Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 991

Jingzhi looks at each other with wide eyes. His brother says that he is his own. Why does this man not say hello to his brother first, but calls him first? And it's so close!

"Are you?" he asked, somewhat inexplicably

"I'm you, ma'am!"


Jingzhi's eyes are about to stare out!

In a few seconds, he'll come out with a mother?!

Would you please act like a little bit?

The girl in front of her doesn't look as big as him. She has a baby face, a baby voice, a ponytail and a white sportswear. How can you look like a teenage girl!

But why does this underage girl look so familiar?

Before Jing Zhi could turn his eyes, he fell into a warm embrace unprepared.

The girl's strength was amazing. He tried to push her away, but he didn't succeed!

What kind of Freak is this!

Jingzhi cried and asked for help from her brother: "brother, did she come out of the mental hospital?"

Jing Rui glared at him: "what mental hospital! She's your mother

He said, toward the girl light called a: "second aunt!"

However, fawn ignored him at all. He held Jingzhi's waist and buried his face in his chest and began to cry.

Jingzhi is at a loss. He has no experience in coaxing women!

His only woman, Zheng yuluo, only needs to cry every time. He scares him. Now Girl or aunt, what should he do?

Jing Rui has no idea. Although he has the experience of coaxing his mother, it may not work for the deer.

Fawn and guanning are totally two kinds of people. This is the first time he saw fawn cry.

She is as cold as a robot. She is indifferent to anyone. She has no special feelings for his nephew. Besides jingyiran and Jingzhi, she doesn't care about anyone.

Fortunately, Xiaolu is not the kind of woman who likes to cry. After crying for a short time, he raised his head, dried his tears, reached out to touch Jingzhi's face and said, "son, your mother is very happy when you are so big!"

No one can blame himself more than fawn, because the virus in Jingzhi's body is inherited by her. If not, Jingzhi would not be taken away and tortured for such a long time as an experimental sample.

Her guilt and heartache are beyond measure!

At the moment, when she saw her son standing in front of her, she was happy to forget everything.

Jingzhi is still in a state of ignorance, but at this moment he finally knows why he is familiar with fawn!

In his memory, there is really this man!

He has also seen the family photo hanging at home, and the person on it is her!

However, why so many years passed, her appearance did not change a trace!

It's weird to be called "son" by someone younger than him!

With memory as evidence, a brother admits that Jing Zhi is sure that the person in front of him is his mother.

Calling jingyiran "Dad" doesn't have any psychological barrier, but he really can't shout out if he wants to call fawn "Mom"!

The expression on his face was extremely tangled, and his handsome face was flushed and helpless.

It's a pity that fawn is not good at observing things. She only cares about the joy of meeting her son again and doesn't care about his discomfort.

Jing Rui said faintly: "ah Zhi, your mother is also in the killer organization now. After you disappeared, we two came in together. But I'm a novice, but she's not. Before we were born, she was a famous killer

No one has ever told Jingzhi about it!

He can't help being stunned. The woman in front of him is also a killer?!

Did his mother join the killer group for him?

"You must have heard of her code name."




Jing Zhimeng suddenly released the woman in his arms and looked at the strange and familiar baby face in shock.

"She, she, she It's Angel?!”

The world's number one killer!

How could he have never heard of it!

No one in the whole killer world knows the top killer!

She is the legend and miracle of the killer world!

She has been famous for a long time and has been the top killer for 20 years! And 20 years ago, she was the second in the world and the first in the world was killed by her own hands!

And this man, who he has always admired, is his mother?!

It is said that she once disappeared in the killer world for ten years, and he was taken away at the age of ten.

That is to say, the famous angel, who disappeared in those ten years, was nurturing him!The amount of information received in a short period of time is too large. Jing Zhi feels a little dizzy: "that Brother Do you have any water? I, I, I Hungry

Jingrui looks at his stuttering appearance. A smile appears on his indifferent face: "well, I'm hungry too. Let's go and eat first."

The deer followed the two brothers forward, but his eyes were staring at his son for a moment.

In fact, she is luckier than jingyiran, because she has always been in North America. As long as Jing Rui provides her with Jingzhi information, she can always follow him and protect him.

Therefore, Jing Zhi is also regarded as her own eyes to grow up, for her son, she is no stranger.

But Jingzhi is strange to fawn!

He felt numb when he saw a baby's face showing a kind look and touching his head on tiptoe!

The most strange thing in the world, is not he met?

Jingzhi unconsciously wants to hold his brother's arm, but Jingrui doesn't like physical contact all the time. He was carried by Jingzhi just now, and he has been very uncomfortable. Now, seeing that Jingzhi wants to hold his arm, he quickly flashes to one side: "it's too far from the city, we need a car."

The deer immediately said, "my car and our people are not far away. You can see it after walking for a while."

In order to prevent the killer base from being detonated by Andrew, she and Jing Rui's people are far away, so as not to be affected.

There are not many people with fawn, but all of them are elites.

Jing Rui introduces Jing Zhi to the public, which makes him familiar with these forces.

Andrew had fallen into his hands, and he would deprive him of his power one by one.

It won't be long before he can take over this huge organization!

But he can't live in North America all year round. Jing Zhi is a good candidate. With fawn, the vitality of the killer organization will soon recover.

After getting on the car, when there are only three of them, Jing Rui says faintly, "ah Zhi, how about you control the future of the killer organization?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!