Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 998

"It's impossible! Those who touched my blood are dead! "

Jingzhi thinks his brother must be coaxing him!

Virus Research Institute spent several years, let all the top researchers participate in virus research and development, but no one has been able to crack the secret of his body!

He was shunned by everyone!

Jing Rui sat down beside Jing Zhi and said in a low voice, "although I don't know what's going on, I was infected by your virus when I was a child. Until now, I still have the same virus as you, but the concentration is very low."

When Jing Rui was infected with the virus, Jing Zhi was only more than one year old. He did not remember that.

But Jingzhi knows that his brother will not cheat him.

Brother can really bear the virus in his body!

After Jing Zhi was shocked, he immediately realized that it was a great secret! It's a secret that can't be known to outsiders in any case!

"Brother, no one can say anything about it! In case someone knows... "

Jingrui nodded: "there are only a few people who know about it. They won't spread it out. You don't have to worry. Now, go to the operating room and get the bullets out. "

Jing Zhi was shot two bullets into his body, but his recovery was very good and he didn't lose much blood. At the moment, there was no other discomfort except the hot pain in the place where the bullet was embedded.

Jing Zhi takes a look at the emergency room door, and finally follows Jing Rui to another operating room.

In the operating room, Shu Yin and Peter are fully armed. They pack themselves tightly. They even wear medical goggles for their eyes.

Jing Zhi's body is too special, and his blood is more special. Instead of using professional surgeons in the hospital, Jing Rui asks Shu Yin and Peter to take bullets for him, so as to prevent Jing Zhi's blood from infecting ordinary medical staff.

Shu Yin and Peter are both research-oriented talents in scientific research, not real surgeons. Although both of them have studied anatomy, they do not have much experience in the operation of cutting off muscles to take bullets. Shu Yin is better. She has sutured the wound for Jingzhi many times before. Peter is the senior leader of the Research Institute. He seldom does surgery except doing research.

Jing Zhi takes off his coat and lies on the operating table. Looking at Shu Yin, he cleans his wound with two layers of rubber gloves. He frowns: "little girl, can you do it? Don't kill me in a moment

"You should respect your attending doctor. I'm older than you. Don't yell at any girl."

Shuyin cleans the wound for Jingzhi, then gets out of the way and asks Peter to inject anesthetic into his wound.

She had a calm look and a calm voice, and there was no sign of nervousness.

The way she looked, it was a little reassuring to Jingzhi.

These two are novices, he always has a feeling of being a mouse to practice hand!

Fortunately, Jing Rui is still standing on the side, giving him a sense of security. Otherwise, Jing Zhi would rather have the two bullets in his body than Shuyin to operate on him!

Fortunately, the two bullets were not embedded very deep, Shu Yin quickly took out the bullet, and then carefully sutured the wound for him.

Under the shadowless lamp, her slender figure stood in front of the operating table with a serious look and smooth and natural movements, and she could not see any sign of hand birth.

Jing Rui looks at her in white and suddenly feels that this is Shu Yin he has never seen before.

In her professional field, she seems to have a strong self-confidence, the whole person exudes a unique temperament, shining.

Obviously, Jing Zhi and Peter also found Shu Yin's unique ability. They both looked at her in surprise.

Jing Zhi couldn't help asking, "doctor Shu, have you ever had an operation before? How I look at you is similar to those old doctors

Shu Yin didn't look conceited on his face, but his expression was still light, and his tone was also very plain: "there are a lot of medical materials in the Research Institute, and there are video details of various operations. I just saw the video data of taking bullets, so I remember it."

That's it?

Jingzhi couldn't help but stare at him: "you're a genius!"

"Thank you for the compliment. I'm sorry."

In Shu Yin's heart, she is not a genius at all. She just has a heart of learning. The real genius is Jing Rui.

However, Peter knows that Shu Yin's IQ is really high, and she is very studious. That's why she emerged from the virus research institute and became the key talent of the Research Institute, rather than the object of the experiment.

This side is just saying, the door of the operating room opens, a figure walks in quietly, whispers a few words in front of Jing Rui, and then retreats out.

Jing Rui looks at Jing Zhi and gets dressed. He tells him faintly: "Zheng yuluo is out of danger, but she has lost too much blood and is still in a coma."

Jing zhibutton button action a lag, then just low should a: "not die on the line."

He now deeply felt that Zheng yuluo was one of the biggest troubles in his life!Jingzhi fidgety scratching his head, has never been so entangled as now - entanglement is to let Zheng Yu fall alive, or to kill her!

This feeling of being constrained is too bad! Keep her, she will be his weakness all her life!

Jing Zhi is in distress, and Jing Rui frowns slightly.

He doesn't know how far Jingzhi and Zheng yuluo have developed, but at present, Jingzhi is very concerned about Zheng yuluo, and the original deep hatred for her has gradually dissipated.

Jing Rui handles other affairs easily, but he is not good at emotional affairs.

Let Jing Zhi handle everything by himself. If he wants to love, let him love. Anyway, he and Zheng yuluo are so young that they can squander their youth.

Zheng yuluo's danger is not high, just to guard against someone using her.

Jingrui doesn't plan to interfere in his brother's emotional life. After all, he once asked his parents to promise not to interfere in his feelings.

Do not do to others what you do not want.


Zheng yuluo vaguely heard a familiar voice talking, she tried for a long time, then slowly opened her eyes.

It is a luxury room decorated with pure European style, with light gold walls, dazzling crystal chandeliers and silk retro curtains.

Faint fragrance of flowers around the tip of the nose, the bed under the body is soft and comfortable, a bit like heaven.

Before she could tell where it was, she heard the voice of a man and a woman coming through a frosted glass door.

"Little tree shade, why are you so indifferent to me? I'm so sad. Am I not handsome enough

"If I'm handsome, I want passion?"

"I think you are very beautiful, and you are such a good doctor. Can the man chasing you be ranked from North America to South America?"

"Has something to do with you?"

"It's a big deal! I am Hey, hey, hey, you should be light! This is a gunshot wound, not a mosquito bite , the fastest update of the webnovel!