Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1000

In fact, although the relationship between Jingzhi and Shuyin is good, it is not really close.

He talked to Shu Yin frequently today, and the more he said it, the more people misunderstood him. He did it on purpose.

He took a huge risk last night and saved Zheng yuluo. What if Zheng yuluo felt that she was particularly important in his heart?

For her, he was shot twice and let go of Liao Wei, his brother's double. If Zheng yuluo knew this, he would be very proud!

He will never allow this to happen!

Shu Yin doesn't know the relationship between Jing Zhi and Zheng yuluo, but she is also surprised that Jing Zhi is so complicated today.

She can't stay here for a minute. She just wants to leave!

She doesn't like people who talk a lot. She likes quiet and simple. Jing Zhi is too noisy. She has an impulse to sew his mouth.

Fortunately, she didn't suffer for a long time. Jingrui and Peter came and brought a lot of food.

With the food, Jingzhi's mouth finally closed.

Shu Yin picked porridge and chicken soup and sent it to Zheng yuluo's room: "you just wake up, eat less first."

Zheng yuluo stares at Shu Yin's beautiful face and doesn't speak.

Shu Yin touched her face and asked inexplicably, "what's the problem?"

Zheng yuluo shook his head gently: "no, I just feel that you It's beautiful. It's beautiful. "

Shu Yin thinks of Jing Rui and praises her beauty. Her lips are slightly raised. The whole person seems to be flying because of this heartfelt smile.

"Thank you. You are beautiful, too! I heard that you have a twin sister, and she must be a beauty, too

Zheng yuluo only thinks that Shu Yin is polite. Although she and her sister are beautiful women, they are not at the same level as Shu Yin. She is a top-notch beauty with a 360 degree flawless appearance. She is also a competent doctor with a good personality and is very popular.

She smiles at Shuyin and lowers her head and picks up a spoon to drink soup.

Although Shu Yin felt that she was reluctant to smile, she did not put it in her heart. However, she did not speak to Zheng yuluo any more, but directly turned around and walked out.

She did not have the experience of dealing with girls of the same age. She was not able to understand the delicate and complicated mind of girls, and she did not want to understand Zheng yuluo.

They are not even friends. If Jing Zhi was not forced to come here today, she might not have any intersection with Zheng yuluo.

She has all the proprieties she should have, and she has all the help she should have. The remaining emotional problems and psychological problems have nothing to do with her.

In fact, what she learned in Virus Research Institute was not mutual help, but indifference and cruelty.

She will not rely on anyone, will not blame anyone, and will not help anyone for no reason.

Zheng yuluo is not enthusiastic to her, even can be said to be cold and light, Shuyin naturally will not be enthusiastic where to go.

After sitting in the bathroom, Zheng Shuyin went out to wash her hands.

Jing Zhi is eating on the sofa in the living room for the reason that he is injured. Peter is watching the TV news. Therefore, he and Jing Zhi sit together, and there is only one Jing Rui on the opposite side of Shuyin.

At one moment, they both looked at a chicken wing at the same time, and then put down their chopsticks to clip at the same time.

When they realized that they had the same chicken wing, they loosened their chopsticks at the same time.

Jing Rui takes a look at Shu Yin and pushes all the chicken wings to her.

Shuyin was stunned and asked, "you don't want to eat? It's all for me? "

She has always loved to eat chicken wings, no matter what kind of method, sweet and sour, pepper and salt, cooking, frying, all kinds of flavors, she likes.

Isn't Jingrui fond of this?

I just watched him eat hard.

"It's all for you. What, no? "

"Yes, yes! Don't rob me if you don't like it. I like it best! "

Shu Yin rarely has some childish hands to protect the dish, a pair of baby care anxious appearance, when she sees that Jing Rui really does not rob her, she happily releases her hand and does not need chopsticks. She directly reaches out her delicate finger, pinches a chicken wing and pours it into her mouth.

"Wow, it's crisp outside and tender inside. It's delicious! Where did you buy it? I'll buy it later! "

Jing Rui has been in a bad mood since last night. Jing Zhi is so reckless that not only does he get hurt, but also makes Liao Wei, who finally shows up, run away. It is very difficult to catch him again.

However, looking at the beautiful and beautiful face of Shu Yin and listening to her clear and pleasant voice, his mood unexpectedly began to get better.

Just give her a stack of chicken wings, happy to be like that?

What a shame!

Shucheng mountain left her a huge legacy, enough for her to eat a lifetime of delicacies, a few chicken wings to meet, is really silly some lovely.

Looking at a pile of chicken bones in front of her, Jingrui's face shows a trace of undetectable smile."Eat so many chicken wings, you want to go to heaven?"

Jing Rui, who has always been indifferent and few words, can even make fun of him?!

Shu Yin was surprised to stare at big eyes, drank a mouthful of water to swallow the chicken wings, and said: "who are you kidding with?"

Jing Rui's face turns black.

Do you need to learn this?

Don't Shuyin have a high IQ? Why do you look so stupid!

"It's true, I've been told a lot by you." Shu Yin said, trying to look back at his back, mumbled: "I can't really grow wings behind me, right? My God, I ate so many chicken wings. If it was full length... "

On her beautiful back, all kinds of chicken wings, braised, steamed, fried

The sight is so terrible that I can't even think of it!

Shuyin excites a cold war, holding a chicken wing in his hand actually dare not send it to his mouth for a time!

Jing Rui looks at her frightful appearance, and finally can't help laughing.

How funny!

Why didn't he find Shu Yin so naive and interesting before!

Every time I get along with her, I always find a new sound!

How many faces of her have not been discovered by him!

He has not laughed like this in a long time!

Happy, relaxed and happy.

Like an ice field suddenly fell into a fire, ice crack, boiling!

Suddenly, Shurui was scared by himself!

But although she knew that it was impossible to grow wings, she always felt that something was drilling out of her back!

It's over. You can't eat chicken wings any more!

Shuyin can't help but feel her back, there is nothing on the back, she finally put down her heart.

She glared at Jing Rui with dissatisfaction: "you are too bad!"

I can't eat chicken wings myself, and I won't let her eat them. I'm not a good person!

Jingrui looks at her complaining, but he thinks that he has something worse! , the fastest update of the webnovel!