Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 999

Zheng yuluo listened to the voice outside the door, and finally remembered everything that happened.

She was saved!

At the last moment, Jing Zhi appeared in front of her!

Like the gods come!

But Who is the woman outside?

It sounds like Jingzhi is so close to her!


I'm afraid she's about the same age as her! Is there such a young doctor?

Zheng yuluo, with a bitter smile, felt that he was worried a little more.

What about Jing Zhi and other women? What qualifications does she have?

She was just forced to bed several times by him. I'm afraid neither of them said as much as Jing Zhi told the doctor today.

The intimate physical contact does not seem to bring the two souls closer. On the contrary, they have always been far away.

From the inside of her heart, the hurt of Zheng's wrists and the pain of her heart could not be heard.

I don't know how long after, the frosted glass door was opened, a figure walked in gently.

Zheng Yu could not help but turn to look, and then froze.

She has been a proud girl since childhood. She and her sister Zheng Yuwei have always been the famous twin beauties in a city. Their figure, appearance, temperament and family background are all the best choices.

But the girl who came in was breathtaking and amazing!

It's hard to forget such a beauty just once.

Her temperament is cold, slender, long hair shawl, black trousers and white clothes, simple and pure.

Her face is not covered with pink and black, and her facial features are as delicate as the most exquisite works of art. The most enviable thing is that her skin is as white as jade, which can be broken by blowing. Even Zheng yuluo, a woman, can't help but want to touch it, let alone a man!

How can there be such a beautiful woman!

If you lose to her, it seems reasonable.

She doesn't think she can be more beautiful than the girl in front of her. What's more, Jingzhi doesn't like her at all. He doesn't have time to hate her!

Shu Yin saw Zheng yuluo staring at himself and showed her a faint smile: "Miss Zheng, you wake up!"

Zheng yuluo is a Leng, she even sounds so good! Clear and pleasant, like dingdong spring water, cleanse people's mind!

Shu Yin see her has been Leng Leng, also did not think much, just think she suddenly wake up to see the strange environment will be so.

She went to Zheng yuluo, raised her hand and stroked her forehead. After a short pause, she said, "you have lost too much blood, and you still have some fever. The wound was treated well last night. Don't force your left hand, let alone water. Change the gauze every night. I've prepared a ointment for you, and I'll stick to it every day. After a while, the scar will be almost invisible... "

The gentle voice of exhortation is pleasant and gentle, and it sounds very professional.

Zheng yuluo couldn't even pick out any mistakes. She bit her lip and whispered, "thank you, doctor."

Her voice is a little hoarse, Shuyin poured her a glass of water and handed it to her lips: "drink water?"

Zheng yuluo sat up feebly, took the cup with his right hand and said again, "thank you, doctor."

Shu Yin didn't recognize the sour in Zheng yuluo's words. Zheng yuluo looked soft and weak, with a kind and simple look, and called her "doctor". She was still very happy.

Shu Yin didn't want to come to Jingzhi to serve the two patients. She was not a nanny. The doctor was only responsible for the treatment of the injury, but not for the later care of food, drink and daily life.

She said that she had to take care of her sister.

And he hired a part-time worker, but he didn't trust others, so he dragged her here.

Fortunately, in addition to Jingzhi some noisy, Zheng yuluo is very obedient, very clever, wake up also do not make trouble.

Not everyone has the courage to commit suicide. Shu Yin still admires this girl, so she has a much better attitude towards Zheng yuluo than Jing Zhi.

"Miss Zheng, are you hungry? Do you have anything to eat? Let Jingzhi buy it later. My cooking level is really poor. I can't even eat people like him, let alone you. "

Shu Yin had no other meaning, she just tried to make a joke with Zheng yuluo.

However, Zheng yuluo felt terrible.

Shuyin's words immediately made her feel that the relationship between them was very close. She never dared to instruct Jingzhi, but Shuyin could instruct him without scruple!

Zheng yuluo silently drank a sip of water, but only felt that the original sweet water was so bitter and astringent.

"He Didn't you get hurt? Don't let him buy it. I'll do it! "

Shu Yin laughed and said, "don't worry, he's in good health and can't die! It's you. You need a good rest now. You don't have to work on a wounded person like youAs soon as Shu Yin's voice fell, Jing Zhi's cry came from outside: "little tree shade, do you have human nature in the end! She's a wounded man, am I not! I've been hit by two bullets, and I'm seriously injured. The task of buying meals can only be entrusted to a healthy and beautiful girl like you! "

Zheng yuluo felt very uncomfortable to listen to their interaction. However, Jingzhi was hit by two bullets and nearly smashed the glass in his hand!

She looked at Shuyin nervously: "Jingzhi Is he badly hurt? "

She said that she was going to get out of bed to see Jing Zhi.

Shu Yin pressed her back to the bed and comforted her: "it's OK. Don't listen to his surprise. It's just for fun. I took out the bullet in his body last night. It's all right now. Don't be cheated by him! You can lie down and call me if you need help

Shu Yin finished, patted Zheng yuluo on the shoulder, and then went out.

Zheng yuluo finally responded and said in a hurry: "doctor You What's your name? "

Shuyin looked back and gave her a smile: "my name is Shuyin! Comfortable and comfortable, the sound of music

At this time, Jingzhi called out: "no, you are the shade of the tree, the shade of the tree! You are a tree

Shuyin pulled on the glass door and walked towards Jingzhi, saying, "shut up, or you won't have a meal for a while."

"Little tree shade, you are fierce. I want to complain to my brother! You abuse me, I want to change a doctor! "

"Great, I can finally get out of your kennel!"


Zheng yuluo listened to the quarrel between the two people outside, and the water in the cup couldn't drink any more.

She clearly felt that the relationship between Shuyin and Jingzhi was not general. Their tone was casual and close, as if they had known each other for a long time.

Unlike her, she lost him for more than seven years. Even if he was found back, there was still a huge gap between them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!