Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 997

Zheng yuluo was almost kicked out of breath by Liao Wei!

She slapped him in the face and exhausted all her strength. Liao Wei was angry and kicked her with 12 points of strength.

However, she resisted the severe pain, gritted her teeth and got up from the ground, and ran out of the ground stumbling.

This is the best time to escape!

She has completely broken her face with Liao Wei. If she doesn't run for her life, Liao Wei will surely torture her to death!

She didn't know why Liao Wei would run to the bathroom and look in the mirror like crazy. A big man who was slapped on the face even looked at the degree of his injury like a woman. It was really weird!

Zheng Yu covered his chest and ran away.

Since she came here, she has been observing the terrain here. Fortunately, Liao Wei always pretends to be magnanimous and does not prohibit her activities. She has seen the best escape route in advance.

However, Zheng yuluo just ran out of the door of the villa and heard a hysterical roar: "Zheng yuluo, I must make you worse than death!"

With the end of the roar, in the dark night, suddenly poured out many people in black, all holding guns in their hands, blocking Zheng yuluo's way from all directions.

Cold wind whistling, cold moonlight, lit up the dark night sky, so that Zheng yuluo can clearly see his desperate situation.

Are you dying?

Zheng yuluo shivered slightly all over his body.

You don't need so many people to kill her!

"Live! Don't let this woman die. When I've tasted her, all of you are free to go! Zheng yuluo, I will let you know what will happen if you offend me

Liao Wei's crazy voice penetrated the air and reverberated in the whole night sky.

Zheng yuluo excites Lingling to fight a cold shiver!


She would rather die!

Liao Wei stayed in the villa and didn't come out at all, but those people in black gathered up their guns and began to move slowly towards her.

These people in black are so powerful that they can completely disintegrate a person's will to survive without saying a word!

Zheng yuluo's fingers trembled and took out a sharp blade that he had hidden close to him, and then he slipped to his white and slender wrist!

This blade was picked up in a garbage can of the helicopter. Maybe it was the blade inside the helicopter driver's razor. But besides, Zheng yuluo has no weapons.

She has been hiding this blade since she found out that Liao Wei's identity is problematic.

It's for her, not for killing.

She can't kill people, nor can she kill a strong man like Liao Wei.

What she can do is to end her life, not to cause trouble to Jingzhi, but also to keep her innocence.

She is really disgusted that people other than Jing Zhi touch her.

Blood gushed out along her artery. Zheng yuluo never knew that there was so much blood in her body!

Someone yelled in her ear, "no, she killed herself by cutting her wrist! Come on, everybody

Zheng yuluo also has chest pain and wrist pain. She closes her eyes and hopes to die soon.

Blood quickly from her body loss, together with the loss of strength.

She was no longer able to stand steadily and fell back slowly.

However, the expected fall did not happen!

She fell into a strong, warm embrace!

This embrace is so familiar that even if she has only one breath left, she will not admit it.

She opened her eyes with joy, and a beautiful and cold face came into her eyes.

"Even if you die, you can only die in my hands! Who made you cut your wrist?! Are you an idiot? "

His voice was cold and fierce, which was better than that of Liao Wei.

However, Zheng yuluo only felt at ease and felt warm.

She reached out her perfect right hand and gently stroked his cheek: "it's good that I can see you again..."

She said, only feel dizzy, almost all of her strength has been used up.

The darkness can't resist to devour her, Zheng Yu falls slowly close already, right hand hangs down.

Jing Zhi holds her in his arms and holds her in his arms, holding her severed wrist with one hand to prevent her blood from gushing down.

In the air, suddenly sounded a harsh gunshot, Jingzhi holding Zheng yuluo quickly disappeared in the dark.

He wanted to kill all those people and kill the double of his brother, who was only 100 meters away. However, he didn't dare to delay for a second. With his fastest speed, he rushed to the hospital with Zheng yuluo in his arms.

Until watching Zheng Yu fall into the emergency room, Jing Zhi realized that he might have broken his brother's business!

Because of the previous plan, it's not like this.He was alone tonight, and his brother didn't know.

Jingzhi is very upset, but seeing Zheng Yu cut his wrist at that moment, he can't control his emotions at all!

He didn't want her dead!

In the hallway of the emergency room, there was rhythmic footfalls.

A pair of exquisite black leather shoes appeared in his sight.

Jingzhi slowly raised his head, depressed and guilty: "brother, I'm sorry, I did something wrong, I..."

"It doesn't matter."

Jing Rui interrupts his words, and his expression is as calm as ever: "but, the next time action words, remember to tell me, lest you get hurt."

He didn't say a word of blame, let alone how much trouble Jingzhi would cause him this rash action. He just stretched out his slender finger and gently lifted Jingzhi's collar.

There, there's a lot of blood.

"I've been shot twice, and I'm still fighting here. I've worked so hard to save you from hell. Are you running to see the king of hell so soon?"

Jing Zhiji was extremely self reproached. He said in a stuffy voice: "I'm ok. It's not the key. I can't die. You stay away from me, my blood Don't touch it. "

His blood is almost the most poisonous medicine in the world. No matter how he is treated, he can't live for seven days.

He was afraid that his brother would be infected by the virus, so he could not help but shrink aside.

Jing Rui sees his actions in his eyes, and he has a trace of heartache in his heart.

This is a habit that Jingzhi has developed since he was a child. He is afraid that others will touch him and die. He always keeps a distance from others. Especially when he is injured, as long as someone touches him, he will subconsciously shrink.

He seemed to see that simple little Jingzhi again, isolated by others, standing alone on his own. If he wanted to get close to him, he would say, "brother, you should stay away from me."

Jingrui put his hand on Jingzhi's shoulder and did not allow him to step back: "ah Chi, don't you remember that I touched your blood for a long time? Although it was dangerous, I survived! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!