng has already controlled this array. How can this be possible?" Seeing this scene, some martial arts people still don't want to believe it.

You know, Fang Si Shao's array attainments are at the top of Tianlan kingdom. Nanfeng somehow won the array from the four people. In a moment, who would like to believe it.

"Brother, don't think about the rest now. Let's resist the blow first!" Some of them said so.

Under the suppression of this array which is similar to the heaven and earth array, the south wind, the flame, the torrent and the supernatural power inundated all the warriors, and the strong impact of the air wave also appeared at this moment.

In the end, all of them, except Fang Si Shao and the others, were lying on the ground.

"Say again, don't want to die of leave here!" Looking at those embarrassed martial arts, south wind heavily kill idea way.

The sound of the south wind fell, and all the warriors left quickly. At this moment, the south wind is too terrible in their eyes. They really don't want to be cannon fodder here.

Previously, they listened to Fang family's four little, because FA Pang could not resist, but now, Nanfeng suppressed them all.

Many of them know that who can control the natural array of heaven and earth here is the master here!

In addition to the Fang family's four little, the other powerful men also left. They didn't want to lie down in the muddy water. They just barely resisted the torrent of flames from the south wind.

Nanfeng can't kill these warriors, because robbing things is a level, and those forces can tolerate it. But if he kills them, he will offend all the top forces in Tianlan kingdom.

"How do you control this array?" To get rid of the torrent of flames of the south wind, the elder of the Fang family asked Yin Yi. The other three also looked bad and were willing to kill.

"You don't need to know that!" South wind sneers.

To cultivate the heaven and earth array, Nanfeng can see all the weaknesses of the evolved array at a glance. It only takes a moment for his power to invade the array perfectly.

For the first time, he broke out a torrent of flames. His purpose was not to attack, but to let his mixed fire power invade into the array, so as to control the array without anyone's knowledge.

He also succeeded, so all the attacks of Fang's four shaos with this array are under his control.

"Elder brother, if he doesn't say it, kill him and learn from the memory of his yuan God with the power of the array!" Fang family four little coldly said, "we four brothers do not need to talk nonsense with him."

"Yes, even if he controls the natural array power here, he can't help us with that array power!" Said the third member of the Fang family.

"You have to be careful, young master. I heard some of them when I followed the fire saber. They are all natural array spirits. Even if you control the array power here, you can't use it to deal with them." Hua Yu reminds to say.

"Are they all spirits of natural array?" Nanfeng said slightly.

"But it's not me who's going to do it next. There's someone else. I just need to watch the fight."

"Four sons of bitches, I've been sleepy for half a month. Have you all washed your necks?" South wind words just fell, a voice he was familiar with was sounded.Under the natural array power of the ground, a big round ball came out, it was the fat man.

I haven't seen you for a long time. It seems that the fat man has gained weight again. He used to have 300 Jin, but now I'm afraid he has 350 Jin.

"Fatam!" Seeing the fat man, Fang's four children gnash their teeth with hatred.

"Fatun, you have to die. You not only robbed our array power, but also the daughter of our master!" The fourth member of the Fang family was still angry alone.

"Young master, it seems that you, a fat friend, should have been chased and killed Hear the Fang family old four's angry scold, change feather to say.

"This guy is never serious!" The south wind is helpless.

Nanfeng also directly said to the fat man, "fat man, you fight back. Don't kill me. You've caused enough trouble. Besides, there's a demigod king in the Fang family, and he doesn't obey the orders of Tianlan Shenzi!"

"Don't worry, fat man, I'm free, fat man, I don't like killing!" The fat man replied that the power of the thunder of the way of heaven had already spread.

"Damn fat man, let's die!" Fang's eldest brother roared, and Fang's four young men immediately moved. Their strength also rose. It was the natural array power.

At this moment, the surrounding rocks and the earth, the space is pouring out the natural array power, which is not consistent with the natural array power on the rocks.

Shua Shua! At the same time, in the center of Fang's eyebrows, there were many invisible sword shadows, which radiated countless Lingli lights around them.

"Invincible sword formation!" Fang family four little at the same time a violent drink. For a moment, the natural array power was fused with the invisible sword shadow.