Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 996

Zheng yuluo sat alone in the room, in the heart some panic.

Although she called her family, she did not dare to disclose anything. If Liao Wei knew that she suspected his identity, she would have a worse life.

She just didn't understand why the other party had brought her to North America.

The other party is under the banner of asking her to save Jingzhi, but she knows how much she weighs. It's impossible for her to save Jingzhi. It would be nice if she didn't hold back!

Zheng Yu has an idea in his mind. Can't

She shook her head, feeling impossible.

If you take her as a threat to Jing Zhi, these people will make a wrong calculation!

I'm afraid that she is in Jingzhi's mind, just a scheming girl by any means. He will not do anything for her.

For North America, Zheng yuluo is actually a little familiar. After all, she stayed here for a while, but now she has no idea where she is locked up. This is a small villa in the suburbs, some old, and some desolate.

In the evening, Liao Wei went into Zheng yuluo's room and handed her a bag: "this is the clothes I bought for you. You may have to stay here for a few days."

Zheng yuluo took the bag and asked softly, "what's the matter with Jingzhi? Can I go and see him? "

She lowered her head slightly, revealing a section of her neck as white as jade. It was so beautiful and so soft that Liao Wei could not help but gnaw and suck!

Liao Wei's steps to leave suddenly stopped.

He sat down on the small sofa in the room, cocking up his legs to cover up the difference between his legs.

He pointed to the wooden chair opposite the sofa and said, "sit down!"

Zheng yuluo obediently sat opposite him.

Seeing her obedience, Liao Wei's conceit expanded rapidly.

He likes the sense of giving orders, the kind of high above, control of all the high spirited!

He likes such obedient women, like stupid women!

Like the yew, although the face and body are all beautiful and impeccable, but the character is so fierce, the heart and heavy woman, he just feel disgusted!

"Do you want to see Jingzhi?"

Seeing Zheng Yu's falling, Liao Weilian's voice becomes a little gentle.

Most men can't help but take pity on Zheng yuluo, a delicate girl. Lian Jingzhi once hated her so much. Seeing her delicate and pitiful appearance, he would be soft hearted, not to mention Liao Wei, who has always been fond of her.

"Don't worry about him. My people have protected him for the time being. You will naturally see him in a few days, and then you will be able to save him."

Liao Wei didn't need to make up a draft when he lied.

It's Yew's idea to catch Zheng yuluo to North America. Not only that, she also catches Zheng Yuwei from England!

These two sisters seem to have something to do with Jing Zhi. If you catch one more, you will have more security!

With these twin sisters, they can surely easily lure Jing Zhi to come here. After seizing Jing Zhi, they can lure Jing Rui over with Jing Zhi. Then they can kill them all!

The king family is going to be a queen!

If it wasn't for the protection of xiaojingxi, Liao Wei even wanted to arrest Jingxi!

He is not sure how attractive Zheng yuluo is to Jingzhi, but he is sure that Jingxi will be rescued by Jingrui and Jingzhi in the first place.

What a pity!

However, after catching Zheng Yu, maybe he can enjoy it!

It would have been wonderful to have the twin sisters serve him in bed!

Zheng Yuwei has not caught, Liao Wei has been unable to wait, want to eat Zheng yuluo to the stomach first!

He looks cold with Zheng yuluo have a pair of words, the desire in the eyes can not hide.

Yew won't let him touch Zheng yuluo, but Liao Wei is a little dismissive.

In his opinion, Zheng Yu did not have any threat at all. He was so obedient and obedient. He was not afraid that she would not cooperate.

He held back for so long, and now he can serve meat!

It's a pity that he is still a virgin, but Zheng yuluo is no longer an infant!

At the thought of his first time, to give a second-hand goods, Liao Wei was angry!

He stood up and walked slowly to Zheng yuluo.

Zheng yuluo got up from his chair immediately and was forced by Liao Wei to step back.

When she retreated to the wall and had nowhere to go, she turned pale and looked up at Liao Wei.

Liao Wei is undoubtedly handsome. His face is shaped according to Jing Rui's appearance. His facial features are perfectly proportioned. His hair is clean and tidy. His suit is also made by hand. Inside the suit is a simple white shirt, which makes him elegant and handsome.

Only his eyes, too evil, too red Luo! It's disgusting!Zheng yuluo was surprised and angry, she was so tolerant, or did not avoid it?

"What are you doing?"

Liao Wei sniffed Zheng yuluo's fragrance greedily. He held Zheng yuluo's chin in his hand and said with malice: "what are you pretending to be? You've been opened by Jingzhi for a long time. Can't you see what I want to do now? Don't worry, I'm sure I'll make people forget him tonight! Take off all my clothes and don't wear any! "

A crackling sound!

Zheng yuluo angrily slapped Liao Wei in the face!

She used all her strength and slapped her hands, which made her hands numb!

A bright bloodstain ran down the corner of Liao Wei's mouth.

Liao Wei looked at Zheng yuluo in disbelief, and then kicked Zheng yuluo to the ground with one foot. His voice was sharp and insidious: "Stinky women, how dare you hit me! What the hell are you that dare to move my face? "

Liao Wei's face is regarded as life by him!

His whole body, only this face is the most valuable!

In order to have the same appearance as Jing Rui, he has had more than ten cosmetic operations. Now there are many fillers on his face. Otherwise, his appearance will change with time. Without fillers, he will be six points similar to Jing Rui at most.

In the past, even if he did something wrong and jingyichen punished him, he would never move his face. He would only be beaten to pieces.

Now, he was slapped in the face by Zheng Yu!

Just for a moment, he could feel his mandible shift!

His mandible has undergone bone grinding surgery. In order to achieve the perfect face shape like Jingrui, his mandible has been cut once and fixed with bone nails. It can't bear any gravity and impact at all!

His left face quickly swelled up, and sharp pain came from his mandible. Liao Wei didn't even care about Zheng yuluo on the ground. He ran into the bathroom and looked in the mirror like crazy.

If his face is destroyed, he has nothing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!